I'll keep adding feature request in this thread if i think of more features which will make ur mod more beautiful. 
1. Grab image form external site while creating quiz
this will be very useful for those who want to create picture quiz..i can also use it for spot case diagnosis by image only quiz, and i just need to enter url ending with .jpg and it'll show that need to upload..
2. Explaination box - besides questions, options, correct answer, there shd be box to add explaination , and it'll be visible to users after taking quiz. certain usergroup cant view explaination, those who score below certain marks cant view explaination.
You can check for explaination issue too..they r showing it in very nice way..
3. i thought images of answers are for correct answer only, so i uploaded images for correct answers in my quiz and now any member can answer quiz as only correct answer has image..
i request u to add option to show image of correct answer after user take quiz not while taking quiz..
while taking quiz also we can have images, but wht i want is images after taking quiz..
4. email a quiz - we shd be able to send email to multiple emails ids or atleast 5 email ids at by one is very boring..
5. time limit shd be in minute also if possible..
bcz i had test of 3 hours, so it'll be 4+ digits in second..
6. showing % rounded in round figure.. it shd show accurate % in xx.yy% digit.. (eg. i had 5/8 correct questions and it was showing 63% while it shd be 62.5%..) each mark matters..
7. User who has taken quiz shd be able to see his answer after completing quiz and any time after that. Certain usergroup cant see answer or can see answer but cant see explaination. both option in admincp shd be there..
8. 3." Taken History "
it shd also show username who have taken well as top "x" results username..rightnow it's visible only if we click on quiz option and "entries"
9. integration with infopanel plugin as well as cyb-top "x" forum stats, vbexperience..
special request:
think and work out specially for add question,option,answer,explaination's major thing i want , otherwise np..

1. Grab image form external site while creating quiz
this will be very useful for those who want to create picture quiz..i can also use it for spot case diagnosis by image only quiz, and i just need to enter url ending with .jpg and it'll show that need to upload..
2. Explaination box - besides questions, options, correct answer, there shd be box to add explaination , and it'll be visible to users after taking quiz. certain usergroup cant view explaination, those who score below certain marks cant view explaination.
You can check for explaination issue too..they r showing it in very nice way..
3. i thought images of answers are for correct answer only, so i uploaded images for correct answers in my quiz and now any member can answer quiz as only correct answer has image..

i request u to add option to show image of correct answer after user take quiz not while taking quiz..
while taking quiz also we can have images, but wht i want is images after taking quiz..
4. email a quiz - we shd be able to send email to multiple emails ids or atleast 5 email ids at by one is very boring..
5. time limit shd be in minute also if possible..
bcz i had test of 3 hours, so it'll be 4+ digits in second..
6. showing % rounded in round figure.. it shd show accurate % in xx.yy% digit.. (eg. i had 5/8 correct questions and it was showing 63% while it shd be 62.5%..) each mark matters..

7. User who has taken quiz shd be able to see his answer after completing quiz and any time after that. Certain usergroup cant see answer or can see answer but cant see explaination. both option in admincp shd be there..
8. 3." Taken History "
it shd also show username who have taken well as top "x" results username..rightnow it's visible only if we click on quiz option and "entries"
9. integration with infopanel plugin as well as cyb-top "x" forum stats, vbexperience..
special request:
think and work out specially for add question,option,answer,explaination's major thing i want , otherwise np..
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