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After I upgraded to 1.0.4 the automatic sitemap generation has not worked.

On Monday I installed the update. Ran it manually Monday night to confirm it would automatically pick up all my custom urls and all seemed to be fine.

The only setting changes I made were to:
1) Set sitemap run time to 04:00
2) Set Automatic update Freq to Daily
3) Set Automatic Import Priority Range to 0.8-1.0

All other settings remained the same.

I noticed that the DBSEO Sitemap cron job is currently showing a time of midnight to be run.

After other DBSEO version upgrades it usually skipped one day before the automatic sitemap generation kicked back in but it's been 4 days now, so there is an issue somewhere.
I made a hotfix to /dbtech/dbseo/cron/sitemap.php, this should correct this issue :)
I am unable to find any issues with the sitemap generation at this time.

You can test this manually by setting the generation time to the current hour (server time) and manually running the cron job. It should print "dbtech_dbseo_custom_0.xml" if the first stage of the cron job ran successfully.
Getting this when attempting to manually run the cron job, whether the hour is set for current or not:

#1 : vbstop() called in [path]/dbtech/dbseo/cron/sitemap.php on line 39
#2 : include_once([path]/dbtech/dbseo/cron/sitemap.php) called in [path]/***admincp***/cronadmin.php on line 116
Looks like it's getting closer. I set the sitemap to run automatically and at the given hour it cleared the old sitemap files but did not run. Now when I check it by running it manually through the cron job I get this:

An automatic sitemap build is not scheduled yet. If you wish to build the sitemap, you must change the automatic build frequency in the options or build it manually.

I went to the options page (through the link provided) and resaved the options. Option for "Days" is set to 1. Reran still same message.

Since the cron job cleared my sitemap (so now now none existed) I had to go ahead and run it manually through the "Build Sitemap" link in the DBSEO AdminCP. This ran fine, like it has been.
There is definitely still an issue here. I woke up this morning to check if the sitemap ran and it must of attempted to because all the old sitemap sections had been deleted and the directory was empty. I believe the issue may lie with the sitemap frequency setting. When testing last night I was able to get the cron job to run manually with a setting of "0" for "Generation Frequency (Days)". But any setting other than that and it would not. For some reason it appears that the frequency (days) or runtime (hour) is currently not getting correctly passed to the automatic generation process and it is hanging.

Suggestion/Request: With the way the automatic generation process runs in parts it can currently take up to approximately 15+ minutes to complete the process of creating a new sitemap with all the different sections. Taking this into consideration and the possibility there could for unexpected reasons be an issue with the sitemap process not completing (like I had today). It may be better to just overwrite each sitemap section at the time that specific new section is created, instead of clearing all sitemap sections at the beginning of the process like it is doing currently. This way we are at least never left with sections missing and in my case today no sitemap at all for hours.
I've moved the time check to the sitemap file instead of the cron file, so that it only attempts to check whether the time is "legit" when it first initiates the sitemap session. This should mean that already initiated sitemap sessions will finish even if the hour bleeds over.
...I woke up this morning to check if the sitemap ran and it must of attempted to because all the old sitemap sections had been deleted and the directory was empty.

Still getting this same thing with 1.0.5. Sitemap attempts to automatically run but just gets as far as deleting old files and no new ones are created. Had to manually build it again.
Reuploaded. It appears to now not be clearing the sitemap, but it still won't run through the cron job.

I get:
An automatic sitemap build is not scheduled yet. If you wish to build the sitemap, you must change the automatic build frequency in the options or build it manually.

I'm not sure how it is all coded. I built the sitemap earlier today manually, so that may be stopping the cron job from running again today. I'll report back tomorrow on whether it runs on its own or not.
When testing and trying to run the cron job manually, why does this message popup:


even if I have this in the settings:


It seems that the issue for me revolves around the "days" setting. It doesn't matter whether I set it to 0, 1 or 50 when running the cron job manually I'm always getting the popup message saying I "must change the build frequency". I assume when the automated cron job tries to run it hits the same message/issue.
Did you adjust the sitemap cron job build time setting to the current hour (server time) as discussed previously before attempting a manual cron job build?

The error message is the same as the message you'd get with the frequency setting.

i have the same issue.
The site settings are default (05:00 am) but no sitemap was created.
If i start it manually i get the error message that a sitemap build session is active...

i hope you can help?

best regards
That most likely means that not enough people has visited your site to create the cron job. If the session started, it will continue presuming enough people visit the forum to run the cron job.

on my site today was over 2000 visitor (not bots or so) but the same error.

I did this just checked again. With a current time and currently 15 online users. The same problem for 30 minutes. After that I created the sitemap manually.

Sorry my english is not so good.
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