
  1. Vcize

    Question Emailing a large userbase

    I am hosting a forum on my server. The forum has 42,000 members. We've made some recent changes to the site and I would like to email my member base and tell them about the changes, welcoming those that have gone inactive back to the site. Is it safe to send out an email to that many members...
  2. Batskes

    What forum software have you used?

    Hey all. Just thought I might post a few Forum Based topics for discussion here at DBTech :) If threads not wanted, just tell me to stop! What forum software have you used. What do you like? Quick Pro's and Cons vBulletin 3, 4 and 5 I've been using vBulletin for countless years now. Pro's -...
  3. Jrr Kein

    Question Adding monster problem!!

    Hello I'm new. Whenever i do trying to add monster regardless I add Mother: 50 Father: 50 combine + choose = 0 Mother: 25 Father: 25 Combine: 25 Choose: 25. I always get this error message Can anyone help a newbie no this one
  4. S

    Bug Product Import Failure and Big Board Questions

    Hello, First of all, I want to say that I've very impressed with the operation you guys have going here. Great products and everything seems to be run in a professional manner. Compared to the typical service you get with a lot of vB mods, this is a breath of fresh air. Anyways, I'm working on...
  5. P

    Bug Email lists do not show usergroup permissions configuration table

    I'm interested in the pro version, but I need to know if compatibility with 3.7.3 is posible. Trying to configure an email list I can't see the check boxes to configure usergroups involved Thanks in advance
  6. bzcomputers

    Question ? about Nav Manager links and admincp setting for downloads filename

    I noticed that the Nav Manager links seem to be hardcoded to vbdownloads.php. If I have a different setting for filename in the admincp settings (for example downloads.php) can this be phrased to automatically change the Nav Manager links? Also even though "File Name" was set as downloads.php...
  7. twolegit

    Bug download delay

    since the upgrade to 1.3.8 no usergroup that has a download delay set (admincp) can download anything, the counter goes down then stops at 0 and nothing happens. I just removed the delay for the time being so no big issue but would like it to work at some point. this is more of a heads up and...
  8. F

    Bug Cannot download Uploaded Files

    Hey there, so I have just installed your "[DBTech] vBDownloads v1.3.8 [Lite]" on my forum and everything seems to work well other than the actual downloads themselves. I can easily upload a file and if I check on the server it comes up as uploaded, once I try to download it this is what I get...
  9. DoumDoum5058

    Bug Problem with navbar menu and vBAdvanced links menu

    Hi, we use on our site vBDownload and vBAdvanced Links directory. URL to vBDownload : Portail Soudeurs.com - Site Technique francophone de référence du soudeur URL to vBAdvacend Links Directory : Annuaire spécialisé When we go to the vBAdvanced Directory, we have a problem with the menu in...
  10. Morrus

    Bug Advanced Results Generator: javascript to add variable values does not work

    I'm trying to add an advanced results generator question. Aside from the fact that it's incomprehensible, I think I'm getting there. I've attached a screenshot, since it's tough to explain these things! I see dropdowns with my results in with empty parenthesis next to them. When I choose an...
  11. S

    Bug after 3.0.0b2 error when previewing the forumdisplay

    after the update 3.0.0b2, the folowing error shows when previewing the "forumdisplay" pages.. . . . . . . Database error in vBulletin 3.8.7: Invalid SQL: SELECT IF(votenum >= 1, votenum, 0) AS votenum, IF(votenum >= 1 AND votenum > 0, votetotal / votenum, 0) AS voteavg...
  12. Aljuve

    Is there a version of this product to version 3.8 ؟

    Is there a version of this product to version 3.8 ? vBGallery is Great product I want it in my site , version 3.8.7
  13. H

    Bug Not usable - Causes Threads To Disappear

    Not sure what to say. I installed this thing to promote an event coming up and it starts hiding threads in all of my sub forums. You have to completely uninstall it for the threads to reappear.
  14. W

    Does vBNominate runs in vBulletin 3.8x?

    Hi, Does vBNominate Pro runs in a vBulletin ver 3.8.x? If so, can you give us discount if we will purchase an additional 6 licenses? Looking forward with your response. Sincerely, Aner
  15. R

    Question VB 3.8.7 Custom theme

    I am wanting to know where I enter the custom code in the template for it to work on my vbadvanced. I added to forumhome and nothing. I added the code in the navbar template nothing. Any tips on how I get it to work on my custom theme.
  16. S

    Bug error shows when choosing [Activity Feed] option

    Activity Feed option dosn't work the error is: Database error in vBulletin 3.8.7: Invalid SQL: SELECT pointslog.*, user.* , avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar, customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline, customavatar.width AS avwidth, customavatar.height...
  17. angeljs

    Question Where to download

    Where can I download the latest version for 3.8? Does it have categories, like the vB4 version?
  18. W

    Question Shoutbox location

    I want to change the shout box location after/below the welcome note and notice box. How can I do it, please help.
  19. CharlieDelta

    Bug Third Navbar Added on misc.php Pages

    I am testing out the 4.2 navtabs on my test site and a third navbar is added on all misc.php pages. It is working great on all other pages.
  20. xorex

    vBForms for vBulletin 3.8.x

    Any chance of release vBForms for vBulletin 3.8.x in the future ? Thanks