
  1. N

    at a loss of which sb to get

    i really am at a loss as to which shout box to get. reinstalled the dragonbytes lite version, but need to be able to make the font bigger (older members cant see tiny font) and i think theres more bells and whistles on the paid version. im on vb 3.8.6 currently but will probably upgrade at...
  2. G

    Bug Very slow query

    I've been going through our slow queries today and this one accounts for 20% of them: ______________________________________________________________________ 001 ___ Count : 163 (20.10%) Time : 475 s total, 2.91411 s avg, 2 s to 7 s max (17.18%) 95% of Time : 423 s total...
  3. P

    Question How can I apply the shoutbox to every page of forums?

    Do I use the instance var on the right pages in the right places? thread display and stuff right? Under nav bar? Not sure of the complete code and don't want to muck something up. Thanks :)
  4. O

    Bug Vbulletin 3.6.9 mysql error at install

    Hello, i am trying to install tagging on a vbulletin3.6 but I get this mysql error when I try to install it: Thank you for your help Database error in vBulletin 3.6.9: Created Table: dbtech_usertag_mention Created Table: dbtech_usertag_tag Altered Table: administrator Altered Table: user...
  5. W

    Legacy How do I hide the thank/like bar when no thanks has been given

    this post shows how to do it in 3.8 but I need the 4.1 version any chance of getting this done in a future update and or posting how to for the current version? thanks!
  6. H

    Legacy Sidebar integration with Live Feed

    First off, thank you for making this mod available on 3.8 for those of us who are yet to upgrade to vb4. Since there is no sidebar in vb3, is it possible to implement this Live Wall within this sidebar mod? - Sidebar Column - vBulletin.org Forum Thank you
  7. FreshFroot

    vB3 to vB4 mods

    This is more of a general question. But, how does say upgrading to vB3 -> vB4 work in terms of your mods? In other words how would I upgrade your mods to use the vB4 type? Is there any upgrade script or would I simple download the vB4 version and overwrite my vB3 plugin with it? Just wanting...
  8. C

    Bug IE users reporting very sluggish chat

    Users are reporting chat being sluggish with IE. I noticed when I updated chat to the most recent last weekend that the tabs also stopped working on mobile devices. Both of these were issues that were resolved in previous versions (6.01-.02). I can't help but wonder if maybe some old code got...
  9. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug getimagesize issues with Slider version 1.07

    I just updated Slider on my website and been getting this error all of a sudden wasn't there before... Warning: getimagesize(http://xbox360media.ign.com/xbox360/image/object/142/14235014/masseffect3_120310_176.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: A connection attempt failed...
  10. Sunka

    Bug Database error in AdminCP

    Same problem discribed in this thread. When tried to install this MOD, when click in AdminCP to install MOD product xml file shows this vBulletin database error. I can not go back to AdminCP any more. I have tried disabling my modifications/plugins by editing includes/config.php but still same...
  11. SteveRobWhatever

    Legacy How do I move the "Invite Members To Check Out This Thread" to after the first post?

    How do I move the "Invite Members To Check Out This Thread" to after the first post? What do I need to edit to move the "Invite Members To Check Out This Thread" box from the top of the first post in a thread to under the first post in a thread on the first page of a thread?
  12. Golden Willy

    vBShout v5.4.8 (Pro)

    Hi, I would like to purchase vBShout v5.4.8 (Pro), however, the problemo is this. We are running on vB 3.6.7 and cannot upgrade because we have a lot of special modifications that cannot be re-transplanted if we did upgrade. Is it possible for this vBShout v.5.4.8 to work with a 3.6.7 and...
  13. G

    Bug Notification Settings don't save

    Hide Achievement Notifications Hides newly aquired Achievements from the forum notifications system. Hide Achievements from notifications Hide Trophy Notifications Hides newly aquired Trophies from the forum notifications system. Hide Trophies from notifications Hide Award Notifications Hides...
  14. D

    Bug Blank page on vbmail.php

    I got a blank page when I try to access vbmail.php. display_errors are on error_reporting is E_ALL PHP version is 5.3.8-1~dotdeb.2 On other sites error_reporting is working, but not on vbmail.php.
  15. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug VB Arcade issues with IE9 Tiny Game Boxes

    Hello been having users complaining about the arcade games in IE9 being way too tiny... Checked it myself and they are super tiny! Everything works fine in Chrome and Firefox so I am sure it just needs some code to make it work fine with IE9...
  16. billwill

    Question PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded

    Things were fine until today when my forum page went blank and was inaccesible. Found this error: PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/blooming/public_html/forum/dbtech/credits/credits_core.php on line 480 Disabled credits, and now things are fine. I am...
  17. Y

    Question Add vbshout on a custom page

    I had a Coder Make me a custom page and he can make vbshout work on it "is not working even after we tried with replacing our template code with the hole "forumdisplayhome" the CSS is included OK but the code itself no" how do we fix this problem?
  18. Bravo

    Bug Clean Up Installation Directory

    Not having a "install" directory give his error on top of the Security Recommendation page. Warning: scandir(/home/*/public_html/vb/install) [function.scandir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/*/public_html/vb/dbtech/vbsecurity/actions/admin/security.php on line 180...
  19. R

    Ajax Moderation

    You guys should build a better ajax-ed moderation system where moderators can easily do post/thread level moderation - - Delete post - View all posts by user - Ban user - Move thread - Edit post/subject line These are the most used moderation tools and it's a bit cumbersome to do it via the...
  20. meijin

    Bug Site totally hosed when I installed this mod

    Today I downloaded and installed 2.0.2 of this mod on my 3.8.7 forum, which had been running fine. Now my site is totally hosed and I cannot get into it at all. Here is the error I get at the top of the page: Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result set in...