advanced post thanks

  1. S

    Bug Thanks (Received) = zero after convert from Abe mod (thanksimport.php)

    I have same problem Thanks Given are imported Thanks Received = zero (not imported) (Thanks Received) is always zero even after rebuild statistics When a user gave me a new "thanks" then the count started from zero (Thanks Received=1) I think we need to update the file thanksimport.php
  2. G

    Thread, Topic, Blog etc of the Week/Month

    This was made for vB3, however there has never been a v4 version released. It basically implemented a button on the bottom of the first post that allowed a user to Nominate that thread. The Mo also created a thread in a specified section showing a poll of nominated threads and automatically...
  3. A

    price hack thank expensive!

    Hi, I wanted to buy the hack again but when I saw that for three months it would cost me 30 euros with 5 euros in VAT, I found it very expensive, Then tell me why not take a lifetime license? yes but it cost me 60 euros with taxes and that I am unable to offer me at once, I find your products...
  4. T

    Question Double post

    This problem is for the AJAX Threads How do I fix this guys? Thanks.
  5. DxtGaming

    Advanced Post Thanks / Like Suggestion

    If it is possible it would be nice to be able to import thanks from other mods and add them in this one then we can removed the old one as this one [AJAX] Post Thank You Hack - Forum I think it would be nice because if we start by another one we can't really switch of thank mod...
  6. G

    Question Can't install the Vbshop

    when i upload the upload folder to forum root then browse the plugin then click import but it said /home/infini22/public_html/dbtech/usertag/includes/class_install.php appears to be missing! may some one help me please?
  7. M

    Vbactivity & Awards Version 2 vs. vB Shop V2

    Currently I'm leaning towards purchasing Vbactivity, but have some questions regarding it. I have an established forum so can I set the start date in awarding points whenever? Also when someone cashes in his or her points do the points automatically go away? Meaning since they cashed out on...
  8. C

    [DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks Like v1.1.8

    Hi im thinking about getting this mod. Is it possible to have the box when posting an attachment that you have to click to have it auto enabled so users can just post and not have to click and all be hidden auto. Also is it possible to have certain user groups that can see the files without...
  9. S

    Thankyou Button

    Now i dont know if i was seeing things or i have just seen this elsewhere but doesn't the Thankyou button come with the standard vBulletin 4. If so how do i enable it as it is no where to be found on my forum as im pretty sure i seen it integrated prior to some so called web dev messed...
  10. J

    Bug shoutbox not displaying after update

    Hi since updating advanced post thanks pro 1.18 my pro version of vbshout is not showing unless i disable the thanks mod
  11. skylab

    Bug Paid Subscription in vBulletin does not with with vBMail enabled

    I run a Paid Subscription forum on vBulletin. Users use the vBulletin built-in subscription option. I have only Paypal enabled. The way I have it setup: Once a user pays for a subscription, the user is moved into another usergroup. The issue: vBulletin isn't able to retrieve the information...
  12. H

    Advanced Post Thanks/Likes Question

    I have been using the Post Thanks Hack for quiet a while now and it is no longer supported, but your plug-in is. I have the lite version installed, but understand that if I pay the 3 months $19.95 price here, I can access a converter to move over the stats from the other plug-in. My question...
  13. C

    Question Tutorial for vBulletin 3.8 Professional version

    Hello, first of all thank for your this hack. It's great. But, because there is a "but", the documentation is... not ^^. Fortunately there is this forum, but the information are everywhere so it takes time to collect them. The purpose of this post is to put them together. And only for vBulletin...
  14. N

    Legacy Contest lacking some critical features!

    Ohhh, Nooooo :( I must say that I agree with other members here who bought this mod in order for them to have contests and now that feature is lacking in some basic options. Being a admin I have searched for nice mode which will have contest option, so I bought life-time membership, because I...
  15. Valcav

    Legacy An little error in the manual?

    Hi, I think there are 2 small errors in the manual... In "Post Install Tips & Tricks" => "Preventing DragonByte Tech Products Duplicating Content" • Settings > Options > DragonByte Tech: Advanced User Tagging - General Options o Manual Postbit Deployment ▪ Select “No” to remove • Settings >...
  16. S

    DragonByte Tech. The best mod supporters for vbulletin you’ll ever find.

    My forum started almost as instantly as I bought these mods. They were both in at pretty much the beginning. The biggest benefit of purchasing dbtech mods is their support. I can’t stay enough about their support in comparison to everything else out there. They are, by far, the FASTEST when...
  17. Force

    Question some questions

    Can Require Click Button Exclusivity (Pro) Integrate Action Buttons Manual Postbit Deployment can you explain these options
  18. djFarsang

    Question Upgraded to vb4.1.4 PL1 ENG and Thai Lang of Activities disappeared

    After upgraded to vb4.1.4 PL1 make ENG and Thai Lang of Activities disappeared such as: dbtech_vbactivity_condition_perthanksgiven dbtech_vbactivity_condition_perthanksreceived dbtech_vbactivity_condition_perdislikesgiven dbtech_vbactivity_condition_perdislikesreceived...
  19. X

    vBShout Pro Does it auto active

    Hello, if i buy vBShout Pro Does it auto active or i have to wait
  20. J

    Bug Unable to uninstall DragonByte Tech: Advanced Post Thanks / Like (Pro)

    im trying to uninstall this product and it just returns a blank page.