advanced post thanks

  1. D19RNY

    Legacy New feature

    Hey guys Im still loving the mod ;) I wanted to know if it was possible to add a thread if it has been recommended (recommended is a button I added) more then 10x to a new forum. Ie. in my general section I have Recommended threads and that contains threads that have been recommended via the...
  2. C

    Question HIDE not working

    I have installed the plugin but the hide option isnt working at all. When I use the hide tags, it doesn't hide anything.
  3. mrderanged

    Advanced Post Thanks / Like Limits?

    Hey Guys, Interested in purchasing the thanks / like mod, but I was wondering if there is any way to limit the amount of thanks / likes / dislikes a user can give on a time basis? ex.: usergroup a can give 5 likes per 24 hrs usergroup b can give 5 thanks & 5 likes per 24 hrs usergroup c can...
  4. GoodApples

    Testing Official 4.1.4

    Took the plunge and updated to the official 4.1.4 :p
  5. R

    Question PM's not working & Admin panel for mods?

    Hello, I've installed vbshout lite 5.4.4, and things are running fairly smoothly. Just a couple questions: 1. Why is the Admin panel only showing up for the main administrator? I.e...No other admins or mods can view the DBTech - vbshout tab in the vbulletin admin panel. Is there a place I can...
  6. AttalaEA

    Question How I remove DragonByte Tech from settings of postbit?

    Please in the front end of my website in the postbit tabs settting in all the options Dragonbyte Tech appears in all options: This setting lets you set the background colour of the postbit tabs. Please only use Hex (#000000) or HTML Colours (red). User Info Enter the display order for the tab...
  7. Dutch_Boy

    Bug Internal Server Error :(

    Hello, If just installed the lite version of thanks mod. But when someone hits the thanks of dislike button the text Internal Server Error is showed :( When i refresh the page it will show that i hit the thanks or dislike button. Hope this can be fixed. Kind regards, Dutch_Boy.
  8. T

    Advanced Post Thanks / Like Pro

    Hi before buying this product I'd like to know if this can apply to every single post like mode "hack thanh you"? Thanks and waiting for your reply.
  9. AttalaEA

    Bug The Buttons doesn't appear in my threads

    Hello I installed advanced post thanks but the buttons doesn't appear in the threads.
  10. Ozzy47

    Dragonbyte Technologies Lite vs Pro Differences

    Since I have seen alot of members ask the differences between like and pro versions I thought I would put them all together. vBShout v5 Complete Feature List Lite Shoutbox Post Shouts Edit / Delete Shouts PM other users PM tabs for convo between two users View Active Users Separate...
  11. McAtze

    German Advanced Post Thanks/Like

    Wer Fehler findet oder Verbesserungen hat, bitte hier posten damit alle was davon haben. Who find mistakes or have Improvements, please post it so all have a benefit.
  12. Fabio Bettega

    Advanced Post Thanks / Like + Sphinx Search

    I`m interested in the Advanced Post Thanks / Like product, but I`m using the Sphinx Search from digitalpoint. The Advanced Post Thanks / Like is compatible with the Sphinx Search?
  13. ski-whiz

    Mobile Suite doesn't work with the hacks/addons.

    I have quite a few mods from here. Paid and lite versions. Currently I have vbshop, credits II, Thanks, and I think some more. I have built the android app, and have it published in their market. However when I use it to browse my site/threads, I can only enter some threads. The rest of the...
  14. McAtze

    Bug Style Issue in the Sidebar

    Hi, i have installed the vBDownloads and i have a style problem with the sidebar. :mad: Can someone help me? :(
  15. D19RNY

    Bug A little bug in the Admincp

    Hey Guys the settings link in the Admincp takes me to Advanced post Thanks/Likes settings Admincp>DBTech - InfoPanels>Settings>Advanced post Thanks/Likes settings. Nothing major but my first ever bug find :D
  16. O

    Question New Version

    Hello, With reference to your email below. I have the pro lifetime license with free lifetime updates for Advanced User Tagging. (L.BRAND.USERTAG.1271VIN00AU But, it says below "Advanced user Tagging will be going up in price next friday, so now is a good time to purchase...
  17. daddybird292

    New Product suggestion

    Hey DB-Tech = love your products! One suggestion for a future product: a super ranking/icon plugin. I'll do my best to explain. Maybe VB can already do this - but it sure isn't evident to me. If I could hand out ranks/groups/awards/buffs in unique ways that stack on one another. For example...
  18. I

    Question Download only readme.txt

    Hi, I've purchased advanced post thanks/like, but get only the readme.txt for branding free license to download. Please can someone answer of my pre-sales question? Thanks
  19. S

    Question A Couple Questions I Have

    I have Advanced Post Thanks / Like (Pro) 1.0.1 installed on my forum and im trying to figure out how to add a custom thanks button. How would I do that? Also how would I make it to were if some one "Thanks" a post that user that got thanked receives +Rep based on the user that thanked him is...
  20. H

    Question When do I receive after buy this product?

    Hello, I've just bought Advanced Post Thanks/Line Pro, but I'm not still receive confirm mail or product. How long does it take? Thank you.