
  1. IcEWoLF

    Bug database error

    I am getting this error on a daily basis and not sure how to fix this. Database error in vBulletin 4.1.12: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO dbtech_vbanalytics_tracking_forums (forumid, posts, threads, visits, bounces, pageviews, landings, referrals, conversions, dateline) VALUES (0, 39698...
  2. zaito

    Bug xFAvatar Error

    Hello, On my first attemp to install the xFAvatar i get this error on all the site: Fatal error: Call to undefined method XenForo_Application::getOptions() in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 14 Error log shows this: 1335636273...
  3. Taurus

    Question Rotating nominations?

    I really dont understand how these current rotations is working. I created them last month, and they are now after they finished not active? How does this work, is it not suppose to be active every month?
  4. angus

    Legacy Integration to Copyright Management

    I´ll be happy if you could integrate this new mod to the existing dbtech Copyright Management.
  5. B

    Question Settings

    Hello, I just purchased/instaled vbmail Im not a noob but yet, yes I am lol. I mostly purchased this to collect the bouncing emails so it would stop crashing my forum but the setting up email part has me so confused. Do I just creat an email from the server then add it to the settings and I...
  6. Neo_Angelo

    Bug Possible bug when adding new catagory

    I get the following error when trying to add a catagory (please note its VERY long and i had to chop a lot of the code out) Fatal error: Field active is not defined in $validfields in class Avatars_DataManager_Category in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 515 #0 vb_error_handler(256, Field...
  7. B

    Bug Optimising a query

    Been getting a lot of hangs on the website for the last few months - so I've been collecting data in the slowqueries log. A few crop up, however nothing really serious except this one: # Query_time: 61.015625 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 139036 SET timestamp=1331681918...
  8. Valcav

    Question DragonByte Tech: vBAnalytics - Session Tracker (Scheduled Task Manager)

    In the Scheduled Task Manager, there are standing 2 tasks for vBAnalytics... "DragonByte Tech: vBAnalytics - Session Tracker" & "DragonByte Tech: vBAnalytics - Analytics Tracker" When clicking on "Run Now" for "DragonByte Tech: vBAnalytics - Analytics Tracker", the next page shows: When...
  9. GoodApples

    Bug White page

    I am having a little problem when I click on the navtab to see the forum live feed I am getting a white page. I have not figure it out yet as it may be a conflict, display order...etc. Anyone else getting a white page?
  10. Alan_SP

    Legacy Automatic adding of default subscribed users to mailing lists keeping them current

    Now we could set that certain usergroup(s) is automatically subscribed to mailing list when we created it, but this wouldn't automatically affect new changes that develop over time. For example, new registered users wouldn't receive mail unless we go to admincp and change status od default...
  11. Alan_SP

    Question How to setup bounce mail correctly?

    I'm testing this and sending mail works fine, but a bit slow (I wait for few minutes for mail to arrive, but this is ok). The thing is, how can I check my settings for bounce mail? What I did is this: I have dedicated server with Plesk. I created special mail account for bounced mail, and I...
  12. Sunka

    Bug Database error in AdminCP

    Same problem discribed in this thread. When tried to install this MOD, when click in AdminCP to install MOD product xml file shows this vBulletin database error. I can not go back to AdminCP any more. I have tried disabling my modifications/plugins by editing includes/config.php but still same...
  13. kfyonur

    Question can you show me a screen shot ?

    i couldn't find Daily Cleanup in scheduled task manager.Can you show me a screen shot pls ? I found only hourly clean
  14. D

    Bug Cron: Call to undefined function imap_open()

    I have never installed or bought a so much buggy addon. Crontab: DragonByte Tech: vBMail - Collect Bounced Mail Fatal error: Call to undefined function imap_open() in /dbtech/vbmail/includes/class_imap.php on line 91
  15. D

    Bug E-Mail aren't sent

    Another problem with vBMail. Now I have created a mailing list and subscribed 3 test accounts. In the bounce settings I have filled in the imap settings, but I think it's not required to sent emails? I go to vbmail.php and create a new mail. But the mails don't arrived me. Info: The mails of...
  16. C

    Legacy Automatic index checking and restoration

    I think your security mod would be even better if you could have it run checks of active files against versions stored off site for unauthorized changes. Here is a blog discussing it: Protect your web pages – automagically with perl | Grey Fuzz Then, if an unauthorized change occurs the file...
  17. J

    Bug MySQL Errors a plenty

    Greetings, I am installing the Lite version of this mod on a fresh install of 4.1.7pl2. I am receiving the following MySQL errors: Instance 1 Database error in vBulletin 4.1.7: Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET dbtech_vbactivity_excluded_tmp =...
  18. R

    Legacy Make this real time button - or intelligent selective real time

    Hi Fillip, To help reduce the server load on can you create a button saying "Make this real time" when a users makes a quickreply and only when you a certain percentage of users participating in the thread are "online"? This will make sure that real time updates are initiated by real members who...
  19. R

    Bug Overload?

    dbtech_vbshop_bank 343,0 KB 238,0 KB 233,4 KB 233KB OverLoad is normal ?
  20. Valcav

    need help... cron-job MySQL

    Situation: (I have currently 2 (web)servers (both linux)) Server1 has MySQL databaseA (gaa_phpbb3) Server2 has MySQL databaseB (op_oldtdo) & a databaseC (op_newsite) (gaa_phpbb3 & op_oldtdo are fictive names, just to show how the database-names +- look like...) Server1 runs our current website...