
  1. neounix

    Bug <meta name="description" content=" is a member of ..... View 's

    Hey! Experimenting with the meta data feature, we see an issue with the members profiles: <meta name="description" content=" is a member of the Test Forums. View 's profile."/> looks like the username is not being correct put in the preg_replace() for the members meta description.
  2. neounix

    Legacy Hook in class_core.php for extra keyword processing

    Hi. We hard coded this before: $_keyWords = strtolower($_keyWords); //neo extra just before: $content = preg_replace('#(<meta name="keywords".*?content=)"#is', '$1"' . $_keyWords . ',', $content); Do you mind to add two hooks in this file? One hook before this the preg_replace() for meta...
  3. B

    Question Need some help - make xml file

    Hello Got some nice moods and will share here ... Need some help to make "status-export (import)" xml file for those moods. regards bosss
  4. H

    Question enable administrator

    acp says Sorry, you don't have permission to access the administrative controls on this page. If you need to access this page, ask your lead administrator to enable your permissions for this page. helpp
  5. Jennifer Anderson Marx

    Advanced Post Thanks / Like Issue

    I am interested in purchasing Advanced Post Thanks / Like for my installation of vBulletin 3.8.7 I installed the version at -- [DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3 (vB3) [AJAX] - Forum -- first to evaluate it. I followed the installation directions in readme.txt...
  6. Adam H

    DBSEO Case studies ? Any for a read ?

    Im interested to see some case studies if possible of owners who are willing to share some data in regards to improvements either in performance , indexing or traffic increases or indeed if anyone has endured looses of traffic , page views etc. Im keen on trying it but i cant see my self...
  7. bzcomputers

    Legacy Increase SEO by adding additional meta tags to page header.

    I currently modify the dbtech_downloads template to increase SEO. I change this: To this: What I'd like to do is be able to add the category description / file description (first 150 chars) into the description tags for their appropriate pages in order to make all the tags unique. Are...
  8. S

    Classifieds v1.0.0b13 bug fixed and report

    in dbtech_classifieds_feedback_list_bit image icons fixed <tr> <td class="blockrow"> <a href="dbtclassifieds.php?do=listing&action=viewlisting&listingitemid={vb:raw listing.listingitemid}"> <vb:if condition="$listing['attachmentid']">...
  9. neounix

    Bug DBSEO Stop Words Not Working Properly

    HI. We currently are seeing a problem with Stop Words. For example: We see the "and" stop word in both [thread-title] and [forum-title] (above) FYI, the format for...
  10. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta8: Sitemap: vBDownloads Settings - not a bug just odd wording

    The wording kind of threw me off initially on the options circled below. I assume they mean "If yes, includes the Download Category URLS / Download URLS in the sitemap." Will this also submit the rewritten downloads root? example:
  11. M

    Dropbox Integration

    Hello, Our company works with large video files from CCTV systems. My clients need an easy way to upload videos to me for analysis. I've been looking for a way to use Dropbox within vBulletin. I'm sure everyone is familiar with Here are some highlights: Create there own user...
  12. L

    Legacy Various Requests

    Hi Would be nice to see some features vbSEO supports 1.) Enable Adsense Section Targeting? BETA Select "Yes" to add Google AdSense section tags to relevant parts of your forum pages within forumhome, forumdisplay and showthread. 2.) Option to rewrite the Archive 3.) Relevant Replacements, is...
  13. XGC Paravain

    Question Giving Credit Twice For One Event

    I am noticing I noticed yesterday when Dragon Byte got Interest 2 times I didn't think to much about it till I noticed a new member just registered got Welcome Credit 2 times for 208 Credits not sure if this is a bug or just a simple setting.
  14. V

    Legacy Wishlist to 1.0.12 Beta

    Hi ! 11 Beta - best product, however, there are some nuances. 1. Conditions Manager - not order values 2. Manage Option - still not editable title 3. not comment on someone else's Item 4. not parsed Youtube link in to Description and Note 5. Random Order Options / Specifications 6...
  15. GoodApples

    Legacy Sellers Other Items - Location items

    It's most likely my screen resolution or the main image size but I'm left with some white space. Perhaps we can add a couple of options for the Sellers Other Items Under main attachment images Or Horizontal above description & postage ...or better under everything ...I think that would be...
  16. J

    Legacy Googler about description tag

    I've stubmled today on a post about description tags. Google's seo specialist says in the video, that it's better not to have a description tag than to use a generic "sitewide" one. I think this might be of use in dbseo Google: Unique Meta Descriptions Or Not Descriptions At All
  17. Morrus

    Legacy Promote to download

    Don't worry; I'm sure I'll get bored of making these feature suggestions soon enough. I don't expect to see any of them! :) So my forum has thousands of posts with attachments in them which I now wish were in the downloads area. It would be handle if I could click an icon on a post. With an...
  18. F

    Question Private Downloads and Password Protection

    I have Allow Private Downloads and Allow Password Protection both set to NO. However the Add New Download page still shows those options available. Can I make those items disappear from the Add New Download page?
  19. T

    Bug Database error

    Ops posted too fast so edited. I just downloaded latest version of vbquiz but can't turn it on in user groups. I get this message every time I try: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: UPDATE usergroup SET ### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ### `title` =...
  20. Morrus

    Legacy Feature Requests....

    Here we go! A few things which would make my life easier! Allow entries to appear in multiple categories Category header layout (like the category/forum layout in the forums) Allow admins to change owner of a file or upload a file as another user (would help immenseley n my massive task of...