
  1. DoumDoum5058

    Question Function and syntax of Contest Banner (Full Size) and Contest Banner (Small Size)

    Hello, Can you explain me what is the function and the syntax of Contest Banner (Full Size) and Contest Banner (Small Size) Can you give me an example of displaying please ? Best regards
  2. Recep Baltaş

    Bug Screwed my database

    So ı have clicked on rebuild keyword database and it fucked my entire forum giving tons of database error. It is a small forum. IDK what the fuck gonna happen on a big board.! What the fuck man! Why don't you tell it is going to take so long. Fuck!
  3. S

    Question Access Donations from front end

    Hi I have installed and think setup vbdonate correctly, but how to I access it from the front end.
  4. H

    Bug Upload Issue

    I am experiencing a very frustrating problem as I attempt to load my new Downloads Department with content. When I choose the Upload File option, I get the information box. I type in a title, a description, and then choose the file(s) to add. Then I hit the upload button and the files show...
  5. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Notifications

    I know I read somewhere on here that you are working on notifications of some sort but I have a few feature requests.; Integration with vBShout. Ability to auto post in the forum of your choice when a new review is made. Integrations with vbNotifications??
  6. A

    Question How I add new Variables

    Hi, How I add new Variables for file poster image next to the current Variables I think it can be edit by class_core.php $conversions = array( '%name%' => $download['title'], '%shortdesc%' => strip_tags($download['shortdescription']), '%fulldesc%' => $download['description']...
  7. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Ability to Edit 'Type" When Editing Custom Fields

    Ability to Edit 'Type" When Editing Custom Fields & Add Description As heading states. And a description field for each custom field.
  8. V

    Question The side bar is not getting displayed

    Hi I am unable to make the 'side bar' blocks work - ask a question, unresolved questions. etc. I have created the side bar in the admin back end but they are not showing up on the front end. Am I missing something? Is there any permissions I need to set? Thanks
  9. bzcomputers

    Legacy Limit the description height to not exceed the thumbnail height

    I probably have an odd situation where many of my download descriptions contain a numbered list. This in turn creates many lines of text and not many characters. So, even with a low character preview length setting the description displayed can be awkwardly tall. For instance... Can you add...
  10. K

    Question Banned Usergroup

    I only want certain groups to be able to buy banners. So....I set in the usergroup area: Is Banned Group If yes, this usergroup cannot use the Forum Ads. I set it to YES.....but when I log in and try and use it......first I can still see works????? Should I still be able...
  11. CharlieDelta

    Bug Conflict With Other Mod Causing RTL On Redirects & Error Pages

    Hi Ozzy, There seems to be a conflict with your superpm mod and this mod, [Chris] Classifieds - Forum, that causes all redirect & error pages to display RTL. With superpm disabled and the other mod enabled everything is fine and visa versa. There may be a conflict with this mod as...
  12. K

    Question Keywords....I don't get it???

    OK...I think I have all my banners set up. Based totally on DAYS. NOW...I wanted to set up KEYWORDS...and if I'm understanding it correctly...the customer can pick the word they want and then bid on how much they are willing to pay to have that work linked to their URL. Am I understanding that...
  13. Baal

    Question How do i add more usergroups

    It says in the description that you can add other usergroups other than just admin and mods but im not seeing that option in the admincp. How do i do it,ozzy? lol And also, when does the notice go back to 0? I have read it with several test actts. and it still shows 1 after reading.
  14. K

    Question Some adjustments

    I want to make a few adjustment: 1. How do I make the banner that is under the NAV BAR "CENTERED" on the page? 2. My banner is not showing up under Header2.....I can get it to work on the NAV BAR but not header2....have any suggestions? I do have some various skins on my site...but the...
  15. skylab

    Legacy no-follow copyright link

    I'd prefer if your links were set to no-follow. They hurt my SEO (as well as yours) because it's sitewide. Seems like you've made the copyright links pretty hidden. How can I get the links nofollow? And/or can we remove the links but keep the copyright much like vBulletin allows?
  16. CharlieDelta

    Bug Reply To All Settings

    The mod description lists that there are settings to turn on/off the reply to all system among other options but I am not seeing this in the ACP. Is this a pro only option? The description leads me to believe it is not.
  17. CharlieDelta

    Bug Albums Not Displaying All Pictures

    I created a new album today and uploaded several pictures but for some strange reason not all pictures are showing in the album. Beauchene May 2013 - Archer & Angler All uploaded pictures are in the gallery and are showing the album in the description. Here is one of the photos in reference...
  18. Steris56

    Question Censor words

    I put this in yesterday and my question is this how do i do replacement words in the box in forum permissions when i hover over the box i get name="words[4]" i tried doing that and nothing happened in forum so i must be putting in wrong format or something also in usergroup manager...
  19. Steris56

    Question Attachments

    Hey Ozzy i have a mod for quick reply so i dont have to go to advanced in the editor the mod is called ( [CKEditor] MARCO1 Advanced Quick Reply And Edit ) well in the quick reply it has the paperclip for the attachments when you click it it does nothing what has to happen is you have to go to...
  20. D

    Question Precompleted new file description

    Hello, I want to have a semi completed description for members uploading new files. Similar to DB-tech's Post Templates but for Downloads. Is this possible to achieve? Can Post Templates be used ONLY within Downloads to achieve this?