
  1. GoodApples

    Legacy 3 Select Tab and Sideblock

    Similar to this request Friends Feed add a 3 select tab widget/block much like the vb Blog and also a regular sideblock. Could be used for info, images or ads etc.
  2. GoodApples

    Legacy Thanks/Like/Reply

    Okay, I may be way out in space and no way to return. :) What If... A request to have the ability to Thank/like and reply within the Live Feed.
  3. EasyEasy

    Question Post seperation

    Hello. Im currently running a couple of dark skins on the forum. The separator between the posts in the feed cannot or hardly been seen. Is there a way to change this in the css or is it something we need to request from yourself. Thanks in advance
  4. GoodApples

    Legacy My Time/ Feed

    User Activity Stream/Feed/Timeline (Inside Member Profiles) with it's own tab. Each users TimeLine. :)
  5. GoodApples

    Legacy Friends Feed / vB Ticker

    Okay, Looking at the Live Feed It's boring we need other stuff happening on the page. How about that vBTicker / Friends Feed I keep hearing so much about.:p
  6. GoodApples

    Bug White page

    I am having a little problem when I click on the navtab to see the forum live feed I am getting a white page. I have not figure it out yet as it may be a conflict, display order...etc. Anyone else getting a white page?
  7. O

    change in site name

    hi, i am changing my site name from old one to a new one. So, what do I need to do to re-deploy all my purchased DB mods to the new site? Is there any soecific steps that need to be taken? Something I should do in my DB account? (the old site will close down as soon as the current site is...
  8. Freekoid

    Legacy Recent Status Updates - Sideblock

    Able to show a limited number (5+) Maybe a status hub link at the bottom? Just had another thought, If there was a feed that we can call to, say the last 4 status changes, It would be good to show this in a newsletter say, like 'and 4 other members have posted status changes' bit like facebook...
  9. KristerSwe

    Bug Sublinks only show one link ??

    hmm Added some sub menu to the Album like albumall, picall, etc have 3 but only one is showing up... only show the latest added sublink ??
  10. M

    Facebook like feed?

    Hello, We were wondering if you currently have a mod somewhere or are developing a mod where we can set up a full paged facebook like activity feed and have the user land on it when they click on "forums" from our site. This page would be dedicated just to having a full page facebook like list...
  11. OlijO

    Live thread

    This forum vB3 based used a very cool modification : Esthétique, Manucure, Coiffure, Maquillage Each time there is a new thread a very little ,notification is showed to the right with the thread created (title, and little intro). Somebody know what is this mod ? Is vBnotification can be...
  12. M

    Bug Blank Game ID breaks things

    Hello, We are experiencing an issue with vbArcade when we integrated the titles we use to have on the v3Arcade. When the user clicks on "Arcade" in the forums, it takes them to 1 title and does not allow the user to access the home page of the arcade and pings up all of the games on the right...
  13. W


    Just a quick thought, have you guys thought about making a gallery where a certain usergroup can have a gallery set to them with addons for a slideshow on forum home and on cms front page ?
  14. GoodApples

    Question Avatar hover: Trophies, Awards, Activity Feed

    It's great to see the avatar added to Trophies, Awards, Activity Feed . How do I remove width= when hovering over avatar. Okay this may be a bug. ;)