
  1. Bullmama DeLano

    Legacy Notifications for comments on status?

    When posting comments under status, there is no notification. Should there be? I am using dbtech notificaitons. If not that sure would be nice! Also it would be nice if stuff that is commented on gets bumped to the top of the feed.
  2. twolegit

    Question think i'm doing something wrong

    after i upload the files, import the xml and set my admin permissions i get this when i select anything in the admincp for live feed [an error occurred while processing this directive] any idea?
  3. E

    Comment's inside Posts

    There is a mod but its very pure vB Comment styles facebook - Page 3 - vBulletin.org Forum Need to add permisions and comments page Its good mod if you dont want replays inside the thead so your thread dont mess up
  4. LissaE

    Legacy Option to strip BBCode from previews

    Reposting as a Feature Request for the option to strip out bbcode from showing in the previews in the feed :)
  5. Sarab

    Legacy Advanced User Tagging with Forum Live Feed & User Wall

    Hello, I like Forum Live Feed & User Wall mod and where it's going =D So I thought it will be great if you integrate Advanced User Tagging to the status so we can make mentions and tags just like twitter too =D Best Regards, Sarab
  6. Sarab

    Advanced User Tagging with Forum Live Feed & User Wall

    Hello, I like Forum Live Feed & User Wall mod and where it's going =D So I thought it will be great if you integrate Advanced User Tagging to the status so we can make mentions and tags just like twitter too =D Best Regards, Sarab
  7. F

    Question Enabling side bar?

    As tittle says, i already made the setting good, but i can't see the side bar working, i just can see the forum live on my nav bar options
  8. c0dhackz

    Legacy add resource for italian website

    hi .. i like the vbarcade .. i have try the lite version and this is awesome ... i have try to install games .sfw downloaded from this italian site: Flakboy 2 - Free online games at Gameportal.net but isnt work :( this site is beast for me because you can choise your lenguage for the game you...
  9. C

    Question activity contest

    I am finally getting around to playing with the new activity contest features. The first question I have is, where on the front end does the contest show up? I see there is a spot for a banner, etc. I assume there must be a page where users can learn about the contest, see the stats, etc.?
  10. O

    Question comments in post bit

    Hello How to remove "comments" under each post? Thanks
  11. LissaE

    Bug Comments Collapse/Expand Image in Posts

    Not sure if maybe I have done something wrong lol but the expand and collpapse image isn't changing in my posts, it works to expand and collpase the comments just the image doesn't change between the expanded and collpased images. Tested in 4 browsers and doing the same thing :( Digiscrap Forum...
  12. LissaE

    Forum Live Feed Question

    Hi! I have just installed the Lite version of the forum live feed and am contemplating purchasing the Pro version. I have a few additional integrations on my forum. Are there any plans to add any of the following to the feed, or could it be customised to allow new activity from these...
  13. Glen Green

    Forum Reviews

    Whats peoples views on having a sub forum where we can post links to our sites with Dragonbyte-Tech mods on so we can discuss and rate etc ?
  14. Force

    Bug missing table

    dbtech_livewall_settings' doesn't exist I think it is from this plugin but not sure getting a db error as this table seems to be missing need to know what plugin is it from
  15. H

    Legacy Sidebar integration with Live Feed

    First off, thank you for making this mod available on 3.8 for those of us who are yet to upgrade to vb4. Since there is no sidebar in vb3, is it possible to implement this Live Wall within this sidebar mod? - Sidebar Column - vBulletin.org Forum Thank you
  16. A

    Legacy Display attachments and moderated posts in feed

    Just a request if you can take a look whenever.. Display in feed -attachments -moderated posts
  17. djFarsang

    Bug The preview of contents aren't change following by the number of characters was set.

    I have been changed any the number of characters the preview (included 0), but the contents aren't change following by characters was set.
  18. A

    Bug WOL display ?

    Not sure if this is a bug, but is it possible to just see /livewall.php or livewall or pref. live feed. cheers
  19. A

    Legacy In post comment below post

    Just something to look at down the track.. maybe :D - Feed Comments below the post (in thread) thanks
  20. GoodApples

    Legacy Read More

    An option for a ...read more for each post in the live feed. This will add the ability to read the whole post within the Forum Live Feed. :) ---------- Post added 26th February 2012 at 21:19 ---------- Previous post was 20th February 2012 at 15:02 ---------- I may have added the wrong prefix...