
  1. Taurus

    Question Cannot get it to exclude forums.

    Hi there. I am trying to exclude some forums, but until now it is not working. I went into content type, new threads, and ticked the forums to exclude. Yet it is still posting from them on the live feed page. Please help. Thanks.
  2. Taurus

    Legacy Disable on certain forums.

    OK, I installed the light version to check it against other spy mods, and it looks good. I could not find whether there is an option either in the light or pro version where you could disable certain forums from showing up new posts or threads. I have a few RSS feed forums, and when these RSS's...
  3. Taurus

    Bug iSpy page conflict.

    I have a mod that I use that instantly updates on all activity (post/threads, etc) But now, after I have vbeditor tabs installed the tabs is in this mod's page, and the page does not refresh. iSpy Do you perhaps know why this is happening? Thanks.
  4. Ozzy47

    Question Admin Cp

    I was wondering how you guys like the new admin interface in the ACP versus the traditional left pane menu. Multiple choice.
  5. S

    Legacy Live Feed CMS Widget

    Are there any plans for a CMS Widget version of the Live Feed block in the works? We're trying to keep the forum home page free of clutter so we'd prefer if blocks could be kept at the CMS page. Otherwise, we're going to have a real hard time making use of this modification :(
  6. S

    different payment method

    hello i am interested eseguenti products, but to pay 50 euros more I discovered the vat. I can pay with another way to save the 50 euros? I have a moneybookers account, can be a solution? This vat is a real problem for me is an obstacle in buying your product thanks
  7. HowardE

    Legacy Can View Thread Content set to 'No' but users can still see content

    There are some forums that are private, that still seem to appear in the live feed. Are there some permissions other than "Can View Thread Content" that need to be set to keep these forums out of the live feed??
  8. S

    Legacy Rss Feed

    Would it be possible to create an rss feed for the latest added games. It's just something I personally would find useful and I don't recall any other arcade having the feature.Accept for someone trying to do it themselves years ago.. <? $host = "host"; $root = "root"; $password ="pass"...
  9. O

    Question Not the same

    Hello, I have purchased the life time license + branding free for the Live Feed module. But, after installation, what we now see on our website doesn't appear to be the same as what is visible on the DBtech website. Please see the attached photo 'untitled' of comments in live feed on the...
  10. A

    Legacy Question

    Hello there, very useful Modification, i know something like that from a social network. But I wonder why you made it possible for only one source forum and one destination forum :( I could use it for more pairs of source and destination forums. (news from an rss feed and board...
  11. GoodApples

    Bug Forum Live Feed Block Spillage

    I notice this on dbtech. It's the first time I noticed it...maybe a bug. ;) Forum Live Feed Block spillage.
  12. GoodApples

    Legacy User Tagging and Live Feed

    User Tagging and Live Feed I am sure this is on the To-Do-List I wasn't sure which forum to post this but here it is... :) The Tagging is not currently integrated with Live Feed and some comments may go UN-noticed by the user. I would like to request this be added.
  13. F

    Legacy Post thanks/like/dislike on Forum Live feed

    I think could be a good idea.
  14. GoodApples

    Legacy User Wall set as default tab

    I really would like the Visitor Messages and User Wall be as one and some how fitting in the status updates to bring everything together. It's seems disconnected with this and that...here and there... That may have been a little rant. :p Okay here is the request: Option to have User Wall set as...
  15. djtone

    imdb mod

    what are the chances of creating a imdb mod within threads. so u have the option to add the imdb link when creating a thread like this and it showing all the details like cover and information about actors etc...
  16. HowardE

    Legacy Separate User Wall Comments from Forum Live Feed Comments

    I like the idea of commenting in the member page (User Wall tab), but don't see the point in having comments on every post available, as that would just be a reply to the thread. However, it seems like you can't have one without the other.
  17. HowardE

    Live Feed Mod for specific forums?

    I would be interested in having the live feed be able to be selective for a specific sub-forum, and then the forum feed could be called by another website from an iframe or some kind of script. Like if someone had a product support forum on my forum, and they wanted their live feed to be...
  18. GoodApples

    Bug Live Feed Avatar Shifts

    The Live Feed Avatar shifts around in the postings it needs a fixed position to give it a cleaner look. :) This will remove some unnecessary white space.
  19. TandyServices

    Bug Branding Free: Forum Live Feed & User Wall

    I have just bought and installed.. I also bought the Branding Free. When I go to put the code in I get: Error:You did not enter a valid value for this setting.
  20. C

    Question clarification for use on 3.8

    Just noticed you have this now for 3.8. Does this create a sidebar like the live feed you have on DBTech? Do you have a 3.8 demo forum with this running? I'm also a little confused about the "comment" system that is part of this mod. I'm curious what the background/thinking was for this...