
  1. Valcav

    Legacy " Latest Gallery Images" widget(?) collapse button

    Hello Dylan, on here I see that "vBAnswers Form", "Hash Tagging Statistics", "DBTech - Live Forum Feed" (and some other) widgets (I hope it are the widgets, you know, the side bar on the forum) have a collapse button... Maybe it would be a good idea to have that for "Latest Gallery Images"...
  2. B

    Legacy Quote Notifications When Member Quotes Someone Else

    First, thanks for this addon. My members are all really enjoying it, however I'm starting to get complaints about getting notifications when someone quotes someone else. I don't see any need to be alerted when you quote someone since you just performed the action and would already know that you...
  3. O

    New mo

    Hello, On the main forum page on this website you see small green + & red - tabs saying 'Favourite This Forum' etc. Can you tell me which one of your mods this is? Thanks, O.H.
  4. B

    Bug Post Thanks Feed (Forum Block) not showing?

    ............ this has been resolved
  5. BrianC

    Legacy Live Feed Filter

    Ho Fillip H., First thanks for the support. The support is a pleasure and very helpful in helping us learn how to best use your software! Two things. 1. I think the Live Feed should have some user select-able options for what is shown on the Live Feed. Such as "Friends" only information...
  6. BrianC

    Legacy Visitor Comments

    How can I allow visitors to see the Live Feed and User Walls but not comment? I do not want visitor comments but do want that enabled once registered users are logged in. Thanks,
  7. Papa Bear

    Question Subnav links

    if you are on the main forum page and click on the new posts subnav link when the page renders the main subnav links are no longer there such as the quick links and forum actions etc.how do i change this so the main subnav links are displayed all the time like they are here..
  8. BrianC

    Legacy User Wall and Live Feed Configuration

    Two Questions: 1. Is it possible for the LiveFeed to show the actual images that are posted throughout the site? It appears as though a link appears to the actual image. I would like to see the actual image in the Feed similar to the Vbulletin Site Activity or What's New page. 2. Can the...
  9. BrianC

    LiveFeed Images

    Checking to see if images appear in feed....
  10. Solein

    Legacy CMS Widget for Live Feed

    Sorry if asked before. Is there a CMS widget for live feed output as we can see at forum home? or if it is seriusly planned. Im gonna buy this mod only for this feature in my CMS landing page.
  11. Nirjonadda

    Question vB Optimise Opcache Operator

    Hello Need help about Opcache Operator ! my running setting is Filecache but i thinking what an better on selete for my site save server load issue ?
  12. D

    Question Output from LiveFeed in VBAdvanced-Portal

    Hello ! I`m new to this VB-Stuff. My site have until now SMF, but soon i will changed. For SMF, i have a Live Feed in my Portal Page. It is possible to show the output from this LiveFeed on the portal-Addon "vBAdvanced" (Using HTML/PHP)? If yes, please tell me how. Thank you in Advance D.
  13. C

    A few questions about Forum Live Feed & User Wall

    Hi, I'm interested in your Forum Live Feed & User Wall but I'm not quite sure about some things so, I would like to ask a few questions. 1. In your pro version features list you mention: # Blog Posts # Blog Comments Is this related to vb3 vbblog addon as well? Because that is how I read it. I...
  14. LissaE

    Question Adding to a sidebar

    I'd like to add the live feed to a sidebar on my forumhome page only, I can add the sidebar code in myself, is it possible to include the live feed in the forumhome template? If so would it just be like a variable, or a template include? I plan (hopefully) to add a sidebar in the What's Going On...
  15. R

    Question How do I edit welcome panel

    How do I edit welcome panel. Basically want to remove links.
  16. S

    Bug error shows when choosing [Activity Feed] option

    Activity Feed option dosn't work the error is: Database error in vBulletin 3.8.7: Invalid SQL: SELECT pointslog.*, user.* , avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar, customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline, customavatar.width AS avwidth, customavatar.height...
  17. GoodApples

    [Bug] Live Forum Feed

    There seems be some issues with updates on the Live forum Feed Block in regards to click on Likes this post from a blog The Likes is referring to a forum post which both users appear not to be involved in that forum discussion...
  18. M

    Question Game not getting installed

    am trying to install this game on the forum DUNGEON KING : DREADSTORM KEEP and cannot seem to get it done, i have tried the import and Browse Games but its not showing on the list, i have downloaded the .swf file and imported the game and still not working is there something am doing wrong...
  19. F

    Question How i make that vbavatars status appears on live feed sidebar?

    The question avobe :)
  20. LissaE

    Bug Products Not Merging

    I have installed this as I have many of your products but it's not merging them into one line :(