
  1. K

    Bug Remove Rating?

    I just had a member tell me that they would love to be able to TAKE A RATING back to zero.....they rate something a 5 and then they change their mind....they can only take it to a 2......is there a way to take it to ZERO? Or is this something we have to wait for in an update? Thanks for all you...
  2. C

    Quick Question

    I have a question about something I see on this website currently. At the bottom of the forums, I see a "slider" that does not look like the db slider. It is labeled as "DragonByte Tech Software Also Runs On" and it shows several different websites with their own logos and such. I was wondering...
  3. Steris56

    Question Censor words

    I put this in yesterday and my question is this how do i do replacement words in the box in forum permissions when i hover over the box i get name="words[4]" i tried doing that and nothing happened in forum so i must be putting in wrong format or something also in usergroup manager...
  4. D

    Bug Top 100 thread table

    Top 100 thread table does not seem to be updating with the current stats. The threads that have a 5 star rating are not being moved to the top of the list. I have run the Cron job and nothing is being updated on my site for top ratings. I have attached a screen capture.
  5. S

    Bug Getting Error

    Every time someone tries to register at the site either through invite or regular or invite system I get this Error " A required field called Disable Profile Hover is missing or has an invalid value." I disabled that Plugin and uninstalled that from the forum after I installed this. Mainly...
  6. T

    Change background color and adjust for correct widget size?

    I apologize as I am sure this has been answered or already explained in the setup directions but I can not figure it out for the life of me and I have read over everything in setup and checked the forums but can't locate any help. I am sure I am just overlooking the answer so again, I apologize...
  7. Alan_SP

    Legacy Additional explanation what each option of threadmin actually does

    This is a feature request from here: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f77/threadmins-group-moderators-v2-0-6-released-10630/#post59557 Talking about that, is it possible that you make titles of options (Edit Posts | Delete Posts | Open/Close | Edit Threads | Manage Threads | Moderate Posts |...
  8. heyzeus909

    Legacy Send Friend Request

    I'm enjoying Profile Hover product quite a bit, thanks. I see that there's an option in the Hover to send the member a PM, but I was wondering if there's a way to include a 'Send Friend Request' (or 'Add Friend') link, too? Being able for my members to more easily send friend requests to one...
  9. blinkster

    Few ideas for possible new mods.

    I was thinking about your profile hover and how it could be adopted or used for other things within the forum. Idea 1: For example hover over thread title and it shows you the contents inside (free users shows same as default hover only DBtech sexy touch) and (Paid users it shows full contents...
  10. O

    Bug Hover is not working

    Popup is not showing when hovering to a username, I already checked in all usergroups in the field "(Pro) Allowed Groups" and I set to "no" in "Disable Profile Hover" from settings, but still not showing the popup in hovering the username. What could be the problem?
  11. D

    Bug Screenshots and Thumbnails not showing

    Some old files aren't displaying thumbnails or screenshots. Where the thumbnail and screenshot should be is just a white box. I have the settings for images sizes set correctly to accommodate the images.
  12. C

    Bug can't purchase items

    This is a problem with all skins, even the vbulletin default style. I've recently installed vbshop back into my forums, but when I go to vbshop.php when you hover over the items the hover box which displays the item info no longer show. And when I click the "purchase" tab, it's not clickable...
  13. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Feature requests

    Dragonbyte Gallery - The 47 Ronin Squad 1.Could we display the number of views in the image blocks? 2.Also Is there a way for users to click the image to show the full actual size of the image on a new pop up type screen? Something like what XenForo or vB5 uses would be neat. (jQuery based)...
  14. J

    Bug Regifting an item keeps original gifter

    You know in the user profile or when you hover over an item and it says who the item was given by? Well if it was a regifted item, it says whoever owned it first, not the actual gift giver.
  15. R

    Legacy Recent Donators for vBadvanced

    Not really a request, wasn't sure where to put this for you Ozzy. When we moved from awcoding to vbDonate one of Fast's little things was he wanted the feature of the recent donators. I swung by to tease the fruits of my labor: You can also catch it on the front page. Still have some work...
  16. V

    Question How do I fix explode error message?

    Hi I am using the latest donations plugin now but i am getting this: Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in [path]/dbtech/vbdonate/hooks/process_templates_complete.php on line 33 Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in...
  17. S

    Bug Vbulletin wall formatting and bugs

    Posted on the VB.org forums but was told to post here. Anyway, I'm having a few problems. Having this problem where if a post comes in live instead of using ' ' marks it displays the whole quote box. If I refresh it's fine: Another issue, seems to have trouble with url's in quotes: Also...
  18. W

    Question File Names Don't Show Up, Only Thumbnails

    I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but there are no file/image/video names showing up in the albums or categories for my Gallery. Since my gallery is primarily being used for Youtube Videos right now, just having Thumbnails makes it really hard to search for videos without a title...
  19. James Shadle

    Question Context Text Load Time and Opacity

    Hello, Maybe I missed this, is it possible to change the opacity and / or load timing of the content text? Thanks
  20. M

    Disable Profile Hover

    DragonByte-Tech forum Settings - General Settings - Disable Profile Hover: Yes Profile Hover enable