
  1. barroca

    Ajax thread, vb optimize and performance forum

    Hello I already use vboptimize pro in my project. And recently I need increase max_user_connections to 60 If I buy and install ajax threads I will see a better performance in forum? My principal installed plugins are: vbseo, vboptimize, vbnotifications, and vbmail thanks joao barroca
  2. Freekoid

    Question Download games from Kongregate and Armor site?

    I noticed in the 'import games' for Kongregate and Armor the game count is rather low compared to their sites that show 1000's Kongregate ~ 268 Armor ~ 196 Is there any way to download these easily or do I have to pull the .swf from their source code? There's some cracking dungeon games I...
  3. GoodApples

    Click: Like this post - points, credits go to zero in postbit

    Note: I just noticed that when I like this post the points and credits in the postbit go to0 but on a refresh screen it seems to set it back. Thought you would like to know.;) Before After
  4. Freekoid

    Legacy Allow admin only to tag a game from arcade and then review tag list in ACP

    The idea behind this is after a large/bulk install to look through the arcade after a week say and tag various games that maybe getting low play / zero play / needs a different category assigned or admin just doesnt like and then once in ACP review the tag list and edit / delete game. The tag...
  5. Trekkan

    Legacy Clicking the "Description" checkbox in game list, what is it?

    I see that when you click this, it checks the box on each games "tags" section. Not sure what it does or is supposed to do, but from the name of the checkbox of "Description" and then it checks data marked as "tags", I was confused. =)
  6. Darkwaltz4

    Legacy Task: Editing

    An upcoming beta will include the game editor, but I hear its pretty common to have a lot of games. I want to make this process as easy as possible. I was thinking to make it operate similarly to the game import screens. Heres a small survey you can answer as much as you want, or anything you...
  7. Trekkan

    Bug Latest Champions and Latest Scores Display Bug

    See the attached screenshot. The problem appears to be on the game I reported in another thread that was scoring at "0", it's missing that field, so it's displaying the date in the score field. This could also go away as mentioned before once we can edit games and change the game type, but I...
  8. Bravo

    Bug Highscore order?

    Not sure if this is normal but when I play a game and submit a score it don't put the high score in order under the Score Tab. 1 Bravo 125 Today, 11:30 AM 0:02:42 2 Bravo 185 Today, 11:33 AM 0:01:21 The block on the arcade home is correct though, just not under the score tab I dont...
  9. B

    Question is vbm for me?

    Hi guys, Bought 2 of your products - very top notch! Now I have a community of 105k members and I want to start sending newsletters. I am on a dedicated server - is that all I need? I don't need to get a separate server right? Let's say I was lucky and everyone opted in. How long does it take...
  10. EasyEasy

    Legacy vBShop Auction

    Really hoping you guys can do this. Is it possible to add a auction section to vBShop rather than the current buy out system it has in place. Using the same features as vBShop the auction would run along the lines of ebay where a admin or user can add an item and then users can bid on the item...
  11. G

    Bug Moods selection doesn't work

    When I want to change a mood I get the prompt to choose "Blue", but nothing happens when clicking on Blue... I see javascript:// on mouseover. No amount of clicking makes it actually choose Blue though - doesn't respond. I don't have any addons that mess with JS or anything of the like...
  12. ClutchThese

    Question Increase your Memory Limit and upload Limit

    Downloads System Status Online System Version 1.0.0 Bandwidth Usage 64.63KB Memory Limit 512M Monthly Bandwidth Usage 64.63KB Max Upload Size 128M Files 2 Max Input Time 60 seconds This is the status of my "system" The memory limit is at 512M? Why is it so low? Also, the max upload size is...
  13. S

    Question Font size

    How do i change the font size for everyone in shoutbox?
  14. G

    vB Optimise Pro Question

    Hi, we recently installed vB Optimise Lite on our site and like what we see so far. I had a few questions about the Guest Caching feature in Pro. 1) We have several plugins (some of which make up a good deal of our traffic) would the pages for these be cached as well? 2) We use the VB ad...
  15. K

    Bug What's going on: Unknown Location /credits.php

    Hello, when I open the "What's going on" page and someone is browsing the Credits-Page i see written in bold letters: Location unknown /credits.php How can I change this to something different? e.g. Viewing Credits Best regards Kesandal
  16. Darkwaltz4

    Bug Uncached template

    Extraordinarily low priority, but thought you should know: From the private message page, dbtech_vbquiz_usercp_nav_link
  17. Dutch_Boy

    Bug Shoutbox sound not working

    Hello, If got a problem with the sound the shoutbox plays when someone post a new messages. You dont hear it only when i refresh the home page. Kinda strange. Any change how i can fix this? Kind regards, Dutch_Boy.
  18. blinkster

    Bug Instance Management not saving selections

    Just upgraded this and everything is working except when i make selections in the Instance Management and click save i go back in and nothing has been saved, re uploaded all files twice, turned of vB Optimise while i upgraded, flushed and repaired 6 or 7 times but still no changes are saved.
  19. D19RNY

    Bug Low memcache memory usage, lots of flushes

    Hey The memcache server seems to be using very little in size of data storage Also i noticed the amount of cache flushes, this seems very high and goes up on it's own! Am i missing something?
  20. grc

    Bug Conflict between "thanks" and "bookmarking" mods using Threaded View

    Conflict between "thanks" and "bookmarking" mods using Threaded View Had the "thanks" running fine and decided to install the bookmarking mod. Works fine except when a user is using the threaded view. In the threaded view, clicking on "thanks" throws off a "undefined error." I disabled the...