
  1. Alisa Lindsay

    Text Area Input Form Color vs. Post Form Input Area Color - Help Me Please!

    Good Morning, I have searched and tried to fix my issue via some of the information found in threads on this forum... However - Yes, it's me, the Technical Village Idiot! Back with questions or to beg for help. I have vBShout Pro installed on 3 forums (bought 2, the 3rd was given to me as a...
  2. DragonByte Technologies

    [POLL] Sounds/Voices?

    So we are contemplating putting voices & sounds into the RPG. The NPCs would be voiced, there would be several hours of generic voiceover material for admins to insert as needed as well - things like generic greetings "welcome to X", warnings etc, as well as taking your requests. Because we...
  3. DragonByte Technologies

    Back-End updates

    Just got the monster creation system installed in the ACP. so far so good. Hopefully i'll be able to tweak it and have a vid for you guys tomorrow (time permitting) meantime, those of you who are curious how they will look, can check here: feel free to change the number at the end upwards...
  4. M

    shoutbox errors.

    my members are experiencing the following errors sporadically: Error: Invalid response from the server Loading... Sorry you do not have permission to shout this one happens and logs the user out.
  5. Darkwaltz4

    AddOn vBookie Actionset

    Just import the attached product after installing both vBCredits II Deluxe and vBookie, and it will expose the additional actions available to you and configure vBookie for use with vBCredits II Deluxe! You need to set up events to use them of course. Please keep questions/comments for this...
  6. D

    Expand your business!

    When I convert to this new forum software by Kier and Mike, it would be pretty cool if you guys expanded beyond vBulletin and built some killer mods for XenForo: http://xenforo.com/community :D
  7. W

    Two potential problems?

    So I'm trying to track down the source of my unusually high server usage. After fiddling with vbShout I started looking at the vbOptimise options. Some were easy to set to a more efficient setting, but two things came up as problems: 1- When trying to switch my attachments to the file system it...
  8. fufu

    does DB-Tech take modification requests?

    I have been searching through many sites and been taken by many developers. Can your clients request custom scripts?
  9. R

    Love the first icon pack - Will there be more?

    Hi everyone, Just wanted to say that I love the vbShop image pack and I was hoping if there was another one in the works? How soon it will be released? The reason why I bought vbActivity was because you guys provided about 4-5 image packs for the achievements/medals/trophies and they were great...
  10. ideric

    Weekly Acitivty - Extremely high

    See my weekly activity score here: http://www.genxglow.com/directory/eric When will this reset? I was told this would correct itself with the installation of the Pro version...
  11. Edrondol

    Combining Decks

    Now that we have 5 decks (I have yet to pick up the two new ones but I'm going to!) I know I'm going to get the question from the users...Will we ever be able to make a master deck made up of cards from different decks? I know before that you stated that they were balanced by the deck, but...
  12. kyle


    Signed up awhile ago but finally have some time to really check this site out, lots to check out!! I look after a few websites but the majority of time goes into our online poker room. Need a mod that creates more time in a day, can you guys come up with something for that!!
  13. P

    Doubtful of how much faster it can get..

    I'm already utilizing the following: xcache vboptimise Lite VB4: Supercharged Expired Headers on all site content (Images, JS, CSS, etc) I've run YSlow on my page and I get an A on everything except HTTP Requests (B) and CDN Content (F) Right now, with Lite, the front CMS is about 72 queries...
  14. cykelmyggen

    vboptimse incompatiblity?

    I installed the vB Optimise Pro 3.2.0 this evening and it seems that there is an incompatibility with "Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics ver. 6.6.2." Please take a look at the attached screenshot!? Will it be possible to remove the text from vB Optimise in this section?
  15. P

    Question about vbShout Feature

    Reference link: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/vbecommerce.php?do=purchase&act=product&id=2 I am wondering if you can comprehensively describe the "Invite" feature of this product. For example, is it possible to click any member's name anywhere it appears [and is clickable] in vBulletin, and...
  16. S

    Which is the best Opcache Operator?

    Hello, I own my dedicated server so i could install any Opcache Operator, which one is the best for speed and server load?. I installed vB Optimise pro yesterday and i tested it with XCache and now with Memcached, the pages speed is very good but i don't see any difference in load, with/out vB...
  17. kolenoblata

    Flush Cache

    Hello, Just installed 2.0.1 lite version for 3.8 forum . Everything is ok except Flush Cache. When I click on it I don't get anything, just blank field. Also, when I go to system test, flush cache just going and going Edit: Another problem. When I try to edit eny template I am geting blank...
  18. S

    vB eCommerce 1.0.0?

    I see this site is using a shop mod, I wonder is it for sale?
  19. JoN

    MySQL Errors

    Has anyone got MySql Server has gone away errors after installing 4.5.1? I had been getting a lot of them :( restarted MySql Server and Apache - still got the errors restarted the server - still got the errors disabled shoutbox - none till now :s Did i do something wrong?
  20. J

    Newbie with some questions...

    Hello there, I have some questions regarding this product. I am a computer newb, so plain english would be appreciated :) I have just built a forum, and my site isn't live yet, but like most webmasters we anticipate growing our community and obviously as your board grows...