
  1. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug DBTech - vBMail

    I just got the mail from my forums a month after I sent them (07-04-2012 recieved it 08-01-2012)... Any ideas what would cause that? I am using DBTech - vBMail 1.1.6 I am hosted on GoDaddy... Just wondering if it was there end causing it... I am guessing it is a combination of things?
  2. R

    Question How do I edit welcome panel

    How do I edit welcome panel. Basically want to remove links.
  3. trajche

    Bug Upload action doesn't deduct/add credits

    This is exactly the same bug as the download one: but it is concerning the upload 'action'. My bug report was deleted for being a duplicate, although it contained some information on the...
  4. Valcav

    Bug email field in stats vs details

    I haven't installed this yet, so don't really know if it's a bug or not, but I'm seeing this on this forum: & on this ( Not sure if this is a...
  5. A

    Question Error

    Kindly tell me, how can I fix this error. Thanks
  6. S

    Question Links in Welcome Panel

    Hi, i have tried adding a links in the Welcome Panel, but for some reason i am unable to get them working? Any help please .... Here is the code i used! <span style="font-weight: bold; color: #006666;">blah blah blah </span> <a...
  7. OlijO

    Porting phpBB Poudlard Mod to vBulletin

    So this mod was for phpBB : Poudlard Hack (Questionnaire for Sorting into Groups) (phpBB Hack/Mod, Style/Template, Graphic or Other Download) - What it do ? his hack adds a questionnaire during the registration, containing 3 questions and 4 possible answers for each. The user...
  8. C

    Are db-tech licenses transferable?

    I purchased a lifetime license for pro postbit tabs that I am no longer using....I would like to try vbQuiz. Just curious if it is allowed to transfer licenses? I don't have any "deals" pending, but was just curious if it is allowed or not?
  9. F

    Question How i make that vbavatars status appears on live feed sidebar?

    The question avobe :)
  10. CoZmicShReddeR

    'Check Version' for all hacks Support Please!

    It sort of drives me crazy wondering if a mod I am hosting from Dragonbyte had an update or not! Please either support this mod or add something similar sometime soon... 'Check Version' for all hacks 'Check Version' for all hacks - Forum If you could even add latest update...
  11. Nirjonadda

    Question Donation Bar Date and Time

    Hello How I can add Donation Bar Today's Date and Current Time? where is this setting configured? Please check this screenshot.
  12. wEbAddEr

    Battle Mod

    A battle mod like the one from ip2 and ipb3 would be nice, it keeps a lot of members active on the board. It's nice to kill other members, and with a very active board the guilds make it rocks, guilds against guilds. You can even add extra stuff as battle armor like the "Enhanced" version
  13. GoodApples

    News Discussion

    Is the sub forum News Discussion intended to be viewable to guest? FYI It currently can be viewed by guest.
  14. L

    Latest news

    A product like this, for IPB: Latest News on Board Index - Invision Power Services Taking new X threads for the forum Y. Suggesting for vBulletin.
  15. IcEWoLF

    Great news Advanced @User Tagging! - Tapatalk now supports mentions bb code! 6/1/12

    The update just came out yesterday, not sure if this was mentioned or not but here it is: Tapatalk just released an update to support mention bb codes! @ tags and # works 100%! Edit, looks like I didn't read this part (already announced):
  16. IcEWoLF

    Re-affiliate copyright links?

    Hi DBTech, can you guys add an option in your mods to re-affiliate the copyrights links with our affiliate links? Just like the way vBSEO has it in their system. It might be nice for us customers.
  17. Nirjonadda

    Bug Unicode fonts not working

    Unicode fonts not working ... Support Please.Need help about Unicode font. Is ok when i save the text with unicode font. But when i reload the page the texts are broken.
  18. D

    Bug German umlauts not showing properly

    Dear all, I have currently purchased and installed this product and having issues with German umlauts. The ö,ä,ü,ß are showing up as Chat-text, no issue there, but in the sticky, in the users-name and in commands (like close = Schließen) its showing as "?"-charakter. Can you please help to fix...
  19. H

    about programs on VB4.2

    Hello i did update ( and allready downgraded again) VB 4.2 i downgraded because almost all programs i have don't show ( work ) any more Are there upgrades comming for VB4.2 if yes when or what to do??? regards
  20. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Vbulletin 4.2.0 Top DB NavBar Gone

    Just wondering if anyone upgraded to the latest VBulletin... They added a Navigation Manager which is a new way to add custom links to the navigation menu location is under the AdminCP, Settings, Navigation Manager... Only thing missing is ability to add images and second navigation bar... The...