
  1. OlijO

    Bug Problem file description editor

    Hi, we have problem with the description of the file badly showed (code, see screenshot)
  2. T

    Legacy Show categories on slider?

    I am wondering if it would be possible to allow the selection of categories to have the articles pulled from and put in the slider? Thanks!
  3. CharlieDelta

    What does the release of vBulletin 4.2 mean for DBTech mods?

    How will the impending release of 4.2 and its new features affect some of the great DBT mods, namely Navtabs and Live Stream?
  4. twolegit

    Bug probably my new fedora operating system

    i just started to get this when uploading as a pop up when a file completes with my new fedora operating system i installed last night but the file isn't uploaded after.... <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">...
  5. Bullmama DeLano

    Question Edit or delete comments for moderation?

    In comments someone using an iPad typed "Awwwwww" but the iPad changed it to "***es" but I cannot seem to find how I can edit it for them. How can we do this? Also any update on adding notifications for comments and status updates? Thanks :)
  6. Taurus

    Bug Settings??

    In my settings, I have this twice. And trying to set this up is impossible with this.
  7. Fillip H.

    Legacy Session Table Offloading

    Popping this here so it gets recorded in the system:
  8. S

    Legacy Live Feed CMS Widget

    Are there any plans for a CMS Widget version of the Live Feed block in the works? We're trying to keep the forum home page free of clutter so we'd prefer if blocks could be kept at the CMS page. Otherwise, we're going to have a real hard time making use of this modification :(
  9. A

    Legacy Some requests

    Hello there, I will merge the posts I did in the news discussion forum yet ^^ On my screenshot you can see how I'd like to use your modification: I have two requests concerning that: First I'd find it useful to make per category or even per forum permissions for each tab. I'd like to make...
  10. A

    Bug Bug reports

    Hello there, I will merge the posts I did in the news discussion forum yet ^^ First I'd like to report two bugs: I've found a bug while adding graphics to the tab in the AdminCP: The size of the box for new smilies doesn't adjust to the number and size of the added smilies/graphics so as...
  11. CharlieDelta

    Modification Update Notification

    It would be nice if DBT had an update notification for its mods similar to that of
  12. Valcav

    Legacy vBAvatar & Profile Picture

    Well, first of all, I haven't installed this mod, it's just a suggestion, or a thought while trying it out on here ;) Is there a possibility to have them (vBAvatar & Profile Picture) both shown? Or when you have "Postbit Tabs"(P.T.) installed, to have vBAvatar only in a seperate P.T. (and...
  13. GoodApples

    Question vBulletin Upgrade to Ajax

    I am wondering how this will work with Ajax Threads? Heads up ;) I hoping there is enough of a difference. 4.1.12 Upgrade to use ajax I know this may not fit here but I thought keeping it out of the public eye was for the best. :cool:
  14. M

    xFShout Upgrade

    Hello. When will vBShout's features be added to xFShout? Thanks.
  15. A

    Legacy Question

    Hello there, very useful Modification, i know something like that from a social network. But I wonder why you made it possible for only one source forum and one destination forum :( I could use it for more pairs of source and destination forums. (news from an rss feed and board...
  16. Bullmama DeLano

    Legacy Notifications for comments on status?

    When posting comments under status, there is no notification. Should there be? I am using dbtech notificaitons. If not that sure would be nice! Also it would be nice if stuff that is commented on gets bumped to the top of the feed.
  17. S

    DragonByte Tech Twitter

    Hello, i would like to buy some of your products, but as i can see on your Twitter, the last Tweet is more than 1 year old, which is a bit untrustable. So i'm a bit worried to pay $$$ for your hacks :/ Or everything is OK and that Twitter is not used anymore for announcing new things? Thank...
  18. IcEWoLF

    Question Live wall is making my site so slow...

    With Live Wall WebPagetest Test Result - Dulles : - 02/22/12 05:40:27 WebPagetest Test Result - Dulles : - 02/22/12 05:40:35 Without Live Wall WebPagetest Test Result - Dulles : - 02/23/12 04:30:07 WebPagetest Test Result - Dulles...
  19. Valcav

    Didn't know where to post this...

    Hi, I didn't know where to post this, or if I should have put it in a PM (and to who I would have to send it)... I just have received some bad news... My grandma has just past away... (+- 48 min ago) I'll still try to beta test the vBAnalitics in the next few days, but I can't promise...
  20. GoodApples

    Bug CMS & Navbar Tab

    One Small thing when the Enable Navbar Tab is set to determine whether a new tab should be added to the navigation bar. vB Suite and the CMS enabled the Forum Analytics is not displayed. The Good News is that the Forum Analytics tab is displayed when on the other tabs are being used. I...