
  1. Ozzy47

    Legacy Profile Tab

    A feature request for a future release, a separate tab on your profile for following would be better than sending PM's or emails. So to clarify, have it similar to the Friends tab. So you get a notification (like you do for a friends request), you click on that notification and it takes you to...
  2. CharlieDelta

    Bug Getting Notification on Posts When Type is Set to Thread

    I am getting notifications when the user I am following makes a post but I have the content type set to thread. Should this only be when the member creates a thread or am I misunderstanding (which does happen from time to time, oops did I just say that out loud)?
  3. D

    Legacy Notification when comment is posted

    Is it possible to notify the uploader when a comment is posted on a download? I can think of numerous scenarios where this would be beneficial. Further, can the comments be added to the created thread for the download?
  4. D

    Bug &amp appearing in several places

    When uploading a file, in the category drop down box the category names are showing &amp instead of simply &
  5. CharlieDelta

    Legacy PM Sender Option

    Feature request to add the option to choose the 'PM Sender' in the ACP settings for the comment notification and any other PM notification.
  6. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Content Type Addition - DBTGallery

    One of many feature requests :), the addition of DBTGallery content type integration. I think this mod would compliment the gallery mod very well as there are forums such as mine where people post a lot of pictures and to get notification for particular members followed would be a great fit.
  7. mindzipper

    Question Specific usergroups displayed

    Trying to get familiar with membermap. I'd like to purchase it (actually it and one other add-on) but I have a problem with membermap. I don't want it to display just the active users, but I certainly don't want it to display all registered users. I'd like it to only display something...
  8. Bullmama DeLano

    Question Global Notification with link

    How can I put a link in Global Notification? For example, I put this for the notification but I get a 404. <a href=””>Don’t forget to nominate your favorite recipes for Recipe of the Month! CLICK TO...
  9. CharlieDelta

    Bug Wrong Member Sent Notification

    I followed a user to test the notification system and he finally posted today and it sent the PM notification to another member and not myself.
  10. W

    Legacy Moderated thread notification on shoutbox.

    Is it possible to view moderated/unapproved thread/posts link on shoutbox notification. It will be very helpful for forum staffs to find them without refreshing the page. I hope this time I will get a positive support. Thank you.
  11. c0dhackz

    Bug notification issue

    hello every1, i have this issue, for me and all members how can i solve this problem?
  12. fly

    Bug Notification link isn't, how do I describe this, domain dymanic?

    Like probably most sites, I have a CNAME of my domain for www. Most people use my site without the www in front, so that my base URL excludes it. The people that DO use www are being prompted to login when they attempt to read their thanks/like stuff. Instead of using BBURL/thanks.php (or...
  13. B

    Question Intergrate Notification System With VBSocial Notifications

    Title says everything... I can't get the tag notifications to appear in the notification list...
  14. BrianC

    Bug Repeat Notifications

    Hey guys I have this installed on my beta site but I got 6 emails from your site today I tested the mod on your site before purchase and guess I did not click solved. I would think 1 notification per selected elapsed time period is what is needed. Thanks
  15. G

    Bug Activity Contest not sending Admin notification

    I started a trial contest. I set the start date and the end date was 5 minutes later. I used a test account to do some posting and the test account appeared on the Activity Contests page as being Current Standing. I placed my userID 1 as Admin Notification. At the end of the contest I received...
  16. D

    Question Hebrew language

    When put Hebrew language in the Notification Types so it's gone . How can reslove the problem . Thanks
  17. BrianC

    Question Mention Tag Notification Repeating

    I installed User Mention 305 on my development site. This site will be copied and made live on my live domain. Testing the @mention works and the user receives a notification but when the x on the corner of the box the tab closes but returns when the page is refreshed. The actual notification...
  18. W

    Bug Lots of Unconfirmed Contributions or Duplicate Entries

    Hello! I'm not sure if this is a bug or what, but it's only been two days since I started publicly using vbDonate and I'm getting a lot of strange unconfirmed (and non-existent as far as Paypal is concerned) entries in my Donations List. I've only had three real contributions so far, but for one...
  19. K

    Legacy Remove "Setting>Postbit Settings>Disable?

    First, thank you very much for this MOD!!! I have installed it and all seems to be working PERFECTLY!!!! I do not want my users to have the "OPTION" to DISABLE any buttons from their Postbit Stats. I want all buttons to always show up. I DO want my users to be able to Enable/Disable...
  20. F

    Bug Database error after upload "product-credit.xml

    Hello support, I just buy vBCredits II Deluxe and I have follow installation Guide but I have got database error after upload "product-credit.xml" from AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product Please help asap.