
  1. Drahnier

    Legacy Remove Transparent box?

    when getting a notification there are two things that come up, a temporary transparent thing and a new tab gets added to your current notifications, how can I remove the transparent box bit? I'll steal a snap from this thread to show you what I mean...
  2. C


    Hello, Due to insufficient funds, we may only be able to purchase the 3-Month package of vBShop Pro. It says that after 3 months, you do not have access to updates anymore. Now: Do you still have the Pro version after 3 months, just no more updates? Also, if there is a bug in the version that...
  3. G

    Bug 404 Error

    Everything is working good except one issue, When someone tags you and it gives you the notification and you click it it comes up a error 404 page.
  4. Steris56

    Legacy ACP options Request

    In Edit Notification Type there are permissions for each user group what i would like to see is check boxes what we have to do now is highlight and save the usergroup i have to highlight all the users which i dont want checkboxes like in vbdonate ect are perfect and would like to see that...
  5. heyzeus909

    Legacy Compatability with vBGallery?

    I find this mod very useful for my forum. Could it please be extended for use in vBGallery comments? Like forum posts, this would allow members to ensure that other specific people see Gallery comments/pics. For example, if I leave a comment on someone else's Gallery image, I don't get a...
  6. Steris56

    Bug doesnt display

    Just got this and i tested this out the notification doesnt display for me my notification types are set to active so its not that any suggestions to this
  7. heyzeus909

    Bug DB Errors

    When a user clicked on a notification for a Gallery comment I left, it generated this error. Any suggestions? Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: SELECT FROM vb_status as status LEFT JOIN vb_user ON vb_user.userid = status.userid LEFT JOIN vb_userlist ON...
  8. Viceroy

    Legacy No notification in inbox

    When I get a new private message it only shows up in the bottom left of the website. The inbox is not marked with a new message. Is this the way it should work? I would like to have it indicate on both places.
  9. Steris56

    Question Message floating

    I have noticed a setting where we can have a floating image like it is here i assume what would you recommend for an image and how would we go about putting this in so it appears on the forum thanks
  10. C

    Legacy At least be able to see username's of who purchased what item

    Hello, It has come to my attention that this feature is only available in the Pro version of vBShop. I think this is absurd. We should at least be able to see the usernames of people who bought what item that is available in our store, without getting a PM notification. I know that you can...
  11. CharlieDelta

    Question Notification to User of Bounced Email & Un-Subscrived

    Notification to User of Bounced Email & Un-Subscribed I knew that your blogs would be useful Fillip H. and I was right. I learned that vbmail is to notify users about their bounced emails but how do I know this is happening. I don't see a log of the notification. I have the bounced mail...
  12. IcEWoLF

    What do you really think of vB5?

    Now that the software went gold, what do you really think about the product? Here is my personal opinion: Pros: - I like the design - Sitebuilder is useful - Feels less bloated than vB4, good thing - Built in Like System - Easy to edit avatars - Image viewer is nice - Uploading content is...
  13. Darin

    Legacy Notification of quiz scores

    Dylan, If I want to have the quiz send a fewdiffernet people quiz scores (their bosses) is this possible? Is this able to be done per quiz? Meaning different quizes may have different people to send to. Is this in the paid version already? Thanks, Darin
  14. Unfolded

    Refund Policy on this template?

    Let me know thanks
  15. O

    Bug Thank/Like

    On my website, for the same post when someone does 'Thank for this Post' he can still do separately 'Like this Post'. The recipient then gets notification for either one, if only one option is clicked or for both, if both 'Thanks for this Post' & 'Like this Post' is received.. But on this...
  16. C

    Legacy Mention and Tag Notifications in Shoutbox

    I think it would be nice if notifications for mentions and tags showed up in the chat (but only for the person being mentioned/tagged and possibly the mentioner/tagger).
  17. heyzeus909

    Question 'DBTech vBNotifications' & 'DBTech Gallery' compatability

    How do I enable notifications for picture comments via DBTech Gallery? I have ALL notifications enabled along with the applicable usergroups via AdminCP >> DBTech vBNotifications >> Manage Notification Types >> Edit >> Active, Yes; Usergroups Selected. Still, no notifications show up when a...
  18. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Features Option

    Hello Please try to add option, If possible ! 1. (View Results) Option to toggle the Quick Links/Community menu links on/off for vB v4.1.x? 2. Option on Notification for get Nominate. 3. Option on Notification for get Winning Nominations. 4. Option for Active Current Nominations and Completed...
  19. F

    Legacy Admin can set to disregard certain forums

    Not sure if this is even necessary as it may work this way by default but... I have some Private Forums on my site. Some members have access to some of these forums while some do not. If member A is following member B and member B posts in a private forum, member A should not get a notification...
  20. Freekoid

    Question Comment notification

    Does the member get a notification if someone posts a comment?