
  1. XGC Paravain

    Question Achievement Notification issue

    I'm having an issue with the achievement notification not going away, I will click on it and it beings me to my profile and the notification bar remains
  2. L

    Bug Notificaten in Shoutbox

    Hello, Despite my settings in the Admin CP in the download settings, which is to no, still in the shoutbox, a notification is sent. Can anyone help me? Best regards, Level Lord
  3. J

    Question How to i remove the bottom banner that says the page will update in 5 seconds

    Hi, My current theme seems to cut off the lower bar or should say its only displaying 80% and is aligning to the right. It makes our forum look as if its got a broken component / widget on it. Can we remove the bottom bar or can you direct us to how to extend it to the full 100% of the page...
  4. Nirjonadda

    Moderation Notifications

    Hello Does vBNotifications work with Moderation Notifications Moderate Threads, Moderate Posts, Moderate Attachments, Moderate Events, Moderate Visitor Messages, Moderate Users, Also can work with vBSuper PM's and other 3rd party modifications ?
  5. DeMelo

    Question xxxx mentioned/tagged yyyy in post N/A

    Guys, Am not able to know what's causing this; can you help pls?
  6. XGC Paravain

    Question Updating Past Activity

    Im wondering how to update my members past activity?
  7. CharlieDelta

    Bug Subscribe Button

    When I click on the subscribe button it doesn't seem to do anything or at least there is no notification. Also it displays the Subscribe button on my own reviews. Would it be better to have this disabled when viewing your own?
  8. P

    Bug error in pm after user quote me

    Hi, after any quote me, i receive a pm, ok :D But link for check pm have one error : i try to upload vbsuper pm but... don't work. any idea? thx
  9. sleep

    Bug thread titles are not shown

    Notifications show only the time to link. The thread titles are not shown. Example: After update: John has just replied to the thread [10:30] Before update John has just replied to the thread THREAD TITLE [10:30]
  10. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Subscribe to Author (Reviewer)

    Ability to subscribe to an author or reviewer similar to the vBGallery mod.
  11. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Sound Notification

    please can you add option new PM Sound Notification?This will play You've Got New PM when a new notification is received.
  12. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Notifications

    I know I read somewhere on here that you are working on notifications of some sort but I have a few feature requests.; Integration with vBShout. Ability to auto post in the forum of your choice when a new review is made. Integrations with vbNotifications??
  13. Nirjonadda

    Legacy PM Notifications

    Pm send to Nirjonadda ---> Nirjonadda, who send pm option ?
  14. bzcomputers

    Legacy Send notification on any change to a "Favorite" Download

    It would be nice if and change to the "last updated" would send a notification to members who have that download as a "Favorite". I think members would use the "Favorites" option more if they knew they would be notified on changes to that specific download.
  15. Steris56

    Subscription Notifications seen this at VB was just wondering if this could be incorporated in vb notifications or just a new mod altogether .. if there is a mod at db that does this maybe i missed it
  16. Nirjonadda

    Bug Blinking Notification

    Blinking Notification not working on Show Thread Page (showthread.php)
  17. G

    Bug Notification on Quote

    Recently, my members have been getting Notifications (vbulletin drop down notifications) from quoting others. Not just when they are quoted. There have been no changes to the forum since installing this product so I don't see why this is just starting now. I'm guessing this is a bug and not...
  18. Q

    Question Hash tags?

    Just installed the PRO version and most of it is pretty self explaining and works well. Call me stupid but could you explain me a bit in simple words what "hash tags" are? There are some instructions in the manual but still don't get it what would be the difference between user tagging and hash...
  19. B

    Question vBShout - Active Users Block

    One thing I need a bit of help on is when replying to threads or posting them, users aren't showing up on the Active Users Block, the notification settings are showing the thread replies/new threads in the shoutbox but they won't show in the active users block. Basically is someone replies to a...
  20. B

    Bug Auto Threads - wrong

    Submitted quizzes posts in created quizzes - instead separate? Made one forum for created and one forum for submitted - but no effect. You can see on my site - A new quiz has been created!! use version 2.0.0b1 regards bosss