
  1. C

    Cluster Requirements

    Hello, I manage a large sized vbulletin installation that actually sits on multiple web servers behind a load balancer. I'm wondering what would be the best combination for optimization of our forums, including your vbOptimise product. Since we have many servers, each server has its own...
  2. fly

    Bug This is only showing where they registered

    Maybe this is by design, I'm not sure. However, this only seems to show a pin for where the member signed up, not where they are located now. I was thinking it was just using the registration IP as a placeholder and the cron would eventually fix that. But it doesn't seem to be the case. Is...
  3. S

    Question Pre-sale question

    Hi, I installed Lite version on a test board to see how it works. Before i buy the Pro version i have some questions: I see that here at Dbtech it's very different the design of the activity tab, it have a progress bar and icons for Achievements. In my installation only text... I don't know...
  4. T

    Question vBshout & vBseo

    I've been reading all over the place how vBshout and vBseo don't play well together. From what I understand vBshout must be placed on vBseo's "exclude" "exclusion" list. This is what I've come up with: # Comment the following line (add '#' at the beginning) # to disable mod_rewrite functions...
  5. J

    Question How to check if vbOptimise is running

    I am really looking for a reason to purchase the Pro version of vbOptimise, so I have installed the Lite version to see if I notice any performance enhancements. When first installing, it was set for Filecaching. Now, my host has installed xCache. I have edited my config file to go for xcache...
  6. J

    vBOptimise questions

    I have some vbOptimise questions: 1. Would vboptimise increase my RAM requirements on my VPS? I have 1.5GB of RAM, using 1.2GB leaving about 300MB of RAM left. 2. If I went for a 3 month license + the Branding Free option, does that mean if I ever renew my license, the Branding Free option...
  7. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Tagging Entire usergroups could use some optimizations.

    Hi guys, I think the tagging usergroup option should require some optimizations. When I tag the registered usergroups it takes way too long and I keep getting this error: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in...
  8. IcEWoLF

    Website issue - Broken mention link in email The link doesn't work.
  9. S

    Using VBSEO

    Hi guys, do you use this script straight from the box or have you made some alterations to it? Also do you feel that it does what it says it should do? Thanks for looking .... :p
  10. Amaury

    Forum Speed

    I don't visit here often, but I noticed that the general speed of the forum is slow. Sometimes it is even very slow. I'm just curious as to whether this is from all of the modifications, the server, both, or something else.
  11. H

    Question dbtech_thanks_entry and Innodb

    I'm still having problems with the Thanks mod and slow queries. I tried changing the dbtech_thanks_entry table to Innodb and the query time went from 1 - 2 seconds to 9 - 10 seconds. Any idea why this happened? What tables can be changed to innodb for this mod that will help with the slow queries?
  12. Nirjonadda

    Google's mod_pagespeed For Apache

    Hello, I wanted to know what do you say about this mod_pagespeed For Apache ?Anyone use it ? Does it Make your web site faster?Reduces server load? Should I install it ? or not ?
  13. barroca

    Question upgrade to vB5 connect

    Sorry if I'm posting in wrong place ... but I wish know if vBOptimize will be ported do vB5. Thank you all the best joao barroca ps. if you have any place to point me the evolution of mods to vB5 I appreciate [I have some other mods too ;) ]
  14. B

    Question How get usernames html markup

    Hello How get usenames html markup on live feed - sidebar block? I use this mod HTML Username Markup - In More Places! and works on all places but not on this (your mod)? regards bosss
  15. F

    Bug Memory exhaustion error in class_core.php

    My users are reporting getting an error message when trying to use the advanced reply feature in my forum. As background I downloaded and hotfixed the latest version of class_core.php and thanks.js yesterday. I guess I should go back to the earlier version of class_core.php but I hope this...
  16. IcEWoLF

    Pondering about Invision Powerboard...

    Since day one I decided to stuck out with vBulletin, but as of late I've gotten the chance to check out IPS 3.4 and the product looks so much more nicer and polished than vB 4.2 right now. I've been thinking about making the move, however there are some down sides to it... 1. No DBTech products...
  17. GoodApples

    Legacy Play Nice with Postbit Collapser/Arranger

    I would like to request Thanks / Like play nice with Postbit Collapser/Arranger Most of the issues that I have noticed so far are when using Above and Below Signature and requiring Hide...maybe bbcode in general. Yeah this is a request but to me it just a bug. ;) Besides this might be a good...
  18. L

    Question Tab issue with vbseo and vbshout.

    Hello I just recently installed vbseo and stumbled upon a little problem in the shoutbox. When you click on their name in the shotubox and the tab pops up. When you go click on "View Profile" from the tab it only takes you to /forums/member.php of that certain member and doesn't follow the...
  19. Alan_SP

    Legacy Optimizing APTL to be more server friendly

    I want to report impact of this mod on server resources. This is mod that uses the most server resources. Showthread page generation time with this mod is about 80-90% longer, even for guests. As users spent most time looking at threads, this almost halves number of users server could serve...
  20. S

    vb5 modifications

    Hi Guys, Just a quick bit of feedback about the vb5 versions of your mods. I currently used vbshout, thanks & likes, tagging & info panels which are your currently released modifications in vb5 (albeit early version as of yet). As someone who has a forum with 750,000 posts and a very active...