
  1. S

    VB optimise rocks

    After about 6 hours installing vb optimise pro, it already saved 685,000+ queries according to my admincp. Good job :)
  2. H

    Reported posts notification

    Since vb will probably never do it, maybe dbtech can make an improvement to the report system? It would be helpful for staff if they got a notification when a report is made in there section. Even better would be a whole new report system. Something like xf perhaps?
  3. webrunner

    Bug Pages dropdown only shows total; search analytics empty

    Hi, I have a few problems but they could all be caused by the same problem. 1. The dropdown for pages only shows "Total" and no other pages. 2. The search analytics are all empty. (i use the DP sphinx mod) 3. The topic analytics are all empty (and i did have visitors in the specified topics) 4...
  4. B

    Question Show active users in navbar or footer of forumhome

    Hi, Is there a plugin around which would allow me to show a number of people using vbshout on a none vbshout page? - I'm testing vbshout on test site and want the ability to show on other pages, maybe in navbar or header and show a link with the total active users, for example vbshout (3)...
  5. F

    Anti ddos attack product

    I wonder if you guys have or could make a firewall product, i wonder if vbsecurity make this job or not, otherwise it would be nice if you can release a kind of firewall for forums protection :)
  6. W

    Bug Performance issues when Mod is enabled

    Hi, when this mod is enabled, the cpu usage on my forum shoots up and the forum slows down. Is there any way to adjust on the settings to improve performance? For instance, in cpanel looking at the server stats w/o the mod: Server Load 1.16 (4 cpus) With the mod: Server Load 7.30 (4 cpus)...
  7. LuDawgs

    Bug Host Keeps Blocking My Site

    Hey, guys. For the past day, my host has been shutting off my account and taking my site offline. I think this is due to the number of connections that are running and I'm exceeding server load. Do you know if this has ever been a problem in the past? My site is relatively small with only...
  8. Freekoid

    Bug Drilldown on searches

    The in-depth analytics search is showing 315 here at dbt. I would like to see what they are searching for, maybe a 'drilldown' on the word 'search' Drilldown = clickable link, sorry we use that word for getting more information on areas on our works intranet same kind of analytic thing been in...
  9. Dolphers

    Question vBshout causing performance issues to host

    I currently run a pro version of vBshout that I bought the lifetime subscription to on my vBulletin board hosted by Recently they have taken down my board as a violation of their TOS due to performance issues stemming from the vbshout.php script from the shoutbox that I've...
  10. ZeroHour

    vB Optimise Pro compile time stats

    Hi Just wondering if there were any examples of compile time (using the debugger numbers) to show how much vB Optimise Pro improves things on a default install? Guest cache viewing page compile stats too would be very useful. I am curios about the product but I would like some numbers on a...
  11. G

    Legacy You do not have permission... on Activity link in UserCP

    Why am I getting "you do not have permission to access this page." at vbactivity.php?do=activity (Activity link in the Activity menu) in usercp.php? I'm relatively sure my permissions are set properly...
  12. G

    Bug Existing users' past activity not counted

    I just installed this and it's not displaying proper activity information in the profile block; i.e. it's only processed activity since the mod was enabled but not past activity to display an accurate level. Clearing the cache didn't help. How do I fix this? Actually, it seems that apart from...
  13. T

    Question InnoDB Databases

    I notice you have 6 innodb tables in MySQL as opposed to default myisam tables for rest of database tables. They are as follows +--------------+-------------------------+--------+ | table_schema | table_name | engine | +--------------+-------------------------+--------+ | forum...
  14. R

    Bug Notice URL malformed

    I just installed the lite versions of both notifications and user tagging and I have one problem that I am not sure what it is related to. when you click the notice you are directed to;tab=thanks the amp; is in every notification so it...
  15. R

    Legacy Make this real time button - or intelligent selective real time

    Hi Fillip, To help reduce the server load on can you create a button saying "Make this real time" when a users makes a quickreply and only when you a certain percentage of users participating in the thread are "online"? This will make sure that real time updates are initiated by real members who...
  16. barroca

    Ajax thread, vb optimize and performance forum

    Hello I already use vboptimize pro in my project. And recently I need increase max_user_connections to 60 If I buy and install ajax threads I will see a better performance in forum? My principal installed plugins are: vbseo, vboptimize, vbnotifications, and vbmail thanks joao barroca
  17. D

    Legacy Performance Improment on Large forum

    Hi @Fillip H. , Ajax Thread Mod's slowing down my forum. After turning it on 60 minutes, my web server have more than 900 waiting requests, even I turn them off for all forums and there is no thread which override Automatic Ajax Upgrade. After turn it off, my web server come to no waiting...
  18. T

    Bug Fix Repair Tables - Odd Overhead Size

    Noticed this not to long ago, seems a bit much but under Repair / Optimize Tables I noticed this credits_transaction 10.50 MB 17.47 MB 66.00 MB Overhead is 66MBytes, is this normal?
  19. vijayninel

    Legacy Semicolon required in hash tag subscriptions

    It seems that hash tag subscriptions still require a semicolon to be added at end of the word even if the preference is set to "no" in the Require Semicolon for username field. Please check if it is possible for you to remove the semicolon for hash subscriptions as well. Thank you.
  20. Teresa Murphy

    Bug Performance issues?

    Anyone else have performance issues? I was getting everything set up just right and started to notice a significant performance delay. I disabled it and performance went back to normal.