
  1. M

    Legacy please consider adding

    Can u please consider adding an option to how many invites can be sent by a usergroup within e.g. week or month. I want to be able to give users say 1 invite a month and its just not possible atm u can only increase how many invites usergroups can have and I see now way to reset counters This...
  2. bzcomputers

    Bug Observations & Issues

    Observations: External Links - Anonymise External URLs: default setting is currently "Yes", probably should be "No" the majority of the people will probably not want anonymized external links. External Links - There is currently not an "Internal Links" options section. Will this be added? Do we...
  3. M

    Legacy @usergroup and profile tab

    1. If you write a usergroup the output is: user1 user2 user3 etc. Is it possible to somehow hide the names of the users? leave only usergroup 2. Profile tab For vb3 a lot of profile tabs. Is it possible to somehow make it all (mentions, quotes) in one tab?
  4. J

    Bug Not showing up anywhere

    hey I just downloaded and installed the twitch mod. and I'm not able to use the mod. it doesn't show up anywhere in the forum or profile area. I'm using a custom template and have even tried using the default template to see if there was something keeping it from displaying. I'm running...
  5. C

    Question Remove details from post bit

    Hi Guys quick question. How do I remove the drop down box from the post bit altogether? I know I can remove the drop down box and it displays all the likes given ect, but I'm not sure how to remove all the info. I did it before on a previous version but I've just upgraded to the new version...
  6. Q

    Legacy User settings question

    When a user goes to his Settings he can turn on/ff several options. I want them to be able to turn on/off the "Notifications" but not the "Postbit" settings as they always should be visible to others. Is there a setting where I can turn off the option for them to do this or do I have to edit a...
  7. rinkrat

    Bug Clicking on Likes notification

    Just purchased and installed this for the first time. When seeing new thanks in the notifications and then clicking on them, you are taken to forum.php instead of the list of likes and thanks. Is there a way to change this? Thanks for the great products!
  8. Nirjonadda

    Bug Member profile

    Warning: Declaration of vB_ProfileBlock_UsernameHistory::block_is_enabled() should be compatible with that of vB_ProfileBlock::block_is_enabled() in ..../dbtech/username_change/includes/class_profileblock.php on line 0
  9. A

    Question What template is used for the user profile thanks/like tab

    I need to know what the template is that is for the user profile tab to fix some things... the issue I'm having is there is a line going through the dates when the user goes under the thanks/like tab in the profile.. I also want to change the title of the thanks/like tab since I do not use a...
  10. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Notification to all who comment

    Feature request; It would be nice to notify ALL who comment on a pic in the gallery. For instance, I comment on your photo with a question. You then comment by answering that question but I am not notified that you have commented. This brings up another feature which in my opinion can be...
  11. Mental

    Bug missing location :)

    Current ActivityUnknown Location /thanks.php?do=profilenotif Just so you know :)
  12. O

    Question Changing the profile notification for dislikes when names are not shown

    The names of people who dislike are not shown per my preference, but I would like the profile block to give a bit more info on posts that were disliked. Is there a way to code the profile block to say "[number of users who disliked this post] clicked Dislike for this post: [url of post that was...
  13. S

    Bug @mentions and quotes do not redirect to correct tab

    Hi, My mentions and quotes in notification bar do not link to the correct tab on my profile page. I've searched the forums and do use VBSEO, but the strange thing is that it has worked before (i've read something about vbseo breaking the feature).... The link redirects me to...
  14. heyzeus909

    Bug Error When Updating Address Info

    I received this error after updating my address info (after making a listing, if that makes any difference): Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: UPDATE vb_user SET WHERE userid = 2; MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that...
  15. CharlieDelta

    Bug User Profile Blank When Likeing a Review

    When a review is liked it is blank under the users profile tab. Only shows the date. I confirmed this with my other site as well but have not tested the thanks yet.
  16. angeljs

    Question Which template to edit?

    Please can you tell me which template to edit that shows the member's awards in their profile so I can take away the 'Award earned on' tezt? Cheers. :)
  17. M

    Bug Users can't register after installing this

    I installed profile hover and it works, but when a few people try registering they get this error, as do I:
  18. 1quicksi

    Bug DB Error

    Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: SELECT entry.*, user.username, user.usergroupid, user.membergroupids, user.infractiongroupid...
  19. heyzeus909

    Legacy Admin Option for User Status as Profile Comment

    I really enjoy this mod, and so do my members. Thank you. When a user updates his or her status, is it possible to make it so that it appears as a visitor comment on said user's profile? This would then appear in Live Feed (providing, of course, that it's installed on the site) and encourage...
  20. heyzeus909

    Legacy Generate Links for Avatars, Profile Pics and Background Images

    If I go to my gallery albums >>> click on an album which then displays thumbnails of the pics in the album, I can then right click on the thumbnail to grab the url of said thumbnail-ed pic. Example of a url...