
  1. heyzeus909

    Bug Avatar and/or Signatures not showing in Live Feed

    I'm getting Live Feed updates of new posts and threads, and visitor messages, but not for avatar or signature changes. I can't say one way or the other about other notifications because my site has little activity on it at the moment (waiting to get things ironed out before I start promoting...
  2. A

    Question Won'r show up

    Won't show up It shows up fine in the profile section - but not in the post bit. What is the code to manually insert it into the post bit?
  3. I

    Bug Database Error when Disabling Feature Integration on Visitor Messages

    When we attempt to disable the feature integration with Visitor Messages, we get the following SQL Database error on all of our profile pages... Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: SELECT entry.*, user.username, user.usergroupid, user.membergroupids...
  4. heyzeus909

    Bug Dislikes being notified as "Likes"

    When I receive a "dislike," it shows I get a "like" notification. To be clear, if I already have, say, 3 "like" notifications at the bottom-left of the screen that I haven't cleared out yet, then receive a "dislike," it will then show as 4 "like" notifications (with no "dislike" notification...
  5. heyzeus909

    Question Link to Member's Profile

    I promise I tried to search before asking for help. I want to move the link to a member's profile from the header (i.e., to a link in a NavTab. I'm talking about the "My Profile" link (not a specific profile, just the member that's...
  6. XGC Paravain

    Question Achievement Notification issue

    I'm having an issue with the achievement notification not going away, I will click on it and it beings me to my profile and the notification bar remains
  7. Force

    My posts

    in my profile if trying to see posts i made or have posted in i get this error this is with my ipad but i am sure its the same with my pc
  8. heyzeus909

    Question Notifications not showing up

    I'm using the clean-looking Mielo theme (available for purchase here at dbtech :) ) and did some further "cleaning up" of the way I want my site to look. Removing the clutter, so to say. One of the things I've done, is to edit the header to only include the username of the person signed in and...
  9. viper357

    Bug Content being duplicated into all tabs.

    Hi guys, I posted this on but there's been no response so thought I would post it here instead. I have an odd problem, I have created 3 tabs and all is working 100% except this: If I use this code in my 3rd tab: <if condition="$post['field31']"> <a...
  10. 1quicksi

    Bug Custom Profile not accepting settings

    In the user profile the dates background are not accepting custom settings.
  11. XGC Paravain

    Legacy Activity & Achievements On Profile

    My question on the how do I is, Im wanting to put the activity points and achievements on users peofile sidebar block?
  12. S

    Question User Tagging showing N/A (Thread Url)

    Hi How r u? I Hope U will b fine, I m Facing some Problem in User Tagging, when i tag any member then show in profile N/A like that user name To user name Thread N/A check screen short
  13. Treeofl1

    Bug Quotes and mentions show N/A

    Hi, whenever a user is quoted or mentioned, it gets duplicated in his profile, with one of them always showing as N/A. Is there any way way for me to fix this? What other information do I need to provide?
  14. DeMelo

    Question xxxx mentioned/tagged yyyy in post N/A

    Guys, Am not able to know what's causing this; can you help pls?
  15. P

    Favorite Image Gallery

    Hi Fillip H. and DBT! Big fan of your work, I've been getting people bugging me on.... A viral level now LOL about the ability to have a quick favorite image gallery. What I mean by that: whenever someone posts something like
  16. O

    Bug Unexpected T_STRING Error

    One more issue I am having. Everything functioned as it should have until this morning. It has to do with the notifications of likes/thanks/dislikes. Once I receive one, I click the notifications link and this error is seen on /forum/member.php?u=1&tab=thanks: "Parse error: syntax error...
  17. XGC Paravain

    Question Updating Past Activity

    Im wondering how to update my members past activity?
  18. heyzeus909

    Legacy Delete Status

    If there's a way for a user to delete any status in their history, I'm not seeing it. Sometimes grammatical errors happen. Sometimes people may say something that they don't want written forever in stone. The ability to delete things may encourage users to update their status, since they will be...
  19. heyzeus909

    Legacy Truncated Display

    Any way to truncate or line break the info displayed in the box when a profile name is hovered to prevent the following?:
  20. OUTL4W

    Bug showing image attached custom profile field

    is there a way I can get the image attached to the custom profile field to show. What I'm trying to accomplish is display members xbox gamertag, psn_id and steam id. within the hover. Not just the text version. I tried editing the dbtech_ph_profile_custom_field but now shows I re-uploded...