
  1. Dora

    Question Baner resize

    Hello, If there is no defined package, there is no option cofigure ... When a defined package, configure is located just on the package tab, bottom right not to be seen. Showing my placeholder image size banners, and the true picture is a small thumbnail. Example 1: forumads2.jpg...
  2. neounix

    Bug Upgrade to 1.0.3 from older version now.. Cut and Paste Links Broken Again

    Hey! You fixed this problem (see prior posts on this), now after upgrading to 1.0.3 it is back again... (see attached image from our discussion forums).. When we cut and paste a link in the forums, we get these same problem (see attached). . One reference.. our old forum thread on this bug.
  3. J

    Bug Lite version missing admincp settings

    I've seen a few images of what appears to be a DBTech Registration block in the admincp for this mod that I do not have. I suspect that is the source of many of my problems getting this configured. I do see 3 sections in the Options section but no dedicated section to setup instances. Could you...
  4. T

    Question Deleting

    So I appear to have issues finding how to delete other users photos. In particular those posted directly into a Category. I am the administrator, and I have the option ticked to delete other's photos, so how can I do it? I don't see a delete box to tick or any option when I view the photo, the...
  5. C

    Question Needing help w/ employing this mod on my site

    I just purchased the lifetime version of DragonByte Review 1.0.7, and love the seamless integration into the Admin CP. Installation went great, but I am having some issues with employing the mod on my site. I was under the impression that I could have this mod integrated into all subforums...
  6. Q

    Question upgrade Dbseo

    Hello! I saw that today has been released a new version of Dbseo. What should I do to upgrade without losing settings? I have to save something before proceeding with the upgrade? Thank you!
  7. R

    Bug Problem with DBSeo and Forum

    We used the Beta 7 version up until yesterday when we upgraded to the latest version. The upgrade seems to mess the forum up, as characters such as £ signs seem to be displayed as question mark inside a box. Also, when installed, our shoutbox doesn't run correctly, and forum blocks which we have...
  8. N

    Forum Ads - Support Adsense backup?

    Just a quick question. Forum Ad's looks awesome and a great way to automate all the requests for advertising banners in a self-service manner. However does it support backup ads for any unsold inventory? I'd like to price our Ad Blocks a little above what Adsense earns in them therefore will...
  9. mrderanged

    Bug Error on Install

    getting an error when trying to install reviews lite. everything seems to be going fine, then it starts upgrading to 1.0.0 It rebuilds the styles and then it comes up with: Invalid SQL (this is huge and it never posts when I paste it in here, so it's in the attached .txt file) MySQL Error...
  10. M

    Question subdomain issue

    The tech I hired recently used this stuff prior and got it working for another client of his. He mentioned to me only thing different was the fact we prefer a sub domain on a forum. Can you please provide me the steps for this gentleman regarding subdomain etc please
  11. M

    Bug Listing Notification (1 Item Awaiting)

    Hi Mokonzi, First off thank you very much for the notification system - I love that, that will be so helpful!!! Just a quick one regarding the notification system. I have to explain that since the early betas I have had one item awaiting moderation in the queue but there is nothing that...
  12. S

    Legacy Adding questions pool

    Hi there! Just bought the vbQuiz! Its really great and easy to handle! We have one big question! Is there no possibility to create a quiz with, lets say 500 questions and the player gets every time a random question-set of 10 questions for example? This would be the perfect quiz for us. Is...
  13. J

    Question Hide thanks

    I have requested Professional Installation and its installed. 1 - I used following similar mods on my website and it is still active. Can I disable these below mods - Post Thank You Hack 7.83 - vFCoders - Hide Hack 3.1 This MOD gives users in selected forums the ability to use a BBCode to...
  14. A

    vbshout server impact

    Coming up this Wednesday I have the busiest day of the year for my forum. Last year we had over 1,900 users online at once. In a nut shell I want to reduce the impact on my SQL server but don't want to kill my php server either. (they run on the same box) Would using a chat mod like vbshout be a...
  15. N

    Dragonbyte SEO - URL Rewrite rules for IIS 7.x/8.x

    Hello Dragonbyte, Quick question regarding your SEO product, we're currently running vBSEO on our forum (quite a large one) and with the upgrade to 4.2.2 we're looking into switching to your SEO plugin in order to preserve all our current links from vBSEO. However, we currently run on IIS 7.x...
  16. Nirjonadda

    Question Can you use both memcached and xcache

    I have both memcached and xcache installed. Can you use both memcached and xcached? If yes than how to Edit the configuration file for config.php? Currently i am using xcache with vB Optimise, now how to use for config.php in memcached? I would suspect the settings in config.php would look...
  17. ClutchThese

    Bitcoin/litecoin shop integration

    Is it possible to integrate a bitcoin and litecoin wallet into the vbshop? I'd love to see this happen so users can earn coins for posting and spend them in the shop. Would be super to have in integrated with vbcredit and the shop all out the gate.
  18. C

    Question Problems with vbAnswers

    I have the form block form displaying and working. I noticed I have a unsolved question showing up in the what's going on box. How do I find the questions that people posted? It appears looking at the mod settings they should show up under community and quick links menus (both are ticked)...
  19. J

    Changing the display of the mods.

    Hello, So I now got both products installed, vbshout and InfoPanels. The thing is that the infopanel is showing above the vbshout box, which I don't want. I want the InfoPanels block to be under the vbshout box. Is there a solution for this, and if so, how do I accomplish this? Thanks, Jordy
  20. M

    Bug £ Pound Sign Issue

    Hi Mokonzi, When I am logged into the forum the £ pound sign looks like a £ but when I am logged out and viewing as a guest the pound sign looks like a sort of diamond question mark Have a look at this attachment... strange one? Cheers Mick