
  1. bzcomputers

    Legacy Ability to add custom ad locations

    It would be nice to be able to integrate custom locations into this mod. I see these settings be required: 1) Set location name / description 2) Upload location screenshot 3) Get code into custom location. All but 3 is pretty easy :) I personally use the Rotating Banner System mod without...
  2. V

    Question Sitemap

    Hello. I have a question. Which generates the sitemap? The sitemap is blank me, which is the file that contains it? thanks
  3. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Postbit Tabs Show Location

    Please can you add option Postbit Tabs Show Location vB default Postbit Above Join Date ?
  4. M

    Bug Not displayed in postbit

    After upgrading from 1.0.5 - not displayed in postbit. After removal of the 1.0.5 and a new installation 1.1.0 - not displayed in postbit. re-activate Postbit Tabs and edit/save - not displayed in postbit.
  5. T

    Bug Question Auto Replace URL with Titletag after upgrading to rc2

    Hi the Question Auto Replace URL with Titletag is nit working after upgrading to rc2 it was working fine with the previous version
  6. S

    Compatability question for vbCredits

    Hi again guys. Been a while! I was going to starting using my vbulletin software again, and I already had a few existing purchsed mods. But these were all almost a year ago and I see above that there were issues with 4.2.2. The main ones I'm wondering about are the Arcade and Credits mods. Are...
  7. M

    Question Question Regarding DBSEO Future plans

    Hi Fillip H., I know you are busy with lots of debugging etc, but I just wanted to ask when do you think you will be implementing the MEMORY feature you spoke about. I forgot the name of what it would be called, but basically the memory redirects... when we change the URL structures that it...
  8. Bullmama DeLano

    Question Fee System, How Does It Work?

    How does the fee system work? Say if you charge a 5 cent insertion fee, how does that eventually get to you?
  9. S

    Question Custom Fields Layout

    I have another small question / request I'd like to know how to fix the Custom Fields Layout, as in when you have custom fields and they display next to the image, the members answer/details are under the question rather than on the right of it, The image information is question on left and...
  10. J

    Bug arcrade.php?do=break versus arcade.php

    [IIS 7+] arcrade.php?do=break versus arcade.php So the arcade was not working for us at all. However, if we go to the arcade page at first doing arcade.php?do=break everything will work. Can you advise why this may be happening? Should we replace the default settings to always load this...
  11. Bullmama DeLano

    Bug Database Error Upon Installing

    Initial installation started good but then I received a db error after several db tables were installed. Here is the error: Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE `vb3dbtech_classifieds_question_category` CHANGE `question_categoryid` `question_categoryid` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT...
  12. M

    vbDownloads Pre-purchase questions

    Prior to purchasing the pro version of vbDownloads, I would like to know if: (Simply because the features list was difficult to understand somewhat..) When a file is uploaded, will a thread be created in a category on the forum. This is a feature that I am interested in having on my site, as we...
  13. C

    Question Gae record question

    Game record question Game rocords indicate all the attempts of a specific user. Is there a way to just display one TOP score? Thank You
  14. C

    Question v3 Arcade game install question

    What exactly is the meaning of the above statement in the import games admin portion?
  15. CharlieDelta

    Bug Listing Type Phrase Missing - Form

    Listing Type Phrase missing in the form manager page of ACP
  16. neounix

    Question PHP Programming Question About <?php and ?>

    Hey! I noticed in all your PHP you begin the (as we do) with: <?php ... but you don't end those files with: ?> .. as we normally do. Is there any reason you omit the ending ?> that matches the beginning <?php in each PHP file?
  17. Z

    Question Slider not appearing with auto insert, CMPS module question

    After downloading and uploading the files to my website, and importing the product, I've enable the auto insert option to the "Above Forums" positions and configured the plugin yet the slider is not appearing at all. I'm also wondering if there is a CMPS module available for this slider?
  18. bzcomputers

    Question Question about url importing for sitemaps

    I have a custom urls file which currently contains 1228 urls/lines when imported I see 1227. I tested with importing a smaller group and the numbers in the file always matched the number shown after import. I'm assuming somewhere in my full list I have a duplicate url and the importer is...
  19. Z

    Question Question about fresh install of vBActivity & Awards Lite

    I have a question regarding the installation of this plugin. It seems that after fresh installing it to my forum, there are no default criteria, achievements, awards, categories, or anything. Do I have to do all of this myself or is there default data that is supposed to be there? I tried...
  20. Jennifer Anderson Marx

    Advanced Post Thanks / Like Issue

    I am interested in purchasing Advanced Post Thanks / Like for my installation of vBulletin 3.8.7 I installed the version at -- [DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3 (vB3) [AJAX] - Forum -- first to evaluate it. I followed the installation directions in readme.txt...