
  1. M

    Bug Random not showing

    Hi Mokonzi, I have enabled the random in the admincp settings... But I am still getting items in order of ID. I have cleared all caches etc, just wondered if there was something else I needed to do? Regards Mick
  2. HaZaRd

    Bug CMS not work with DragonByte SEO

    CMS does not work, the page returns "Error 404. Not Found. The requested URL / content / was not found on this server." I've had a problem with another identical seo-mod and I discovered that my server is fast-cgi. I created a topic here to ask the question. copy and paste the content here...
  3. O

    Question A few silly issues

    This may be a silly question to ask, but from the moment I installed the modification whenever I clicked on a board in my forum it would give a "404 - Category not found" error. I didn't change any setting, this happens from the moment I enable the modification. When I click threads I get "404 -...
  4. S

    Question Turning on DBSEO and Site stops working

    Not sure where to start, It seems like every time I enable dbseo from cp my site crashes, pages cant be found- pretty much just falls apart Most recently I have disabled all of my plugins uninstalled and reinstalled DBseo Edited and reedited .htaccess file So here is what I have currently...
  5. bzcomputers

    Bug Resource Savings Statistics basing off of UTC time and not server time

    It appears that the resource savings statistics are reset daily at midnight UTC and not at midnight server time. I didn't see any option to change this either.
  6. Nirjonadda

    Bug Transaction Log

    If got to view transaction log and get error : /vbshop.php?do=transactionlog Warning: mysqli::query() [mysqli.query]: (42000/1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND visible = 1 AND dateline...
  7. neounix

    Bug Upgrade to 1.0.3 from older version now.. Cut and Paste Links Broken Again

    Hey! You fixed this problem (see prior posts on this), now after upgrading to 1.0.3 it is back again... (see attached image from our discussion forums).. When we cut and paste a link in the forums, we get these same problem (see attached). . One reference.. our old forum thread on this bug.
  8. P

    Question URGENT- Installed VBSEO and my entire site crashed!!!!

    Need help getting it back up. Not sire if it was the htaccess changes or the friendly url changes to standard and this for the htaccess: RewriteEngine On # If you are having problem with "None Could Be Negotiated" errors in Apache, uncomment this to turn off MultiViews #Options -MultiViews...
  9. U

    Bug data base errors when users donate

    Hi i have been recieving these errors ever since last few days without knowing what went wrong, Can you guide me. When i manually add in donations for my users they are not able to automatically change usergroup. For the rest it seems okay. I just did an upgrade to the latest patch btw.
  10. S

    Question Delete Images and more

    Hi there, we are thinking about buying the vbgallery system! but... on testing we are facing some serious problems... i think we can need some help! 1.) Is there any possibility to set a different image-size for the CMS-Widget. (since we don't have enough space there) 2.) The reason we want...
  11. HaZaRd

    Question Same/Double Achievements Error

    My server is slow and sometimes gave the error "MySQL server has gone away". Now I have solved the problem (thanks to vBOptimise) but on those rare occasions, some achievements have been awarded several times for a single user. There are users with the same Achievements repeated for 4 times...
  12. mrderanged

    Bug Error on Install

    getting an error when trying to install reviews lite. everything seems to be going fine, then it starts upgrading to 1.0.0 It rebuilds the styles and then it comes up with: Invalid SQL (this is huge and it never posts when I paste it in here, so it's in the attached .txt file) MySQL Error...
  13. W

    Legacy Clean Unused Files

    Hello! Today I have a request for what I HOPE is a simple feature: a button to clean up all unattached files from the server's hard drive. I host a lot of game mods, and when a newer version of those mods comes out they remove the file from the listing... but it still remains taking up space on...
  14. M

    Question Unable to install vbdownloads

    I just bought the Pro version, and downloaded 2.2.0pl1, but for some reason I'm having issues installing it. I'm read the instructions that is provided in the zip folder, but for some reason when I go and import the plug in it says I put the whole 'upload' folder in the /www in the FTP and...
  15. GoodApples

    Bug Gallery Missing Image - 1.3.1

    Upload the files correctly, also CHMOD'd the /dbtech/gallery/images/upload/ folder. -- all images and thumbnails display as "Image Missing" Check permissions UserGroup Admin, allow to upload permissions Had my Host check! Still display as Image Missing Note: Under Gallery System: System...
  16. C

    Question avatar thumbnails

    Is it possible to display avatar thumbnails instead of scaled down full size avatars?
  17. GoodApples

    Question Upload - Missing Image

    New Install other images in gallery. Uploaded image and got Missing image? General Options --> Allowed Usergroup --> Selected usergroups....Done! User Group set as Admin of Gallery Anything else I need to check? Edit: After some searching it seems to be a common problem? Uploaded an...
  18. Nirjonadda

    Question Custom 404 Error Page

    How to Create Custom 404 Error Page? DBSEO have a Custom 404 Error Page php file?
  19. B

    Bug PHP and MySQL High I/O & Load

    We briefly tested your vBShout Lite with about 4 users and light chat and everything was fine. Over the weekend we had a large event and had approximately 12-15 users at any one time using the chat. After about 10 minutes we found that the server load skyrocketed to 25+ on a quad core system. I...
  20. J

    Question Hide thanks

    I have requested Professional Installation and its installed. 1 - I used following similar mods on my website and it is still active. Can I disable these below mods - Post Thank You Hack 7.83 - vFCoders - Hide Hack 3.1 This MOD gives users in selected forums the ability to use a BBCode to...