
  1. N

    Legacy Need "Real" Prize

    we want to allow members to use the points they earn in VBshop to redeem real prizes, like tee-shirts, caps, tools, etc. The "prizes" that one can offer now are forum prizes that our grouchy old members don't care about. They would simply redeem say 1000 points for a H-M t-shirt. The prizes...
  2. A

    vbshout server impact

    Coming up this Wednesday I have the busiest day of the year for my forum. Last year we had over 1,900 users online at once. In a nut shell I want to reduce the impact on my SQL server but don't want to kill my php server either. (they run on the same box) Would using a chat mod like vbshout be a...
  3. J

    Bug Database load increase

    I've tried to transfer my forum from vbseo to dbseo tonight, but there was a significant increase in database load and had to revert the procedure. There was a huge spike in query numbers with dbseo and althought the queries themselves didn't seem to be very intensive - the sheer number of them...
  4. R

    Question vbseo to dbseo

    Sir, I have vbseo installed over the server and I brought dbseo with a hope to migrate fully. I followed your steps of installation and changed vbseo to dbseo in .htaccess file. I disabled vbseo and enabled dbseo. However, the server load increased and the forum home url return the blank...
  5. Nirjonadda

    Bug Admin Strikes and Login Strikes Viewer

    What Do You Mean by Admin Strikes and Login Strikes Viewer ? Please give me some more info about that, Also I have some bug on the logger , please check the ScreenShot. Unknown language or User name: User name not found: User ID : 0 , Does vB have user id 0 ?
  6. Nirjonadda

    Question Can you use both memcached and xcache

    I have both memcached and xcache installed. Can you use both memcached and xcached? If yes than how to Edit the configuration file for config.php? Currently i am using xcache with vB Optimise, now how to use for config.php in memcached? I would suspect the settings in config.php would look...
  7. J

    Question Changing the display of the mods.

    Hello, So I now got both products installed, vbshout and InfoPanels. The thing is that the infopanel is showing above the vbshout box, which I don't want. I want the InfoPanels block to be under the vbshout box. Is there a solution for this, and if so, how do I accomplish this? Thanks, Jordy
  8. sharma

    Bug Multiple Issues with Dragonbyte SEO Mod

    Just purchased an installed Dragonbyte SEO mod, but after installation forum links broken and i didn't see any plessant URL rewrites other than Vb4.2.x default URL's. 1, When i click any thread,post,forum links then it's lead to 404 page 2, URL rewrite isn't working at all 3, Sitemap generated...
  9. 1quicksi

    Bug DB Error

    Now sure when this started happening... Database error in vBulletin 4.2.1: Invalid SQL: SELECT languageid, phrasegroup_global AS phrasegroup_global, phrasegroup_dbtech_vbnavtabs AS phrasegroup_dbtech_vbnavtabs, phrasegroup_bop5iframer AS...
  10. M

    Bug £ Pound Sign Issue

    Hi Mokonzi, When I am logged into the forum the £ pound sign looks like a £ but when I am logged out and viewing as a guest the pound sign looks like a sort of diamond question mark Have a look at this attachment... strange one? Cheers Mick
  11. M

    Bug No images showing at all

    This is a really mad one. All my members have been on at me about the images all being X's (no images). But for me on chrome I can see them all... now I think that is cache from my browser! I just went on to IE and had a look and there it is plain to see all images are X's I have reloaded...
  12. M

    Legacy Search issue after importing from vbgallery

    Not sure if this is a feature request or a how do I. Basically all the gallery images are currently being imported but might take some time due to there being over 30,000. Anyway, I have been looking at the gallery which is very nice indeed and working with DBSEO is great!!! However all my...
  13. seventhaxis

    Question Arcade Not Saving High Scores

    I posted over on the forums but figured it might be more beneficial to get help from the source. Currently considering purchasing the Pro version to this and other products, but I'm trying a few out (or will be soon) first. My only issue so far with the Arcade is that it's not...
  14. C

    Question Installed Lite, but no images showing

    Hiya, I think I am doing something wrong - I can get albums, but no images to show on my site. Here are my steps: Followed instructions in readme.txt Defined a new gallery/Instance - test/testgallery Defined a catchall category - All Set new instance to active with relevant parameters. New...
  15. I

    Question vbseo - dbseo

    I vBSEO off and Import vBSEO .htaccess but getting this error Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error...
  16. T

    Question Auto-Confirm Settings

    I'm trying to get the vBDonate product to auto-confirm donations but it doesn't seem like it is working. In the PayPal we use, we have tried enabled & disabled the IPN and then pointed the setting to Page Not Found - Our Forum URL under the 'Site Name / URL / Contact Details'...
  17. U

    Bug Donation Bar not refreshing at the new start of the month

    Hello, I have this issue for two months already after upgrade to the new version. Every 1st of the month it does not refresh and it takes around a day to go back to 0%. Some users have complained that nothing was shown after they have donate on the 1st day of the month itself. Could it be a...
  18. Sam Wiltshire

    Bug VBShout Lite Upgrade / uninstall errors

    Hello Guys, Its been a while since updating the forums and as a result of updating the forums i thought it would be a good idea to update my hooks. with a result of updating my VBShout Lite , i can NOT upgrade nor uninstall it to reinstall it , when i go to over write it im hit with a static...
  19. M

    Question VbGallery Importer - Not importing

    Hi there, I have been trying to import files from my vbgallery install without much luck. I have chmodded the upload folder... Basically it seems to import all the categories fine. it even see's that there is 30,000+ images... It actually builds folders in the UPLOAD directory, but it does...
  20. C

    Question server settings/warning

    I'm trying to install/upgrade vbshout on 4.2.2 after upgrading from vb3.8. I just noticed this message in the instance management: "You appear to have PHP 5.3.9 or higher installed on your server and configured to be too restrictive for vBulletin and vBShout to work correctly." What settings...