
  1. trippy

    Question vBShout and vBActivity & Awards

    How can I get VBShout to work with VBActivity I have the Shout achievement icons but I don't know how to get both mods to work together Thanks for your help
  2. dopy

    Bug No scrollbar on mobile devices

    Basicly there's no scrollbar for mobile devices, and cause I have it set to oldest posts first mobile users can't scroll down to see the newest shouts, any way to solve this? The issue is on first generation droids, but also on other mobile devices.
  3. Black tiger

    Question How Archive thread work??

    Hello, Staff please help me...please explain these two it works Feature (Pro): Users who can moderate a shoutbox can now create threads in an admin-defined forum from Archive searches Fix (Pro): The Archive Thread Dump feature will no longer trigger flood checks if admin and...
  4. twolegit

    Bug laggy shoutbox

    last night and all day today my shoutbox has been very laggy, not sure why but I have disabled most functions and it is still really laggy, is there anything known? or can i pay you to come fix it? thanks
  5. Emeralda

    Legacy Auto shouts when a new game is added

    When you import a game to vBArcade, there would be a proper message in the shoutbox. Like, when someone makes a thread or reaches a certain number of posts.
  6. J

    Bug [PRO] scrollBottom() problem

    Hello. I am not your customer, but I seen on some forums, then if the display order is the oldest first, and Shout Input Area Default Location is Below Shouts, in Chrome with Addblock, when scrollBottom() function is called, the container is scrolling only to the half of height. You should...
  7. C

    Legacy Option to only show Silenced user chats in archive to Mods

    I'd like an option to show the silenced user shouts only to mods/admins in the shoutbox archive.
  8. C

    Bug shouts per page in archive no effect

    The number of shouts per page setting for archive seems to have no effect. Also is it possible so that if you are constructing a thread using the new feature to have the system remember previous shouts you have checked when you load a new page? If I want to make a thread that spans more than...
  9. C

    Legacy ability to embed video in chat

    I would like to be able to embed video in chat. I use AME media embedder for the forum. It would be great if chat could pick up the existing definitions.
  10. C

    Bug intermittent issues with active user tab

    There is an intermittent issue when clicking on the active user tab does nothing...or seems to continue to display the shouts.
  11. C

    Bug chat not loading at all in IE browser

    Just found out that chat is not loading at all with IE8.
  12. C

    Bug sticky entered in instance management not appearing in chat

    I noticed the sticky note I have on one of my instances is no longer displaying.
  13. C

    Legacy alternate way to edit/delete chats

    I'm not sure what the best solution for this is....and I know you aren't designing the chat to work with mobile devices. I personally use an iphone and the chat works great on it. However, the one issue is being able to double click a chat to edit or delete it. On iOS the double tap causes...
  14. C

    Bug private chats not displaying as private / shout target not updating

    After clicking private on member drop down and opening up a new tab to have a private conversation when I went back to the regular chat room tab, I realized that all of the conversation was visible to everyone despite showing up in a private tab. ---------- Post added at 17:31 ----------...
  15. C

    Bug invalid instance ID

    While I know you don't technically support this on a mobile device....I have a ton of members that like to get on with their mobiles and chat. There seems to be an issue that wasn't a problem on the old version and hopefully it is a simple fix. My members on android right now are getting this...
  16. C

    Question How do you create conversation with vbshout 6

    I see the create conversation button on the archive. How do I use it? When I click shouts and then create convsation, I am taken to a page that says "go back".
  17. KristerSwe

    Legacy [Stylevar mess] Stylevar settings not good

    With custom themes is a real pain try to get the colors work together with other seetings for the theme when color matching is good in shoutbox is messing up somewhere else. and with 4.1.10 is a real mess Maybe is a good idea to move out some stylevar and move them to the Dragonbytetechmods...
  18. O

    Question How can i change BG-Color of Shoutbox and Active Users-Box?

    Hello, question in title :) How can i change the BG-Color of the shoutbox (part where i can see the written messages) and the Active-User-Box?
  19. X

    Question Is it possible to change the timestamp to local time

    i was wondering if there is anyway to change the date/time stamp on VB 5 pro to show the local time for each user, so that each user can see what time the shouts were posted in his or her timezone instead of having to memorize how far apart the ShoutBox time is from thier own local time
  20. X

    Question How do i change Default Text Color in ShoutBox in VBshout 5

    Wondering if it is possible to change the default text color used for Shouts in VBShout V5, i found a dark theme for VBulletin that i want to use, but the default text color of VBShout is Black and you can see it. so can someone please tell me a way i can change the text so it automatically...