
  1. B

    Legacy Remove Threads After date

    Another option i would like to see if possible As i run a gaming clan forum i am going to use this to post the latest upcoming game matches for our members to click and then sign up to the match viz the thread I want if possible to not show thread AFTER say 3 days I use a mod that posts a...
  2. IcEWoLF

    Bug Duplicated thread showing in slider

    There is a bug where it shows the post repeatedly, see slide 1 and 3, they are the same except the image. The first image should show first regardless, not sure why it's showing 2 different images for the same slider.
  3. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Slider Style Not Matching

    Using vbSlider v3.0.0b3 the website support system wouldn't allow me to use the version number... I went to update my vbslider and the templete edits or repairs you made were removed... I thought it was fixed it the latest version to match the website style unless I need to maybe revert...
  4. Y

    Question No Text in content message

    I have a little problem. I work with custom content. When I enter a content message, this will not be convinced in the slider. The title is displayed correctly. In forum posts and articles in the preview text is displayed correctly. Previously I had installed the Lite version because it worked.
  5. BrianC

    Question Slider in Small Window

    Hello, Can you tell me if there are limitations on the minimum size for using the slider on the CMS. I want to try the slider in a small column as viewed in this photo. You can see the text window is has some of the text running out of the window. Can you advise what setting would be...
  6. James Shadle

    Bug Slider does not reappear if you leave CMS and return.

    Hello, The first time you navigate to our CMS the slider displays properly and looks great. If you navigate to our forums and then return to the CMS or refresh the CMS page - the slider does not reappear. Any thoughts or help will be appreciated. Thanks, James
  7. nizarnav

    Bug Error message using IMG tag

    When Im using IMG tag in slider, I get this error: also there is no images showing. I had to desactivate the plugin, because the forum home was broken.
  8. Batskes

    DBTech and vB5?

    Hey guys quick question. I'm most likely going to be upgrading as soon as I can to vB5 (already have purchased) and currently use your mods on 4.2, love them and am ready to upgrade to full versions for a few. But, now due to vB5, I'm just wondering if you guys will be offering free upgrades...
  9. BrianC

    Question Slider 3.0 Not Displaying

    I am not able to get the Slider to display on either the cms or forum. I have gone though the settings and think I have it correct. I was able to display the previous version. Not sure how to proceed. It looks like nice improvements from 2.0.
  10. S

    Bug Having Issues

    I have attempted this with different settings this is probably not a bug but a conflict. This is with o content displayed meaning the settings look like this. ERROR BELOW: Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in [path]/dbtech/vbslider/actions/widget.php on line 116...
  11. O


    Hello, There does not seem to be any mentioning of VB5 on this forum - I have almost got my VB4 website ready for launch but, I have just found out that VB5 is about to be released. The question is if I upgrade to VB5 will the numerous DBTech I have purchased and integrated into my VB4 website...
  12. GoodApples

    Bug [CMS] Slider collapses when returning to the CMS

    Slider 3.0.0b3 Slider collapses when returning to the CMS I find when I start on CMS then go to the Forum upon returning the CMS. Note that the CMS collapsed on beta2 but if the caches were cleared it worked okay but now it just will not stay open.
  13. GoodApples

    Bug Warning 3.0.0b3 on the CMS

    Here are a couple of Warning on the new 3.0.0b3 on the CMS Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in [path]/dbtech/vbslider/actions/widget.php on line 116 Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in...
  14. BrianC

    Question Guests not show slider images

    I think it is permissions related but did not find which one. I am using one forum for showing the silder on the CMS currently. The images are displayed to registered users but guests do not see the pictures. Can you advise which setting will allow guests to see the images on the slider? Thanks
  15. nizarnav

    Legacy Show only sticky threads

    I hope this product will have an option to show only sticky threads on the slider. It has no sense to show all threads in a forum, especially when you have too many posts.(most of them with no interest). in worpress, joomla, drupal, most slider can show only "featured posts", so I hope we will...
  16. nizarnav

    Question Images from threads won't show

    Im using vbslider in forumhome;but images from threads won't show. Im using IMG tags inside my threads(external images). this work with CMS articles, but not with threads. Can you help please?
  17. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Suggestion on Slider Beta.

    Hey guys here are some suggestions that I think it would make this product that much cooler and better. 1. Lets move the timer in the circle at the bottom, it would look a lot cooler. Each slide you are on the circle will appear on the bulletin. 2. Remove arrows/pause buttons, lets face it...
  18. bszopi

    Legacy vBSlider v3.0 Beta 2 Feedback Thread

    Ozzy47, GoodApples, glagrow, Webbstre, CoZmicShReddeR, San, IcEWoLF, Trekkan, steris56 Ok guys, I just wanted to start this thread to see how testing is going on v3, get some feedback from you guys, and also give you an update on what I am currently working on for Beta 3. First off, I...
  19. V

    Slider question

    Just curious how many different style do you have for this? I am looking for one that is compatible with VBA (which you have) and has small arrows that allows you to browse through the slides. Thanks
  20. Sarab

    Question How to change the position?

    Hello, I was wondering of there is a way to change the position of the slider to the same position the shout in dragonbytes is. Regards, Sarab