
  1. D

    Question How to exclude one section from showing up on the main CMS front page?

    How to exclude one section from showing up on the main CMS front page? The slides show the best photos, but again from the vbulletin suite as articles. Can I exclude from the home page of vbulletin suite category or section? how can I do?
  2. CharlieDelta

    First Unread Post Link

    The "First Unread Post Link" does not seem to be working. Not sure if it has something to do with dbSEO.
  3. neounix

    Question Disable DBSEO for a Specific vB Style ID

    Hey! We are having a tough time debugging why one of our mobile styles stopped working after installing DBSEO. It works find on our staging server, but on production, we are getting a 301 from the mobile style to the main style; and have not be successful debugging it. We have even tried...
  4. S

    Legacy Ban someone from using some (all) buttons

    Hi, I have a member who is spamming someone with "dislike" on every single post he is making. Is this possible to to ban a member from using some (all) buttons? If not, is this something that is plan to be added? It would be nice to be able to add a list of userid (or username) that cant use...
  5. O

    Bug VBSEO to DBSEO migration issue

    DBSEO 1.0.0 beta 8 Just installed DBSEO lastnight to replace VBSEO and I've run into a complicate migration issue. My forum layout has 4 main categories (forum acting as category) and within each category are child forums. The structure is as such FlashFXP > News FlashFXP > General...
  6. neounix

    Bug DBSEO Custom 404 Error Processor Not Working

    Hi Again! We have a custom 404 error script process located at: [html-document-root]/404.php We have tried many configurations in the DBSEO settings, including: [html-document-root]/404.php [absolute-unix-path]/404.php /404.php .. but none of them work! Which format is correct? Please...
  7. neounix

    Bug DBSEO Stop Words Not Working Properly

    HI. We currently are seeing a problem with Stop Words. For example: http://my.server.com/help-with-splitting-and-rearranging/shell-programming-and-scripting/t238897/post302866875/#post302866875 We see the "and" stop word in both [thread-title] and [forum-title] (above) FYI, the format for...
  8. heredia21

    Bug Installed but not working

    I installed but it is not working. No e-mails nor no user settings.
  9. Mental

    Bug Conflicting mod - caused table truncate.

    Hi When using the mod vFcoders - Advanced Report System with dbseo it causes any reported topics to be automatically deleted. I've just had to find out the hard way by people abusing the report bug. You can get the plugin here; vFcoders - Advanced Report System - vBulletin.org Forum Real time...
  10. Morrus

    Anything I can do about this?

    (Apologies- couldn't find the correct forum for "all products"). Dragonbyte now has 48(!!!) separate entries in my setting menu. I need to book a vacation just to scroll through them all and find the non-Dragonbyte mods I have. Can these be condensed at all?
  11. XGC Paravain

    Question Monsters And Species set up

    I purchased the Forumon RPG Pro and was thinking it would be all set up with a import like the vBActivity Pro had the import file, but I dont see a import file in the vB Forumon RPG Pro and no monsters or maybe I just don't know what I am doing I am new to it I have never even seen Forumon RPG...
  12. L

    Question Total Posts per Forum?

    Hello, Our IT support recently upgraded our VBAnalytics Lite version (on 19-Nov) to version 1.2.0. I used to be able to report on total posts per forum within a time frame directly in the Forum Analytics tool - which I ran weekly (for each forum) and then monthly to see Total posts for all...
  13. C

    Legacy Search Question

    Hello - I'm close to going live with DB Reviews. I have some questions about searches. 1. My comments don't appear in search results. Is this normal? 2. Can reviews be searched using the standard vB site search or just the DB Reviews search feature? 3. Is it possible to search specific...
  14. Nirjonadda

    Question Watchers: Logins

    Need more info about Failed Logons and Failed Mass Logons, please can you give more details?
  15. Morrus

    Legacy Ratings

    With 2000 downloads made, but only a half-dozen items rated (and half of those ratings by me) it seems clear that the current rating system isn't being used. I suspect that's because unless you know it's there, it's hard to notice! Could we get a more visible one? Even better, one which...
  16. T

    Legacy Question about vbclassified

    I am looking at Classified and wonder why no images show on your screenshot: Is it not possible to show images of the various products being sold? Also, what currencies can be used? How about shipping or picking up? I have installed panjo through vbulletin but am not happy about it as it...
  17. OUTL4W

    Legacy tagging/mention social groups

    I see you can mention usergroup in pro but can we mention @social groups? I'm an admin on a gaming site where multiple clans meet....would be nice where they can create their own social group(clan), without staff involvement in order to create specific usergroup per clan, and then use this...
  18. bzcomputers

    Question New uploads not showing in download list or in sidebar recent files.

    I had issues uploading previously with an install outside of the forum directory. I moved the install back to the forum directory and the uploads went fine. The problem is the new uploads are not showing in the downloads list or in the sidebar recent files. I can go directly to the download by...
  19. XGC Paravain

    Question Scores And Trophies

    I am trying to get the scores and trophies working in a bunch of games I installed I was wondering if there is any way of doing it if the scores are unsupported here is one of the games I am trying to get working. MochiAds Games ? Mochi Media :: Fueling Creativity Can it be done?
  20. OlijO

    Bug Database error

    Hi, since some weeks we experiment some problem with this mod. We have this error when visiting the url : Les Forums Soudeurs.com Database error in vBulletin 4.2.1: Invalid SQL: SELECT pointslog.*, user.* , avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS...