
  1. angeljs

    Legacy Integrate post thanks with other mods?

    How difficult would this be to integrate with other mods? For instance, I use vBadvanced Dynamics for my downloads section and would love for members to be able to thank each one. However, Dynamics has to be installed in a different folder beneath the forum so I don't imagine it would be easy. :)
  2. Mental

    Bug editing html allows you to like and dislike regardless if disabled.

    Hi I've set it so that if you like you cannot dislike and vice versa but when a user edits the source they're able to bypass the restriction. I've had numerous users abuse this within 24 hours. By deleting the following line , it allows users to like / dislike.
  3. S

    DragonBytes SEO new Product for 3.8.x compatible?

    DragonBytes SEO new Product 3.8.x compatible? DragonBytes The lasts weeks I received your email announcing the DragonBytes SEO for Vbulletin. I am looking for a supported Vbulletin SEO product and I want to know if the product that you are developing is 3.8.x complatible. If the answer is...
  4. I

    Bug Activities are not working properly

    We are seeing a bunch of strange behaviors that we can't figure out. 1. paychecks: they do not seem to be working properly. We have configured the paychecks to pay a specific user group once per day. However it is hitting some users many many (over 100) times in a day in some instances, 4 in...
  5. CharlieDelta

    Bug Summary Text Box Input Display Issue

    When adding a new listing there seems to be an issue with the "Summary" text box. It inputs fine and save fine but it does not display fine when inputting.
  6. heyzeus909

    Bug Adding Currency *NOT* Primary

    Hi, just getting a chance to dig in with this tonight for the first time. I'm still getting accustomed to things, so sorry if I'm doing something wrong on my end of things (or if this has been discussed elsewhere - I looked, but didn't see it). I'm able to add a currency as 'Primary' = 'yes'...
  7. M

    Bug MySQL DB error

    Hello I am not sure if this is part of the issues you know that already exist but when I tried to put in my address in the user control area I got this Mysql Error. I cannot really do any testing of buying, wanted, etc as it wont let me proceed without the address...
  8. Alan_SP

    Different signature depending on place (forum) where we write

    There are different mods that "play" with signatures, for example, adding staff signature part in staff members signatures. But, what if we could have different messages added to our usual signature depending on place where we write? Similar to staff signatures, this would be something like...
  9. heyzeus909

    Legacy Only "Friends" Can View Thread

    I'm not sure if this request should be for a standalone mod, or if it should be a part of this fine modification. But I'll try it here. Sometimes folks would like to post things but not have it seen by the entire world. Sometimes they want to say something without a thousand replies from every...
  10. Em Kay

    Bug Product list CSS

    Looking into integrating our Marketplace into the reviews and our dev discovered that the product title breaks into the description if too long and it didn't account for smaller screens
  11. Mokonzi

    Question DragonByte Classifieds v1.0.0 (Closed) Beta 1 Testing Information

    For Beta 1, there are several known issues or incomplete areas, some of which we'll be looking forward to getting some feedback on so that we can make changes where necessary to complete them. In the Admin Control Panel the following areas are not completed: Manage Listings Manage Offers In...
  12. U

    Legacy vb security suggestion

    -if it possible to have a resent link option ,then i used a new ip it then sent the link -ip guard is it possible to add for not just admin but also specific usergroup and userid without slowing down the site -option to whitelist ip by country so admin can set their country so only those from...
  13. heyzeus909

    Question Link to Member's Profile

    I promise I tried to search before asking for help. I want to move the link to a member's profile from the header (i.e., http://www.website.com/forum/member.php?9999-myusername) to a link in a NavTab. I'm talking about the "My Profile" link (not a specific profile, just the member that's...
  14. DoumDoum5058

    Question Can you help me with how program This mod

    Hello I'm French people I'm not fluent In English And i don't know the programmation of VBulletin Could you write a tutorial to understand how to program the Pro module Forum Ads Could you send me the screen picture of Admin CP of This module Thank you very much for your help Dominique
  15. A

    Question Locked out of my own forum

    I entered in the wrong password when logging into the ACP, and now it won't let me log back in. I am the main admin. How do I reset this, and how do I prevent it from happening again?
  16. CharlieDelta

    Question Archive Pruning

    How do I prune the archive?
  17. I

    Question Can you place an instance of vBShout on a specific Forum only?

    Is there a way to specify where an instance of a shoutbox appears? We are looking for a way to put a specific instance in a forum on the site. Thoughts? Thanks!
  18. N

    Legacy Change Default Thumbnail & Screen Shot Sizes

    Greetings, How can I change the default size for the thumbnail and screenshot images? And is it possible to have it set so that the image show as a relatiove ratio to actual size? For example: I have an image that is 300 px wide by 600 px tall. Uploading the image now it crunches it...
  19. XGC Paravain

    Question High Scores And Trophies

    I'm wondering how I can get the high scores and trophies working for my site and members for games that have a Local Scoring?
  20. Sarab

    Legacy Hashtags

    Hello, I would like to improve the hashtags comes with tweet to: when we create a thread before submitting there is an option to put the hashtag you want with the automatic tweet. this will help much because sometime we need to put specific hashtag to the tweet =D Regards, Sarab