
  1. G

    Legacy Trophy Icon Within Username Link in Postbit

    This is something you haven't noticed here because your style removes the username link underline, but it looks ugly as hell everywhere else. Say you've got a user with 2 or 3 trophies... his username looks like this: GreatUserX__ instead of like this: GreatUserX My suggestion would be to...
  2. G

    Bug Notification Settings don't save

    Hide Achievement Notifications Hides newly aquired Achievements from the forum notifications system. Hide Achievements from notifications Hide Trophy Notifications Hides newly aquired Trophies from the forum notifications system. Hide Trophies from notifications Hide Award Notifications Hides...
  3. Neo_Angelo

    reputation enhancement {rep prestige}

    Ok so on Paul M has an extended reputation thing by where if you reach above the reputation limit you gain a star etc, well i have a better idea for this system which the DB-Team could do as a freebie possibly if it didn't take a lot of effort, basically the mod would be similar to Paul...
  4. GoodApples

    Bug Trophy Management

    Trophy Management in vB Admin and Activity Actions in the Encyclopedia All Trophies Duplicate Points for Profile Completed Points for Contests Won Option to edit but not delete...there are two of each Trophy.
  5. H

    Question Old trophies issue

    Hello! I recently upgraded to vb4 and started using trophies. In some users profiles, under previously held trophies there were empty boxes, with no data. I found in the database that if i removed some old entries they went away. So i emptied the trophies table, thinking i could just run the...
  6. H

    Question DBT Default Trophys and Default Achivement Criteria/Images

    Hi is there any way i can have or purchase DBT default trophys and default achievement criteria/images It would be so much easier than setting up my own criteria and making my own icons. Thanks.
  7. Freekoid

    Legacy Remove Trophies from APTL cloud

    Any possibility of an option to remove 'Trophies' showing in APTL cloud somehow? Thanks
  8. Freekoid

    Legacy Not have trophy images from vBA show in thanks area

    Because this is related to vbActivity, the actual problem resides in vbAPTL. The suggestion is to not have the trophy images show in the thanks cloud as it makes the forum look rather chunky and clumsy. Ta
  9. Darkwaltz4

    Legacy Postbit Stuff

    I know the other arcades add stuff to postbit in regards to the arcade. What should vBArcade add?
  10. W

    Legacy What I want to do with this modification

    Long time no see to my favorite vBulletin modification developers! As someone said in a blog comment recently, this mod feels a bit lacking compared what I thought it was able to do when I first purchased it. Partially it is because I haven't utilized the achievements and such very much, but...
  11. Ozzy47

    Bug Flash Games

    I finally got one of the games to score on my site from here, FlashGameDistribution :: Gamersafe Games Now looking at the Game panel, I see my score, it awarded me a trophy (I think, hence my feature request about trophies), it shows in the Latest Scores block, but it showes nothing in the...
  12. Ozzy47

    Legacy Trophy Count

    Something clickable in the front end maybe, or in the acp, that would list all the players that have trophies, and to which games they hold trophies for?
  13. Freekoid

    Legacy Define 'Guest/Not Logged In' more.

    Testing guest options, As you can see I went and got a trophy, this would peeve hard core members off, but as it is intended, It can be a good idea. Can we have a 'guest' for the title name and a different avatar/thumb different to unknown.gif that is also used by 'no avatar' members?
  14. Ozzy47

    Bug Include icon for armor import

    I see with alot of the Armor games they don't show a game icon in the latest champions and latest scores block. Is their a way to fix that?
  15. Ozzy47

    Bug Strange Characters

    Strange Characters at the end of the category tabs and search. Happens in FireFox v6, but not Chrome v13 and IE9 Happens on all skins even a un modified default skin.
  16. Ozzy47

    Legacy Make icons accessible

    Have a trophy icon for all players that are not in the top 3 so in the Most Trophies and Longest Players blocks, it looks consistent. Right now it just don't look right if you choose to display more than 3 players. I was thinking a blank icon, but that might not look right either.
  17. E.T.

    Legacy Availability to show description or not

    Hi, Is it possible to get an availability to choose if you want to display a description of a game or not. The reason for asking. Personally I think the arcade is looking nicer without having descriptions of the game as a lot of games does have a rubbish description ( see in game ) or the...
  18. Trekkan

    Legacy A way to tell if you personally have rated a game already

    When looking at the ratings, I can't tell if I've rated a game already if there are already ratings on it. So it's a little difficult to go through and make sure I've rated any games I'd like to rate. So, I'd like a way to be able to tell if I've already submitted my rating (BTW, it looks like...
  19. C

    Legacy vbActivity integrated milestone notifications

    It would be neat to have notifications of certain vbactivity achievements. For example if someone loses or gains a would be cool to insert a milestone into the shoutbox. :)
  20. C

    Legacy More Contest Feature Ideas/Requests

    Not sure if you guys want these seperately or under one thread...feel free to merge with my other post...and I will follow that lead for additional ideas. Another type of contest I think would be neat to implement would be the ability to set a threshold. Say 100 points... (again with the...