
  1. ChatterScene


    I just set up images to go with each trophy name. Is there something I am supposed to do to make all of these show up now? I rebuilt cache and recalc achievemnts and they are still not showing up. I am still getting user n/a in the who has trophy spot under manage trophies.
  2. ChatterScene

    Trying to understand difference

    Between the three items I like most about this mod:) Trophies I know can only be given out to one member at a time. Right? My question is if a member loses that trophy to another member can they win it back again? Or can they only win it once? Achievements. Can an achievement award be given...
  3. R

    Trophies question

    So I set up the Trophies but it seems like I am the only one who is getting them ... and I know the other people should have them. did i do something wrong ...
  4. Trekkan

    Trophy postbit display options

    I'd like to see more options for display areas in the postbit. Basically adding in the same options as medals and achievements. I just don't like anything more next to the username really. =)
  5. Trekkan

    Current Trophy Owner incorrect

    If you go here: You'll see that it shows I am the current owner of Points for Posts (Own Threads). However, if you look at the person I took it from "DarkWolf" you'll see that he currently holds the trophy (all the way at the bottom...
  6. DragonByte Technologies

    AddOn Free Image Pack!

    This is a free pack of icon's courtesy of Neo Angelo for all VBA Pro customers. There is also a premium pack which is available for purchase through our subscriptions system. Thanks again to all of our customers for purchasing. If you have suggestions/requests for icons, please feel free to...
  7. Trekkan

    Shoutbox integration

    When someone get's a new achievement, trophy, etc... it would be cool if it announced it in the shoutbox. =)
  8. Trekkan


    I use the awards mod posted on currently. I use it to give out awards to people for doing things like donating, etc. With this system you have, is it possible to manually assign awards or whatnot? I'd like to consolidate (use this mod instead) and remove the old mod (yours is much more...