
  1. Big Dan

    Howdy Folks

    Hello Everyone, I stopped in to research pricing on some DB Tech mods. I've been a big fan of DB's releases on vB.org for quite sometime now and am looking for upgrades to some of my current installs. I'm just looking to add user friendly mods to my forum on vB 4.2 as I don't plan on...
  2. T

    Already own vB3/4 versions? Click here to upgrade for a small fee.

    Also users with LIFETIME Licences must pay some small fee to updagrde ? so why i buyed some lifetime then ? Please clear this Situation, seems also link dont work (dont see some offers about this or iam blind). regards TBolley
  3. S

    Question vbDownloads XML won't import

    Hello! I'm trying to install this module, but after FTPing the files to the server, the XML file won't import. It stays forever stuck at "importing, please wait". I have even left it overnight to see if it just needed more time, but it still never loaded. So, how do I import it? :RpS_huh:
  4. Nirjonadda

    Question Download NavTabs

    Hello Where the Download NavTabs? I set usergroup permissions But the navbar link does not show up And many more Plugin Disabled by Default,How to work Show NavTabs?
  5. A

    Bug couple of problems

    Hello, I have two separate issues with vBOPTIMIZE ... 1- First about VetArena.com : When I set my vb and vboptimize to use memcahce it increases my first byte time ... and the second site view does not seem to be cached ... the difference between them is only ~30kb ... and please note that...
  6. D

    Bug Alignment and theme issues

    I have some issues when viewing downloads in custom theme. 1. The icons, category title and category description on the main downloads page do not have padding between them. The are spaced in the default theme, but not in my custom theme. 2. The sidebar is using some elements from my custom...
  7. D

    Bug All Categories lost permissions on upgrade

    Category Permission Issues When I installed the beta all my categories were given the following permissions: Even though no extension group is set by default, a member can upload any of the allowed extensions. By default unregistered members are able to view, download, upload. However...
  8. T

    Question Upgrade from Lite to Pro

    We're considering using this mod on our site, and if we like it we will definitely upgrade. However, the one caveat is the @ symbol. A lot of people on the site don't want that, and I want to confirm that upgrading to the Pro version removes that. If it does, how does a name get represented as...
  9. S

    New Webmaster Looking For Mod Source

    Hello! I'm sorry if this is the wrong place for this post. Please move it if this is the case. I am currently setting up my own new website and have spent the last few days looking around and installing mods. And then I come here and find everything I have been installing, except as fully...
  10. GgAcE

    Bug Error: 503 while chatting?

    Hello Fillip H., Just starting today I have seen error 503. I have checked my servers resources & we seem to be fine. I had 30 users in the shoutbox at once & started seeing the error. As the users dropped to around 15 due to the error not allowing them to post, I still see the issue every so...
  11. Goshee

    Question Feature: (Pro) The "Received" and "Given" postbit stats can now be turned off on a pe

    Feature: (Pro) The "Received" and "Given" postbit stats can now be turned off on a pe -----SOLVED BUT SUGGESTION BELOW TOO :)------ Hi there, I recently upgraded my license again to the full lifetime option for advanced posts and likes (really great mod by the way!) The reason for upgrading...
  12. B

    Question Issue after upgrading to pro

    Hello i just uploaded all files and XML file without problem. Also uploaded a watermark .psd. But something must have messed up, cause the border around thumbnail is wrong Also when i press thumbnail it says 'missing image', and error when i try upload new photo. Any idea what i screwed...
  13. J

    Bug shadow and glow usertitle items

    After upgrading vBShop to the latest and stable version, the shadow and glow user title item no longer works (I did test them before I upgraded). When you press configure and attempt to change the color, nothing happens. Edit: Shadow and glow username doesn't work either. Other items like...
  14. brandondrury

    Money Back Guarantee?

    Hello, I'm 99% ready to drop $200 on vbOptomise for my forum, but I didn't see any mention of a money back guarantee. If I hate this thing or my server hates this thing I need recourse, obviously. Do I have some sort of period in which I can get my money back? It can be 3 days for all I...
  15. J

    Question Max # of items per column

    How do I change the maximum number of items that can be displayed per column in the shop item list?
  16. C

    Bug Weird error in admin panel

    My server just upgraded their PHP to 5.3.19.... and I am getting this weird error when navigating your product in my admin panel
  17. Solein

    Bug After update to 3.0 Gold got a blank page on CMS

    Just updated mi vbslider version to the 3.0 Gold versión and my CMS returns a totally blank page without error messajes. If I upload the old widget.php (from previus version) the slider works but without the new improvements. Any solution?.
  18. F

    Bug Database error after upload "product-credit.xml

    Hello support, I just buy vBCredits II Deluxe and I have follow installation Guide but I have got database error after upload "product-credit.xml" from AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product Please help asap.
  19. Drahnier

    Where to get the VB5 pro version of mods?

    I've found the lite version of your VB5 mods on Vbulletin.org but can't find any listing of the pro versions for VB5, I'm planing on upgrading to VB5 soon. I realize the mods are still in beta stage but would like to buy the pro version of Shout and advanced thanks/likes for VB5 regardless
  20. O

    Bug Database error with wiki

    Hi, after installing vaultwiki, I get the following error when clicking on the wiki-link: Invalid SQL: UPDATE vb_thread SET dbtech_vbanalytics_pageviews = dbtech_vbanalytics_pageviews + 1 , dbtech_vbanalytics_visits = dbtech_vbanalytics_visits + 1 WHERE threadid = error...