
  1. F

    Bug Integration with "reputation" profile tab

    Should the mod integrate with the reputation tab on every member's profile? This used to when I was using v3.0.3 with VBulletin 3.8 but since upgrading to VBulletin 4.2 a couple of days ago new "like" button ratings etc. are not showing up in my members' "reputation" tabs in their profile pages...
  2. V

    Question Rotating Banner Settings

    When I first installed 1.3.0 Pro I couldn't see the banners so it was set to rotating and I had no further issues. But now after upgrading to 1.4.0 I am having the same issues reported in the thread by Nirjonadda. http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f171/vbdonate-rotating-banner-settings-9722/ I saw...
  3. Nirjonadda

    Question Hash Tag Stats Blocks Manager

    Hello when I Active "DBTech - User Tagging: Hash Tag Stats" in Forum Blocks Manager,get this error ! how to fix this issue ? Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/class_core.php(4606) : eval()'d code on line 18 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in...
  4. V

    Question Restore Lost Donators

    When I upgraded to the Pro version I lost the previous site donators so today I was going to add them back. I was unable to find a area to do this manually. So I thought I would download the .csv file that worked without a hitch, then make the adjustments and import it back. Much to my surprise...
  5. V

    Unsure where to post?

    I have a few questions. #1 . The PayPal I use for the site is not linked to my username here is that a problem for purchasing? #2 . I would like to get Lifetime on all the plugins but don't want to wait that long. I was thinking go Pro on each plugin for 3 months and extend them as the funds...
  6. S

    Question little help please

    hello first let me start by saying you have an amazing mod here and we will be upgrading to the pro version in the near future .... one small thing we are trying to figure out is how to set the ammount of points to level .. we would like to set it to 500 per level so it takes some time to gain a...
  7. R

    Bug Spacing issue after upgrading to 6.1.0

    After upgrading to the latest version, we have some spacing between each line someone types.
  8. Dej

    Question Upgraded - No version is now working

    Noticed problems with mod today. After several months, it quit. When clicking on Thank/Like, nothing happened. On all themes, even default. I haven't added any new mods/plugins.. nothing. Tried to debug - disabled all mods to troubleshoot + my host, URLjet, who does nothing but VB couldn't get...
  9. OpenVMS

    Lite folder / Pro Folder

    When we are using a plug-in, its includes the lite folder, and the pro folder. I have been uploading both, and it works fine. Can we safely remove the lite version of the plug-in if we have paid for the pro version and using the pro version from the server?
  10. D

    Bug No PM Notifications after upgrade to 6.1.0

    Hi There! After upgrading the Shoutbox to v6.1.0 the Chat stopped to show the PM-Notifications. I checked the settings for Notifications, but it is choosen "yes". Can somebody help, plz? Thank you D.
  11. IcEWoLF

    Bug countdown not showing

    NaN Days NaN Hours NaN Minutes NaN Seconds The 47 Ronin Squad Not sure why it's doing this. :/ Also the vBadvanced module after upgrading looks a bit weird and I think one of the bottom links are missing.
  12. D

    Bug HTTP Error 500

    After purchasing the Professional version and upgrading it from the lite verson 1.2.2 when I have the plugin enabled I get (HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request. ) when trying to view forum posts...
  13. Devin Lee Clark

    Bug Shouts not displaying since upgrade to 6.1.0

    Since upgrading to the latest version of vBShout (6.1.0), I can no longer see shouts, except in the Archive. This is all that displays in the shoutbox currently: I also tried pruning the shoutbox to see if that would have any effect on it, but nothing continues to display.
  14. P

    Bug vBSignatures problem

    the vBSignatures will not show on nav bar
  15. S

    Question Upgrade...

    Hi I am just looking at renewing my access to updates, how do I upgrade from v2 to v3 of the Post Thank You? Do i just overwrite the files and run the script? Will this have any effect on the figures already in the database/ Thanks Stuart
  16. J

    Bug activity tab not displaying on navbar

    I can't get vbactivity to display on the navtab or in quicklinks. I have checked to make sure both are enabled on in vbactivity. We just recently upgraded vbulletin from 4.1.11 to 4.2.2. I have tried disabling and re-enabling vbactivity. but it still won't display. we also changed our skin on...
  17. K

    Bug PM not working

    Hello, After upgrading on vbshout v6.0.8 PRO, PM stopped working.. users can't anymore PM each other on shoutbox.. everytime they press users nickname to start PM it directs at http://www.example.com/member.php?u=xxx . The PM setting at Instance Management is YES and Instance Permissions is...
  18. H

    Bug Users not receiving credits after upgrade

    Users are not receiving credits after upgrading from 2.00 to 2.1.0. A new user registered on September 1. He created 87 posts and two threads. He should have received 5,000 points per post and 50,000 points per thread. Other members have also donated more than 1,000,000 points but his profile...
  19. B

    Legacy Trending Hash Tags in 3.x Statistics

    I noticed the vb4 has the trending widget. Would it be possible to have something similar or atleast be able to have hash tag stats in the statistics for vbulletin 3 versions. Thanks
  20. W

    Question How Do I Adjust Preview Lengths, Search Box Size, and MORE! ;)

    Hi! I'm curious about how I could go about to do a few things: 1- I'd like to adjust the length of the preview in the automatically generated comment thread. How would I go about doing this? 2- I'd also like to adjust the length shown of the File Names, Previews, and Authors in the Search Box...