user tagging

  1. Madhatterr

    Bug Missing Friends Checkbox in Thread Tag Box

    Today I installed the lite version of user tagging. We are missing the checkbox in the tag users box above threads to send mention notifications to the friends list. I've checked here on DB's forums and it's there, just not on ours.
  2. A

    Question Advanced User Tagging (Pro) 2.0.3 conflict with CKEditor

    I have just upgrade my forum to vb 4.1.7 today. Then CKEditor didn`t show. Then I tried to disable mods and clear cache to look for the reason. When I disabled Advanced User Tagging (Pro) and clear cache, CKEditor showed. Can you help me fix it ? Thank you,
  3. Sombeech

    Bug I can't see the "DBTech - Post Thanks" tab in admincp

    First off I'm also using DBTech's User Tagging Pro, just curious if this could be conflicting, although I doubt it. I've installed and uninstalled, uploaded and deleted the files 3X, and I cannot see the DBTech Post Thanks tab on the left side of my admincp. The only options I get are under...
  4. vijayninel

    Bug Guests able to tag unlimited users in threads

    Hi, I am using Advanced User Tagging (Pro) v 2.0.3 on vB 3.8.5 and the problem is that right now guests are able to tag unlimited number of users in threads. I have set the usergroup options for unregistered users - Is Excluded Usergroup to - yes Unfortunately this is not having the desired...
  5. vijayninel

    Bug Unable to Add Hash Tag Subscriptions

    Hi, We recently purchased and installed Advanced User Tagging Pro v2.0.3 on our forum Erodov Forums . However the Hash Tag Subscriptions feature is not working for us. When we try to add new hash words in the the New Hash Tag Subscriptions page in our control panel, the page just refreshes...
  6. E

    Bug Blank Settings Pages in UserCP

    Hey the following pages show up blank in UserCP on 3.8.7 (Pro Version). When I click on them... nothing comes up. It was working before the upgrade.
  7. M

    Vbactivity & Awards Version 2 vs. vB Shop V2

    Currently I'm leaning towards purchasing Vbactivity, but have some questions regarding it. I have an established forum so can I set the start date in awarding points whenever? Also when someone cashes in his or her points do the points automatically go away? Meaning since they cashed out on...
  8. Valcav

    Bug Something little after updating from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3

    in the "DragonByte Tech: Advanced User Tagging - General Options" on "Shoutbox Integration" & "(Pro) Postbit Integration": ( with |_| , I mean the selectionbox) Instead of just Hashes & Tags ---------------------------------------------------------------- in the "DBTech - User Tagging" -...
  9. Valcav

    Admin control panel help...

    First of all, I didn't really knew where to post this... It is something similar to 1 of my previous post (Something about the Admin control Panel...) where I +- asked how to order those DBTech tabs in the ACP... This time it's more to get "mods settings" in a "new tab"... What do I mean with...
  10. Valcav

    Suggestion: 1 forum with all links to the Manuals/User guides

    Hi, I have a little suggestion... I think there should be 1 forum with all the links to all the available manuals/user guides... My reasons for this suggestion?: No need to post a topic twice with the link to the documentation of the mod (currently once in lite & once in pro forum) I think...
  11. Valcav

    Legacy An little error in the manual?

    Hi, I think there are 2 small errors in the manual... In "Post Install Tips & Tricks" => "Preventing DragonByte Tech Products Duplicating Content" • Settings > Options > DragonByte Tech: Advanced User Tagging - General Options o Manual Postbit Deployment ▪ Select “No” to remove • Settings >...
  12. GoodApples

    Bug 4.1.5

    Just applied a patch for 4.1.5 and Postbit for Post Thanks / Like = Yes User Tagging - Stats = Yes the info has disappeared? the patch is to prevent a reported XSS attack
  13. S

    Bug VBSEO likes won’t go away

    Vbseo likes notification won’t go away. Doesn’t matter how many times I look at my New likes, it remains. Furthermore, if I click on any notifications and it goes to my profile, all the other notifications are gone. It should remain until I view the tab.
  14. S

    DragonByte Tech. The best mod supporters for vbulletin you’ll ever find.

    My forum started almost as instantly as I bought these mods. They were both in at pretty much the beginning. The biggest benefit of purchasing dbtech mods is their support. I can’t stay enough about their support in comparison to everything else out there. They are, by far, the FASTEST when...
  15. DxtGaming

    Question How to tab any member?

    How to tag any member? We only can tag some administrator :o There is no group that is excluded so I was wondering how to fix it? I don't think that it is a bug only setting? Fillip H. test I must click on the mention image always to tag user Is it possible to just type username instead of...
  16. DxtGaming

    Testing user tagging

    Taurus DxtGaming
  17. C

    Legacy create welcome thread and tag user

    I am currently using this BRR Welcome Thread mod. It would be great to be able to have the post tag the new member so they get a notice. I see this mod has been pulled and is no longer would be a great feature to add into Advanced User Tagging. :)
  18. T

    Question How to change the color???

    Hi, I'm using user tagging mod, it's very useful. I have 1 question, how to change the color of this: (plz see the picture) Thanks
  19. X

    vBShout Pro Does it auto active

    Hello, if i buy vBShout Pro Does it auto active or i have to wait
  20. C

    Question differences between tags, mentions, hashes

    Can you explain or point me to a thread that explains the differences between a mention, tag and hash...and how to use them. I think I have mention down already that's username and it notifies the person that you just mentioned them in a thread. What about the other two and how to use?