
  1. Nirjonadda

    Question Opcache Operator XCache

    Hello, I have enabled xcache madule in my server.but i cannot change Opcache Operator to xcache,when set to xcache get error on my site,how to fix on this? Warning: xcache_get() [function.xcache-get]: XCache var cache was not initialized properly. Check php log for actual reason in...
  2. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Optimises Option

    Hello Please can you try to add more Features for vB Optimise Professional Version? Add Simplify if possible. Features: CSS Optimiser (Inline Small CSS) Javascript Optimiser ( Defer parsing of JavaScript and Minify JavaScript) HTML Optimiser ( Minify HTML) Attachment Optimiser Combine images...
  3. barroca

    Question upgrade to vB5 connect

    Sorry if I'm posting in wrong place ... but I wish know if vBOptimize will be ported do vB5. Thank you all the best joao barroca ps. if you have any place to point me the evolution of mods to vB5 I appreciate [I have some other mods too ;) ]
  4. T

    Bug vb_optimise::$isPro is missing

    I was looking through the code when I found that $isPro is missing from class_vboptimise. (To users: this bug means DBTech will not be able to verify your installation) Here's a quick fix for users: /dbtech/vboptimise/includes/class_vboptimise.php Find: (L84) private static $guestcache =...
  5. M

    VBoptimise CDN feature information?

    Hi There, I think, we have already bought vboptimise, but I wanted to know if you will be supporting Softlayers Origin Pull CDN ? Well done on cracking products too, going to change over to your pro arcade, it looks great. Thanks for any info Mick
  6. S

    Bug Guest Style Caching Fails Under Some Situation

    I use Dartho's lightweight style, popular vbulletin mobile skin. In addition, since vb 4.x (i think 4.1), i install this plugin too VB4 - Mobile Phone / iPhone / PDA Detection and Style Assignment It allows visitors to get mobile style automotically when the board is visited by mobile device...
  7. S

    Legacy Add Server Domain to Guest Key Cache

    My forum can be accessed by 2 ways : Domain name (e.g. example.com). The IP address of that domain name.. (e.g. IP address of example.com which is I used a plugin similar to Cerberus plugin to allow me to do so It changes the site's homeurl depends whether my board is accessed by...
  8. Nirjonadda

    Question Bug on vbdonate.php

    Hello Bug on vbdonate.php,page show does not correctly,also (Fixed: A issue with the back to top button causing the sliding banners not to show on the contributions list pages.) its does not fixed.
  9. CharlieDelta

    Bug Shouts Not Appearing

    I received a message from one of my users stating he could not see any shouts in the shout box. I checked it and everything was fine for me. I message him back stating it was fine. I then go back to check again and I am now having the same problem. The archive is loading fine and showing any...
  10. R

    Question Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data.

    I am getting this error "Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data. Please check your extension configuration." Sometimes I get it sometimes I don't. Can you help me on it. I dont have Xcache Auth enabled.
  11. IcEWoLF

    Question Time for me to upgrade my live website with the new Gallery Mod

    I've been holding off on this for a while (even with a lifetime license) I've been waiting for the improvements and I finally got them, the product looks better than ever and I am ready for the change. Will keep this thread updated as I keep doing stuff. :)
  12. F

    vB Optimise v2 (vB4) Error

    Hello mate, When i run test it gives one error which is Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data. Please check your extension configuration. while i am using memcache and one more thing Save Avatars as Files and Save Attachments as Files also not...
  13. Nirjonadda

    Question Administrator second password

    Hello We have sucessfully transferred our website to new server now get one problem,Administrator second password not work,How to fix is issue ?
  14. E

    Question Guest Caching Exclusion

    I have this mod installed: Limited Guest Viewing -- Motivate Guests to Register - vBulletin.org Forum It basically blocks guests from viewing threads after X views. How can I block the full page guests caching from caching that block message for individuals. I'm thinking I need to add it...
  15. Drahnier

    Bug Xcache bug with VBOptimise, breaks AdminCP

    I get the following issue Warning: xcache_get(): xcache.var_size is either 0 or too small to enable var data caching in [path]/dbtech/vboptimise/includes/operators/xcache.php on line 21 when trying to save any AdminCP page I've looked in said file but line 21 doesn't seem to have a "var_size"...
  16. W

    Question Best Caching?

    It's been a while since I originally set up my caching, but I am always looking to make improvements to my site. I was just curious as to what caching option is "best" for vbulletin/vboptimise? I use xcache right now but I've heard that memcached is supposed to be more effective.
  17. S

    Legacy Caching on other DB Tech Products

    I hope on far future version (maybe vbOptimise 3.0.0 ??), most of your popular products will be cached by vb optimise. It may encourage vb optimise buyers to buy your other products.. Just my suggestion.. :RpS_thumbsup: Note: personally, i am interested with vb credits & vb shop.. but other vb...
  18. S

    Question vbCredits is supported by vb Optimise ?

    I want to buy vbcredits 2, but is its code is cached by vboptimise? :) Because i've tried other products that similar with vbCredits, but they slowed my forum (that has vbOptimise) a lot.. And when i disabled them, my forum went fast again.
  19. IcEWoLF

    Bug CDN wrong path - conflict with CDN integration?

    Unfortunately I am getting a 404 page with my edgecast cdn, I tried to purge cache but it seems it's not working at all :/ WebPagetest Test Details - Dulles : www.47r-squad.com/forum.php - 07/10/12 03:55:39 Showing as: http://edge.47r-squad.com/clientscript/steamprofile/ajax/themes//style.css...
  20. H

    Bug Blank page on forum home

    Hi, A couple of days after installing paid version 2.5 of this mod I noticed the CMS home page of my website was no longer working. Disabling the mod fixed the problem. No other pages were affected that I know... Thanks. Hugh