
  1. A

    Bug Urgent - cdn issue

    Hello, I upgraded my vboptimise from 2.3 to 2.5 ... then I decided to use the CDN ...when I added my CDN using the pull zone type ... it just broke some images of my forum ... all images are like : http://domain.com/cache/cdn.domain.com/images/styles/bgear/style/image.gif instead of...
  2. CharlieDelta

    Bug Blank Page with Error

    Getting this error with a blank page when trying to visit the "forum" page only when vBoptimise is enabled. Warning: require([path]/dbtech/vboptimise_pro/hooks/forumhome_whovisited_prelist.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/forum.php(679) ...
  3. W

    Showing off Dragonbyte MMO, vbNavTabs 4.2, and vbSlider

    I finally relaunched my site with its new theme this past weekend, and though I still have some tweaks to make in response to feedback I'm getting (the font is apparently not showing up correctly for a lot of people, and the font color is apparently a bit hard against the background), I thought...
  4. LissaE

    Bug Products Not Merging

    I have installed this as I have many of your products but it's not merging them into one line :(
  5. D

    Bug AdminCP problem with product enabled

    We are running Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) PHP Version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.14.1 MySQL 5.1.61, XCache 1.3.0 vB 4.2.0 p2 and vBOptimize 2.4.0. The site is running great! However, in the admincp, when I try to configure anything I get nothing but a white page. All vBadmin is frozen My fault: I've...
  6. S

    Bug Error after installing Pro 2.4.0 - Wrong Datatype?

    I just installed the pro version of VBOptimize. I am using FileCache as the method of caching. I believe I have set all the parameters correctly. However when I enable and view my site I get the following errors above the header of my site: Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong...
  7. Nirjonadda

    Bug Branding Free Not working

    Hello My vB Optimise v2.4.0 Branding Free Not working,plese check for fix it !
  8. racersimage

    Bug vB Optimise 2.4 ERROR when clicking on forum link

    When I try to visit a forum link such as http://diecastcrazy.com/community/spin-master/ I get the following error.
  9. Nirjonadda

    Question vB Optimise v2.4.0 Upgrade

    Hello just vb Optimise v2.4.0 Upgraded but i can't access my admin panel and forum error messege? Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class vB_Cache_Observer_vBOptimise in /home/xxx/public_html/vb/cache/vboptimise.php on line 304 how to fix it ?
  10. D

    Bug error after upgrade to 4 2.0

    I can't activate the VbOptimize plugin, it turn all forum to error Fatal error: Class vB_Cache_Observer_vBOptimise contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (vB_Cache_Observer::eventPurge) in...
  11. T

    Legacy CDN Support

    I would very much like to see support for at least one CDN for pictures to be stored on. Currently my small photo site has over 11k images which take up 2.5gb of space. It would be perfect if I could connect the upload mechanism to Amazon S3 (see the beta of vbOptimise) and/or define a prefix...
  12. capecoddah

    Bug vB Optimise text appears twice in footer?

    Is it an intentional decision for the vB Optimise text & copyright to be placed twice in the footer? Is there a way to disable the "vBulletin Optimisation by vB Optimise." text? It just seems unnecessary. Obviously I know I have to display the copyright notice unless I purchase the branding...
  13. Michael Buchanan

    Bug eAccelerator Issue

    I am encountering an issue with eAccelerator. My hosting provider has eAccelerator enabled (verified in phpinfo) but I am receiving the error below when I try to select eAccelerator from the list of 'Opcache Operators'. Is there anything that needs to be done to get this working? This is what my...
  14. R

    Question Trying to configure XCache

    I have XCache installed on the server and its configured in the VBulletin Config.php as $config['Datastore']['class'] = 'vB_Datastore_XCache'; I also have VBSeo installed, which under Cache Type i have these options. None memcached Unsupported APC Cache Unsupported XCache...
  15. Taurus

    Some of your products just don't work on my big forum.

    I am sorry, but honestly, some of your products just does not work on busy forums. I don't know why....maybe you cannot test it on busy forums, or it is based on working on your site here... But really...I have bought almost all of your products, yet on most of them, it will just crash my...
  16. Fillip H.

    Legacy Session Table Offloading

    Popping this here so it gets recorded in the system:
  17. S

    Legacy Guest Full Page Caching Separated by Style

    Here is my problem : i enabled Guest Full Page Caching. I have mobile skin & default skin on my forum. Some guests visit my forum by mobile device, so they get mobile skin, now that mobile skin choice seems cached by vb optimise. Now other guests who visit my forum by PC get mobile skin too. My...
  18. S

    Bug Cache Dismissed Notices Bug

    Bug description : if "Cache Dismissed Notices" is set to "Yes", undismissible notice will have "X" button to ignore the notice (even though it should be undismissible). It has been tested on default vb 4.1.12 installation on my PC. How to reproduce : Create any notice with : active = yes...
  19. KristerSwe

    Question Showing old default signature

    On vBSignature home is still show the old default signature. i have click save and assign the new one. athe new work as assigned but every time i go back to Sig Home is still showing the old default one .. in Current Signature Configuration
  20. R

    Question White screen everywhere, even Admin CP cant change settings.

    There is an issue with the new 4.1.12, which VBulltin are looking in to. They asked me to disable any cache plug in's Well I enabled something which I cant disable. I have a white screen everywhere. Cant change setting in admin CP. The last setting i changed was to do with overload cache, the...