
  1. Taurus

    Bug Who is online page issue.

    Hi there. Why is it that the moment I enable vboptimise my WIO page are randomly only showing like 5 or 6, and then just 2, etc members online? Without vboptimise the 20 members always show.
  2. Erica

    Bug My awards and achievements problem

    Ok so i decided to upgrade from latest 2.1.9 to 3.0.0 beta and on postbit in post the users myself dont see the levels and the rewards and achievement no more how is this possible where did it go can you tell me how it can show again.
  3. Alexi

    Bug forum doesn't work

    Hello, I've just updated my board to vb4.1.8. My problem is: forum doesn't work, and shows me the follow Msg: Fatal error: Class vB_Cache_Observer_vBOptimise contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (vB_Cache_Observer::eventPurge) in...
  4. T

    Question Out of memory class_operator_memcache.php

    I'm getting this error ramdomly throughout the day: PHP Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 227278848) (tried to allocate 4438368 bytes) in /home/site/public_html/vboptimise/core/class_operator_memcache.php on line 66 I assume it is only happening when a large amount of data is being...
  5. S

    Bug Fatal error after upgrading to vBulletin 4.1.8 Beta 1.

    I'm getting the following error, after upgrading to 4.1.8 Beta 1. (Had to disable the mod temporarily.)
  6. B

    Bug Cache suddenly stopped working

    hi, vboptimise is my fav mod and everything was working perfectly until recently. i did not change any of the settings and before coming here i also verified with my host who spent hours trying to figure out what was wrong (they said they didn't change anything on their server side) Some...
  7. T

    Legacy Updates to vboptimise coming anytime soon?

    I know the original programmer of vboptimise is no longer working on the project, but has anyone else on the team taken to providing updates? I'm because there are several things that have changed since the last update, not to mention there are still lots of things that could be added to the...
  8. Freekoid

    Thread Rating

    I noticed over at vb.org that Deceptor had released a modification called profile rating : [AJAX/vBOptimise] vB Profile Ratings 1.0.0 - vBulletin.org Forum which got me to thinking that the thread rating is not used as much and if brought into the open a little would then bring this to the...
  9. M

    Bug Site crashed and down

    getting this error after moving to a dedicated server and websoite no longer accessible. Warning: xcache_set() [function.xcache-set]: xcache.var_size is either 0 or too small to enable var data caching in [path]/vboptimise/core/class_operator_xcache.php on line 50 Need help desperately.
  10. IcEWoLF

    Question on vBOptimise Pro

    I am looking to buy the pro version. Now I currently run a VPS server managed by wiredtree. I will need these extensions to make it work first correct? APC eAccelerator Memcache XCache WinCache Filecache I run litespeed on my server, any suggestions you guys have on...
  11. Reizar

    Bug Can't save settings after installation - Blank pages in Admin Panel

    Hi, After installing the pro version of vBOptimise, I went to configure it. Whenever I try to click save in ANY admin panel page for any setting. It wont save the setting and will just load a blank white page. I uninstalled vBOptimise and then went back to the admin panel. I tried saving an...
  12. MudRacing

    Legacy "Optimal Settings Check" don't change and Opcache Operator setting

    In "Optimal Settings Check" the "Update Thread Views Immediately" and the "Update Attachment Views Immediately" remain red in spite of the change, which may be the problem? To activate VbOptimise, I configured the "Opcache Operator" as Filecache config.php in the config.php and I made...
  13. AnjaC

    Bug Division by zero in [path]/vboptimise/core/class_vboptimise.php

    Hello from Germany, we had this issue this morning: Division by zero in [path]/vboptimise/core/class_vboptimise.php After running flush cache und system test the error isn´t shown further. Any idea what causes this error? Thanks for support. Klaus
  14. H

    Bug Full page guest caching issue

    Hello! I have an issue with the full page guest caching feature. Basically if a bot visits a page any dhtml menus are disabled and thus the page is saved with broken dhtml menus. When the real user visits they see the saved broken page rather than a fully functioning dhtml menu I see if i am...
  15. W

    Bug Weird White screen in places like admincp advertisements and notices

    Hi there! So fun backstory to start with. I'm moving my site over to a new nginx setup. I've managed to configure everything and get it working smoothly, save for one detail. Whenever vbOptimise Pro is on and I go into admincp and try to save an advertisement or notice I get a white screen. It...
  16. Y

    Question Running Test: Fetch Cache

    Hello , i have problem with test system Running Test: Fetch Cache Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data. Please check your extension configuration. what i have to do and what the chmd i must change ?? thanks
  17. J

    Bug Pages not loading if vbadvanced integration activated

    Hi! I'm Gas and I am trying some of your mods, that I find very useful! I run vbulletin + vbseo + vbadvanced. Opcache Operator: xcache. Every system test is ok. Every Optimal Setting Check is ok. Vbadvanced is integrated into every page (it means that on the left there is vbulletin, in the...
  18. shiftdelete

    Question Class 'vb_optimise' not found

    Hi, We have getting PHP Fatal error: Class 'vb_optimise' not found in /var/www/includes/cron/vboptimise.php on line 36 this error on our system. But in admin panel, all checks are looking good... How can we resolve this?
  19. ClutchThese

    Copyright suggestion

    So I have quite a few mods from dragonbyte, and my footer is quite long. Is there any way we can get all the copyright info consolidated? I'd love it to be on a single line with something like: VBOptimise, VBNotifications, VBShop, etc copyright dragonByte technology So it's all on a single...
  20. 9

    Question Disable notificacions

    Hi, Some user from my site ask me how they can disable notifications about Thanks/Likes given/received. Can it be disable? Regards.