
  1. T

    Question How to add more buttons?

    I have downloaded the lite version of the thank you mod and it says: My question is, where do I add them? And can I change the images/text to whatever I like? I had to remove the info from postbit in admin cp as it showns number of blog entries wrong: The wording is perhaps not as it should...
  2. T

    Question Quiz not showing

    I have installed vBQuiz but must have done something wrong. I have uploaded the files to the best of my knowledge and imported the file in admin cp as useall. The vBQuiz turns up fine in the admin cp and I have translated and adjusted through there just like I have edited permissions for the...
  3. S

    Bug Quiz Comments advancing on to Avatar

    You can see it here on this web site Is there anything that can be done to move comments away from going on to the Avatar? Thanks ... ;)
  4. B

    Question AdminCP Menus Missing

    Please help I don't see any admin menus to change the important settings... where/how can i access these menus to change chatbox height etc ive looked all over? I only see one general menu. Note: I use vbadvance, vbdymanics. Vboptimize works perfect with both. vbquiz doesnt work because of...
  5. S

    Question Change Words In Navbar Tag

    As the title says guys, how do i change the word "vBQuiz" to something else? Thanks ... :)
  6. S

    Question Is there anywhere to get the quizzes to import

    Hi On vBQuiz there is an import function, is this to import quizes and if so is there anywhere to get some. thanks
  7. angeljs

    Bug Permissions Error On Access

    For some reason I can't access any quiz page. I keep receiving the error: I've set permissions both in the quiz categories and in the usergroup configuration, but nothing helps. :(
  8. DxtGaming

    Question How to hide vBQuiz from navbar?

    Title say all I feel stupid I can't find the option to don't display it in navbar as other mods :o
  9. kfyonur

    Legacy putting quiz to under the sub categories

    can you put the quiz to under the sub categories
  10. K

    Legacy Scoring Adjustment

    Is there a way to alter the way scores are displayed on the leaderboard?? It is set to percentage now, is there a way we could do it by total points scored?? The percentage basis seems to be a bit off. When you take 1 quiz and get every question right, only registers a score of 50%. After 34...
  11. J

    Bug Database Error Upon Installation

    Greetings First of all I am beginning to get a bit worried. This is the second database error I have encountered with a Dragonbyte product. The first was the removal of a key database table upon uninsallation of vbQuiz reported here...
  12. S

    Question Adding 1st Quiz

    Trying to import old .xml files from inferno doesn't seem to work, thou i have had one success from many attempts? I am trying to add a quiz with Anagrams, so all i want is for members to type in there answer, how do i go about this? Thanks..... ;)
  13. AnjaC

    Bug Missing phrases and menues

    Hello team, we just updated vbquiz to 1.2.2 and now we have missing phrases and menues - please see attachments. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks Klaus
  14. S

    Bug Zip File Corrupt?

    When tyring to extract the files from the zip i get this message: vBQuiz_Pro_v1.2.2_[L.VBQUIZ.3MONTHS.143929BQZLH].zip: The Archive is either in unknown format or damaged I have tried 4 differant downloads,on one of them i got just a file? Also i just downloaded the latest version of...
  15. J

    Bug Serious database error after uninstall of mod

    After not getting much user involvement after install I disabled the mod, then uninstalled it. After a unusually long uninstall process I encountered a database error severe enough to cause my site to be completely unaccessable. I have the installation configured to email the particulars of...
  16. D

    French vBQuiz

    Please find below my translation of vBQuiz 1.2.2 Lite/Pro (Both are available with my translation) ! IMPORTANT ! This archive contains only XML phrases from product, NOT THE PRODUCT HIMSELF. Installation instructions : Go to your AdminCP -> Language & phrases -> Export/Import languages ...
  17. B

    Bug Creation of link

    For some reason, having installed the latest version of vBQuiz, when activating a new quiz no thread or link is being created.
  18. Valcav

    Suggestion: 1 forum with all links to the Manuals/User guides

    Hi, I have a little suggestion... I think there should be 1 forum with all the links to all the available manuals/user guides... My reasons for this suggestion?: No need to post a topic twice with the link to the documentation of the mod (currently once in lite & once in pro forum) I think...
  19. B

    Bug Activate Quiz - Error

    After I set the questions for the latest quiz and clicked the Activate Quiz option, the following error message was displayed: Fatal error: Registry object is not an object in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 205 #0 vb_error_handler(256, Registry object is not an object...
  20. F

    Bug "Add Comment" in firefox v6.0 - No action on Save untill you refresh

    Hi If user is using Firefox v6.0 and try to add a comment and then press save, the comment will not appear until refresh the browser Users will not understand this issue and they keep pressing save, while actually they are double posting. This issue with new version of Firefox v6.0 Please...