
  1. Nirjonadda

    Bug Database Error on Rating View

    I have database error when go to Rating View. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.3 Beta 2: Invalid SQL: UPDATE vbdbtech_vbshop_purchase SET ### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ### `feedbackstatus` = '1' WHERE purchaseid =; MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax...
  2. M

    vBShout Compatibility

    Is there any version of vBShout compatible with 5.1.0?
  3. S

    Question Some questions

    Hello I have just installes the lite version, and If I see that can work fine I am going to purchase the Pro version, But I hace some issues: - How I can to order alphabetically the conditions and the options of the item? - Where I can find the spanish language for Lite and Pro version? Thanks
  4. Bullmama DeLano

    Bug There are no content types

    I initially had the pro version of Live feed installed before the upgrade of 4.2.2 today. Since I did not get an extended license, I could not go with the most recent version available to me, so I had to replace with the lite version 1.2.7 (I had to uninstall so that I could install vb4.2.2...
  5. Morrus

    Legacy Other colours?

    Not high priority or anything - just something that occurred to me. The idea of changing the post background colour based on like thresholds is a great one. The downside to it is that the colour selection is very bright; I'd use it if there were some more subtle tone available! Perhaps in a...
  6. CharlieDelta

    Bug Dependency Error on 4.2.3

    I am testing 4.2.3 on my test site and was trying to install the latest version but am getting this error;
  7. 3v1LD34D

    Xenforo 1.4.x + Dragonbyte MMO theme

    Hi, I've seen this used in the past and its a nice theme, I wanted to use it for my current site but am running a more current version. What's the likelihood of this theme working properly on this version, has it even been tried? Obviously, as any impatient person, I am keen to get it all up...
  8. D

    Question Likes and notifications on the mobile version of vbulletin

    Hello , first I want to introduce myself, I am Dr0g and am currently riding a forum vbulletin version 4.22. Previously I have worked with phpBB forums and had not used this type of forum . I have implemented several hacks / mods such as [ DBTech ] Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3 ( vB4 ) [ AJAX ]...
  9. G

    Thread Ratings Question

    Hi there, I intend to buy the pro version of thread ratings but I need to get the lite version working first. I have created a thread in the support section explaining the problem, could somebody have a look at it please and let me know if I've done something wrong or if it just doesn't work on...
  10. CharlieDelta

    Product Version Auto Deploy

    Is it possible to have the system auto deploy or fill in the product version when submitting a bug report? Or at the very least for pro installations? I can never remember the version number and I have to go look through ALL my DBT products to get it. :)
  11. T

    Link to the change log from client area

    Just one of those annoying little things. Before updating to the latest version I like to see what was changed. This would make it a few clicks easier.
  12. brandonvd

    Bug No list showing up on "My Classifieds"

    I have the same issue here However, I installed already the latest version but no listing showing up? Thanks,
  13. D

    Question Some questions not populating answers

    My forums are closed to unregistered members at this point, if it helps, I can change that or make an account for one of you. But anywho, I am looking into the dbForms plugin and figured I would try the lite version first. I got all the questions set up, but now when I submit a form, it...
  14. K

    Please get Forum Ads Ready for Version 5!!!????

    I have a site that is just DYING for Forum Ads....but I was forced to upgrade to vBulletin 5 (long story, don't ask)!!! So....I need FORUM ADS BADLY for version it at all being considered? Is it close? Is it even on the horizon? Please let me know so I know how to proceed!!! Thanks...
  15. Nirjonadda

    Question Outdated Products in Admin CP

    I get Outdated Products in Admin CP about vBShop Version? I does not found any change log about Latest Version: 3.2.0b1 Installed Version: 3.1.1pl1 - Latest Version: 3.2.0b1
  16. Force

    Bug Cache Status Offline

    I installed the new version 1.1.7 see screenshot below
  17. bzcomputers

    Bug New update not altering "user" table, causing db error when downloading any file

    New update not altering "user" table, causing db error when downloading any file Noticed I was getting lots of db errors for unknown column after the update released tonight (2.3.0). Found the install/230.php file was suppose to alter the database but after importing the xml multiple times the...
  18. silpher123

    Bug Redirect Loop

    When I upgraded to any version from 1.1.2 up to 1.1.5, Redirect Loop error occurs for guest users in threads. Logged users are not affected. For now i'm using version 1.1.1, it's working good.
  19. M

    Bug problem with Live Feed Lite

    The product working well on vb version 4.2.0 but on vb version 4.2.2 share butto or post doesn't work or add anything that added to the wall
  20. I

    Purchase Upgrades

    General questions regarding all DB Tech products. 1. Do all paid versions include branding-free (remove the links from footer)? 2. When buying a 3-month or 1-year license to try one or more pro version mods, and then later upgrading to lifetime, can the original purchase be credited towards...