
  1. H

    Legacy How i can add the final score to a vb widget?

    Hey Dylan, i like to know how it is possible to add the scores from a Thread to a recent threads widget ? If i get the thread i think it must be posible to get the score too? I hope you can help me. Mutch thanks!!
  2. HowardE

    Live Feed Mod for specific forums?

    I would be interested in having the live feed be able to be selective for a specific sub-forum, and then the forum feed could be called by another website from an iframe or some kind of script. Like if someone had a product support forum on my forum, and they wanted their live feed to be...
  3. Earl Morningstarr

    Legacy CMS widget

    This modification is exactly what I've been after for ages, I don't know how the hell I managed to miss it on vBulletin.org so many times. Well, I've just discovered it, and I've just started using this blinkety-blimey vBCMS and would love to know how to get this modification running in a...
  4. T

    Question Customization

    Hellow, first of all thank you for your great work. I really enjoy many of your great products. My question about customization is this: I tryed alot to get my slider like this: But i dont know where and how to change the css styles... The hover just should move from the right to the left...
  5. LuDawgs

    Bug Host Keeps Blocking My Site

    Hey, guys. For the past day, my host has been shutting off my account and taking my site offline. I think this is due to the number of connections that are running and I'm exceeding server load. Do you know if this has ever been a problem in the past? My site is relatively small with only...
  6. T

    Bug XHTML Validation Errors with Slider

    My homepage now has 6 errors after the slider was installed. Some are stupid ones like missing ALT tags for the images. But where can I fix these errors??
  7. djFarsang

    Bug failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 503

    Warning: getimagesize(http://www.baanfarsang.com/attachments/1162-02-08-2554-00-38-33.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable in [path]/dbtech/vbslider/actions/widget.php on line 398 Warning...
  8. webrunner

    Bug Score not submitting correctly

    Hi, Somtehing strange happens when i submit a score. Inside the game frame i see the full forum index page for a seconf and then it redirects me to the correct page where i can add a comment to the score. But the score hasn't changed. F.i. my last score was 80 and this time i scored 210. The...
  9. GoodApples

    Bug Lost CMS Slider

    Upgraded to 2.0.0 and the CMS Slider is not being displayed?
  10. cykelmyggen

    Forum Live Feed & User Wall - for vBCMS?

    Hi Is it possible to run Forum Live Feed & User Wall on vBCMS as widget or is it only for Forum Block?
  11. Markus79

    Legacy Live Feed & User Wall Sideblock

    Hey, at first time let me say, that this is a great Addon. I have some suggestion for this addon. Statusupdate from forumhome. I saw in the template dbtech_livewall_block_entries and put the textarea in the block template. It works fine and user use that but they don't want look everytime to...
  12. Markus79

    Live Feed & User Wall Sideblock

    Hey, at first time let me say, that this is a great Addon. I have some suggestion for this addon. Statusupdate from forumhome. I saw in the template dbtech_livewall_block_entries and put the textarea in the block template. It works fine and user use that but they don't want look everytime to...
  13. GoodApples

    Legacy 3 Select Tab and Sideblock

    Similar to this request Friends Feed add a 3 select tab widget/block much like the vb Blog and also a regular sideblock. Could be used for info, images or ads etc.
  14. djFarsang

    Bug VBSlider not rewrite CMS URLs following VBSEO setting

    I have same problem of this thread. I have been setting of VBSEO as example: - CMS Entry: content/entry[entry_id].html - CMS Section: content/section/[section_id].html - CMS Section Articles List content/section/[section_id].html But VBSlider not rewrite CMS URLs following VBSEO setting...
  15. G

    Bug vBSEO links with vBslider

    HI Guys. Im having a problem with vbslider when its relating to threads. I understand there was a problem after reading a couple of threads.. (widget.php) but couldnt find the fix for myself. My slider you can find here at the end of forums. Minelab Owners Forums Here is an example of how...
  16. S

    Suggest Blog enhancement hack

    The VB Blog is so lame. I think there is a market for a Blog enhancement hack: Making blog layout modular; better Blog design (template, color, the use of widget...); creating sub page for Blog (akin to a mini web page)....
  17. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug getimagesize issues with Slider version 1.07

    I just updated Slider on my website and been getting this error all of a sudden wasn't there before... Warning: getimagesize(http://xbox360media.ign.com/xbox360/image/object/142/14235014/masseffect3_120310_176.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: A connection attempt failed...
  18. San

    Question slider on vbadvanced

    How do I place, slider on vbadvanced.
  19. GoodApples


    vBTicker There are hints of this everywhere and I thought I would get the ball rolling. We are all thinking it...:D I also mentioned something a few times here and there. Example: vBTicker|Addons Let's face it this is a product all on it's own. vBTicker Displays a ticker live-stream of...
  20. B

    Bug Slider does not use Default image paths listed

    Just upgraded from v.1.0.4 to 1.0.6 and now even though I've set a custom default image to show for a post without an image, it will only show the DragonByte image. I have since removed the image from the DBTech folder on my site so all sliders without an image are blank. It won't recognize the...