
  1. B

    Bug Clicking CMS links on slider turns up 404 page

    For some reason, the slider is creating URL links that are missing a portion of the path. Ex: Article is located here: http://www.theknifefight.com/site/content.php/271-This-Week-on-DVD-Oh-the-Horror-edition But link you click on through slider is...
  2. W

    Slider and NavTabs questions

    Hey all, long time customer, even longer time forum poster. As usual, right when I am scouring the net to find solutions for new things for my site, dbTech has already solved them for me. I've got just a couple questions before I go buy lifetime purchases for the slider and navtabs. 1- vbSlider...
  3. savraot

    Bug 1.0.4 Update Issue

    After Update to 1.0.4 CMS Links to Articles doesen't work (CMS Widget), refresh/jump only to Start Page. Forum Links works fine, Blog Categorys in ACP not visible only Uncategorized visible.
  4. kfyonur

    Question changing the read more word

    how can i change the Read More
  5. KristerSwe

    Question [Phrase] Hardcoded ??

    Tried to change the *Read More* but dont find it. not sure if its hardcoded or not or i have miss something
  6. bszopi

    Bug Link to Blog incorrect

    This is just a thread to let people know about an existing issue that will be fixed soon (will most likely end up being v1.0.3 :(), but if you want to fix it prior to that, you can. In the file {forum}/dbtech/vbslider/actions/widget.php, on or around line 253, find: 'url' =>...
  7. angus

    Bug Link to CMS incorrect with vBSeo

    Just a note: The Link to a CMS page is incorrect when using vBSEO because of a static code in widget.php. The code should be dynamic. Static code for CMS links: $static .='<a href="http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f123/content.php/' . $row[$i]['nodeid'] . '-' . $row[$i]['url'] . '"> working...
  8. angus

    Bug Since 1.0.2 the forum selection does not work

    After updating to version 1.0.2 there is a problem with the forum select option with the forum slider. I selected two spezific forums to display threads and set the latest threads quantity to 5. But instead of showing 5 threads from the selected ones, 5 latest threads from all forums are...
  9. GoodApples

    Question Articles from CMS

    Have a little problem getting Articles from CMS showing. Anyone have them showing? I can pull forum and custom. I am looking to have CMS Articles and Custom on the CMS
  10. KristerSwe

    Bug [All Mixed] Terrible wrong

    Forum Settings shows cms articles settings ??????????? CMS Settings shows wrong things too shows forums instead of article categories???????
  11. KristerSwe

    Bug Dont get the forum thread to show up

    bszopi‎ Dont get the forum thread to show up, have try all kind of settings, CMS Slider not even show up Forum Slider is empty Have try disable jquery as well ... not sure if i have miss something here ?
  12. H

    Bug With "Switch Display Type = off" he only show the Expanded Layout.

    Hey, if i try to set the "switch display mode" to off its only have the efect in the expandet Layout. my Settings the results after save the settings and reload the website the results after klick expand (i think i disable that) the settings work after klick expand. so its not...
  13. savraot

    Bug Forum Widget breaks my Style after Update to 2.0.2

    After APTL Update from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 the Forum Widget breaks my Style. Is this a Bug or Stylevar changes for upcomming vb 4.1.8? With 2.0.1 there was all O.K with the Widget.
  14. W

    Better Archive

    My request is simple: A better archive system that includes CMS. Here's what I'd like to see: Forward and Back buttons to let you go back one page's worth of CMS articles A better forum/cms block/widget that lets you load cms posts by month, year, week, or day, and lets you differentiate by...
  15. T

    Bug Odd Behaviors / Questions on Functionality

    Both myself and several site members have noticed some odd behavior with the "Random Questions" mod, since installing it a few days ago. They are: 1. When selecting, "Specific Member" from the drop-down list in the navbar, the search box appears as expected - but when you enter a name...
  16. Taurus

    Ajax thread suggestion/question

    I have been looking at your new Ajax thread mod, and it looks great. I just have a suggestion/question. Is it possible to somehow add something that will show members when a topic is 'hot'? So they can jump in and join the conversation. Something like a small blinking 'hot' icon wherever a...
  17. GoodApples

    Legacy Widget for live threads

    It would be awesome to see a widget for the live threads showing 5 or 6 at one time (news feed) maybe add Thanks and likes all your friends activity...etc... into the mix.
  18. Darkwaltz4

    Legacy Task: Scores Management

    So, hopefully you guys have used your arcades enough to build up some scores. Now, I'd like to hear what you guys have in mind for what to do with them, from a management perspective. Rules: I dont want to hear about changing the direction of scoring (game editor) or disabling scoring...
  19. N

    Legacy Subscribe Form

    There should be functionality to add a subscribe form (for external mailing lists) that would be easily added to a widget on the CMS.
  20. OlijO

    Legacy Widget Subscribe newsletter

    Hi, Just install vBMail to my site. Make test with IMAP and work like a charme. I would like to add a widget for user who want to be informed about news from site. Require defaut mailing list to assign to the widget (i suppose) And make the widget for forum/CMS Is it possible, like it's very...