Question 4.2 Navigation Manager Entry

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Former Developer
Here are instructions on how to manually add a navigation manager entry for a new review instance

In Navigation Manager click Add Tab

Product: DragonByte Tech: Review (Pro)
Title: Your Nav Name
Target URL: dbtreview.php?ri=<your review instance short name>
Active: Yes
Display Order: 50 (or whatever you want for order)
Show Permission Name: <your review instance short name>_view
Append 'tabid' to URL: No
Tab Script(s): dbtech_review

Notice the show permission name. The main tab has the show permission name of <your review shortname>_view. Replace <your review shortname> with the shortname of your instance. So if you have a gaming review instance and the short name is gaming, the target url will be dbtreview.php?ri=gaming and the show permission name will be gaming_review

Now for the sub nav

On the Edit dropdown for the Review nav link, select Add Link

Title: Main Page
Target URL: dbtreview.php?ri=<your review instance short name>&do=main
Active: Yes
Display Order: 10
Show Permission Name: <your review instance short name>_view

Notice the same permission and ri=

Now repeat it for the add review link

Title: Add Review
Target URL: dbtreview.php?ri=<your review instance short name>&do=add_review
Active: Yes
Display Order: 20
Show Permission Name: <your review instance short name>_add
The only problem I foresee is being unable to have multiple sub navs when you create a menu tab for multiple review instances. To my knowledge the navigation manager does not allow for sublinks with menu tabs unless I am wrong and I hope I am.
No, you are adding 2 links to the main nav link, you aren't creating a sub to a sub
I didn't explain myself very well, sorry.

Nav space is high priced real estate so to reduce space if I have multiple review pages I will create a drop down tab (menu). Each tab (link) in the drop down can not have their own sub links (sub navs) as far as I know.
drop down.webp
I didn't explain myself very well, sorry.

Nav space is high priced real estate so to reduce space if I have multiple review pages I will create a drop down tab (menu). Each tab (link) in the drop down can not have their own sub links (sub navs) as far as I know.
View attachment 4561

I see what you mean, not sure how you would get around that. You'd have that problem with anything that has instances and sub nav links. Why not put two on the bottom navbar you have? I noticed you have an extra review nav tab down there.
I have a few buttons because I was trying different scenarios.

One option would be, is to have an "Add Review" button on the review page itself. I think most people would use it anyway rather than the "main page" link.
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