I'd like to see vb optimize have as many features as W3 Total Cache for Wordpress. Check out the features it has (there is a huge fricken list in the wordpress admin panel after you install this thing :eek: )


    At least 10x improvement in site performance (when fully configured: Grade A in YSlow or great Google Page Speed Improvements)
    “Instant” second page views (browser caching after first page view)
    Reduced page load time: increased visitor time on site (visitors view more pages)
    Optimized progressive render (pages appear to load instantly)
    Improved web server performance (easily sustain high traffic spikes)
    Up to 80% Bandwidth savings via Minify and HTTP compression of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and RSS feeds


    Compatible with shared hosting, virtual private servers and dedicated servers / clusters
    Transparent content delivery network (CDN) integration with Media Library, theme files and WordPress itself
    Caching of (minified and compressed) pages and posts in memory or on disk
    Caching of (minified and compressed) CSS and JavaScript in memory, on disk or on CDN
    Caching of RSS (comments, page and site) feeds in memory or on disk
    Caching of search results pages (i.e. URIs with query string variables) in memory or on disk
    Caching of database objects in memory
    Minification of posts and pages and RSS feeds
    Minification (combine and remove comments / white space) of inline, embedded or 3rd party JavaScript (with automated updates)
    Minification (combine and remove comments / white space) of inline, embedded or 3rd party CSS (with automated updates)
    Browser caching of CSS, JavaScript and HTML using future expire headers and entity tags (ETag)
    JavaScript grouping by template (home page, post page etc) with embed location management
    Non-blocking JavaScript embedding
    Import post attachments directly into the Media Library (and CDN)

Easily improve the user experience for your readers without having to change WordPress, your theme, your plugins or how you produce your content.

Did I mention it can cache queries and combine+minify javascript and css? w3tc.webp

My wordpress speed shot straight up after I installed this
and I've been wondering... why isn't there something similar for forum platforms yet? (vbulletin, invision, phpbb, mybb, xenforo, smf etc).

From their faq:

Why does speed matter?

Speed is among the most significant success factors web sites face. In fact, your site's speed directly affects your income (revenue) — it's a fact. Some high traffic sites conducted research and uncovered the following:

Google.com: +500 ms (speed decrease) -> -20% traffic loss [1]
Yahoo.com: +400 ms (speed decrease) -> -5-9% full-page traffic loss (visitor left before the page finished loading) [2]
Amazon.com: +100 ms (speed decrease) -> -1% sales loss [1]

A thousandth of a second is not a long time, yet the impact is quite significant. Even if you're not a large company (or just hope to become one), a loss is still a loss. However, there is a solution to this problem, take advantage.

Search engines like Google, measure and factor in the speed of web sites in their ranking algorithm. When they recommend a site they want to make sure users find what they're looking for quickly. So in effect you and Google should have the same objective.

Here are all the options that I'll try to list:

Page Cache

Don't cache pages for logged in users
Users that have signed in to WordPress (e.g. administrators) will never view cached pages if enabled.

Cache home page
For many blogs this is your most visited page, it is recommended that you cache it.

Cache feeds: site, categories, tags, comments
Even if using a feed proxy service (like FeedBurner), enabling this option is still recommended.

Cache URIs with query string variables
Search result (and similar) pages will be cached if enabled.

Cache 404 (not found) pages
Reduce server load by caching 404 pages. The "Do not process 404 errors for static objects with WordPress" Browser Cache option is also recommended.

Browser Cache: Tickable options for: General, CSS & JS, HTML, Media and Other files

Specify global browser cache policy.
Set expires header

Set the expires header to encourage browser caching of files.
Set cache control header

Set pragma and cache-control headers to encourage browser caching of files.
Set entity tag (eTag)

Set the Etag header to encourage browser caching of files.
Set W3 Total Cache header

Set this header to assist in identifying optimized files.
Enable HTTP (gzip) compression

Reduce the download time for text-based files.
Prevent caching of objects after settings change

Whenever settings are changed, a new query string will be generated and appended to objects allowing the new policy to be applied.
Do not process 404 errors for static objects with WordPress

Reduce server load by allowing the web server to handle 404 (not found) errors for static files (images etc).

CDN Support:

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I would Gladly purchase vboptimized and recommend it if it had feature set similar to wordpress total cache. For now though, I don't even use vboptimize anymore. I solely use vb supercharged instead.

Here's how much response it recieved btw:

[h=3]Press: Mentions, Tutorials & Reviews[/h] June 2011:

May 2011:

April 2011:

March 2011:

February 2011:

January 2011:

December 2010:

November 2010:

October 2010:

September 2010:

August 2010:

July 2010:

June 2010:

May 2010:

April 2010:

March 2010:

February 2010:

January 2010:

December 2009:

November 2009:

October 2009:

September 2009:

August 2009:

July 2009:

[h=3]Who do I thank for all of this?[/h] It's quite difficult to recall all of the innovators that have shared their thoughts, code and experiences in the blogosphere over the years, but here are some names to get you started:

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Wow that's alot of info my friend, gonna take some time to go through it, but like I said Fillip H. or Cosmic will have to answer this
The big reason vbo doesn't do js caching etc is it breaks a LOT of vBulletin modifications (see vbsupercharged support threads for example ;) ).

I only had a quick look at your posts but several are already available in vBO pro (separate caching options for logged in users vs guests, CDN etc).

Caching for a forum is *very* different from a wordpress page, due to the huge variety of mods forums can run.

Yeah that's true but what about the options listed in the first pic? Combine only and options on where to move the combined files... don't touch line breaks & preserve comments. I know they're against obfuscation as well.
Yeah that's true but what about the options listed in the first pic? Combine only and options on where to move the combined files... don't touch line breaks & preserve comments. I know they're against obfuscation as well.

I've not looked at it in much detail but i'll have a proper read at it tomorrow to see what parts are suitable for vBO (which aims to reduce queries in any way *except* those which will cause problems if the user installs mods etc). From there i'll make a list which will get looked at in more detail when the next update is being planned =)

In that case, you may want to install a test wordpress blog (easy with Fantastico De Luxe) just so you can check out all the features in detail. The faq included is pretty lenghty too.
So Cosmic I suspect you had enough time for a test wordpress install & check out the plugin in detail. So what do you think about some of the stuff in it like

Set expires header
Expires header lifetime: 31536000 seconds
Set entity tag (eTag)
Set W3 Total Cache header Set this header to assist in identifying optimized files.
Prevent caching of objects after settings change Whenever settings are changed, a new query string will be generated and appended to objects allowing the new policy to be applied.

And even more advanced caching options such as

Cache Control policy:

cache with validation ("public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate")
cache without proxy ("private, must-revalidate")
cache with max-age ("max-age=EXPIRES_SECONDS, public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate")
no-cache ("max-age=0, private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate")

And you get that same menu for:
Media & Other Files

And that's not even breaking the ice. You'll see more options per tab in the wp admin menu :P
We haven't set up any test WP installs, no :)

Such things will be done when we're actually planning out the next version, which hasn't happened yet :)

You have to make sure you allow the Beta of the Vbo. The aggressive caching system would have been a dream.

I didn’t realize how amazing Vbo is until I was playing around with the settings.

Varnish does guest caching but I couldn’t get it to work. So I searched out and VBO had guest caching. Turned it on and my times went from 4.1 on first view and 1.2 on second view to 3.8/.8. I was like O.O. The aggressive caching option by Deceptor would have been an amazing feature. BRING HIM BACK. O.Q

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