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Trevor Overman

New member
In vBCredits, is there anyway to create a click-able button that would transfer a certain amount of credits from one user to another? Would there be anyway to integrate this into bbcode?

Also, is there a way to give the user a notification when he/she receives these credits?

For example,

*Post about selling something etc*
click-able buy button

I know about the donate feature, but what I'm trying to create is a click-able button that transfers credit to the other user, sends a notification, and closes the thread/ adds a sold tag to the title.

If this is in anyway possible, it'd be awesome if I or someone else could create it.:cool:
In the pro version comes the Charge tags, where users hide text within them and set a price. Users who want to view the contents click a button to reveal it, transferring credits between the users (and like all pro events, can have an alert).

[charge=1]like this[/charge]

The only difference is it wont restrict usage to just once (so the seller would have to be careful about "accepting" too many without editing the tags out of his post in time), and it wont affect the thread open/close or prefix. But the important part is there :p

Alternatively, look into dbtech's vbshop - I hear it has user shops now, if a user marketplace is what you're looking for.

Otherwise, that isn't something you'd be able to do without supporting plugin code, but I've helped people accomplish on their own using the vBCredits II API:
Thanks for the input! So, using the functions that you posted in the link, one would be able to create a single click button that the reciever of the credits could either accept or deny? I'm moderatly experienced with php, but I've never worked with vB plugins extensively.

Just a side note, are you still looking into xenforo? I saw your posts over on the site. What I'm looking to create is a forum with xenforo running xfcredits II delux pro and have the ability to mandate an asking price that would put a mandatory button in the bottom right corner of the first post. One can dream right? hahah..
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The code looks like [charge=#]text[/charge] - the owner of the post gets the credits automatically upon someone clicking it (no accept/deny - but they could always donate it back if they really wanted to)
If you want to brave something using vbcredits, look at the API i posted above, and feel free to ask questions about it in that thread.

About xenforo - i basically staked the name xfcredits for when i do actually get something good for it :p currently nothing cooking yet, im working on something else right now. The plan is it would be functionally identical to vbc2d of course.
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