Bug Cookie Control triggers Avast to block website

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I received complaints from some users that use Avast that they can not access site. After some investigation, Avast was "culprit". I contacted Avast, they said that site links xb11766 com/ctrd/click (made link not working that you avoid potential problems, just in case.

I don't have links on my site to this particular link, but they said it is in page source.

And I found it in code, related to cookie control:

<script type="text/javascript">
var cookieControl = {
	prefix: 'bb_',
	knownCookies: {"2MddsJsnd3dum_sync_done":{"name":"2MddsJsnd3dum_sync_done","value":"1","classification":"unclassified","purpose":null,"expiry":"permanent","type":"html"},"3e1dd89fdfa706ed2e69a8eccf98cab048d7b661.session":{"name":"3e1dd89fdfa706ed2e69a8eccf98cab048d7b661.session","value":"{\"id\":\"7844e4bf-4b02-4b94-8aca-7de1c3e9f9f3\",\"evoke\":\"back\",\"termsType\":0,\"action\":1,\"firstHistory\":12,\"firstUrl\":\"https:\/\/slobodni.net\/t122070\",\"firstReferrer\":\"https:\/\/www.bing.com\",\"actionUrl\":\"https:\/\/www.tr563.com\/InterYield\/rd.do?affiliate=rzbkmax&subid=9638_1001_de&adCountIntervalHours=24&maxAdCountsPerInterval=6&snoozeMinutes=3&



Looking at that, I see it is cookie I see in ACP as 3e1dd89fdfa706ed2e69a8eccf98cab048d7b661.session

Is there a way that I can delete this cookie? I don't know how this cookie got there. Also, I tried to reclassify cookies, it didn't worked. :(

I'd like to be able to block certain cookies. My site don't use this ad service. I really can't get idea how this particular cookie got associated with my site. But it now triggers Avast.

Is there a way that you can disable cookies like this, that provoke antivirus software? That you don't list all cookies at footer?

I see your site don't have this particular cookie in footer, but my does when I have cookie control enabled and this is a big problem for me.

Anyway, for the moment I have to disable Cookie Control and see what solution you could come up. For me, best way would be that this "known cookies" aren't in the footer, to avoid triggering antivirus software (it also may trigger some other antivirus software also in the future, or even now).

Please, help, I'd like to use your solution, but at the moment I really can't do this.
Is there a way that I could block certain cookies?

I don't know how this cookie get there, but it probably could get there again.

The best solution would be if you could prevent these cookies from appearing in footer. As this makes offending code appear on every page of website. And this is a big problem for any site that uses your mod.

In a way it I was lucky to found out about this.
This is really a huge oversight on Avast's part, there is absolutely no reason why they aggressively block things like that.

Injecting the cookie definitions in the footer is a necessary inclusion for all the features of the mod to work as intended, unfortunately :(
I really don't know why they do this, but people who use Avast and possibly other antivirus or antimalware software can't access site. For them, site is completely blocked. Lucky for me, I have a topic that is pretty interesting to relatively small niche of people, so I received info that they can't access site with Avast on.

For many people, they would just go elsewhere.

I agree with you that this isn't fair and prudent from Avast to do something like this, but they do it. And worst thing is, this particular cookie doesn't come from my site directly, maybe indirectly, I don't know, but there always can be more cookies like this, that would block site for people with antivirus software.

If you can, please find different way to provide same functionality, at the moment I must use other solution for EU cookie law. There also may be other sites suffering from same problem, even if they don't know it.
I reported them that people have problem accessing my site with Avast. They said that I link site they consider problematic. I don't know that site, can't tell if it is, or isn't problematic. It may really be something of a problem. I don't know.
Hello Alan_SP,

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Legacy Cookie Control

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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