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Former Developer
Kept here will be the actual arcade beta packages for download. A new revision will be posted as new posts to this thread.

This work is to be treated as any license would - it is non transferrable and non-distributable. Do not leak.

Currently, only vb4 is supported. Installing vBArcade will prevent any existing arcade from working properly (though you should keep it installed for a bit if you want to import from it).

See last post in this thread for latest revision.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted. does have game feeds for autoinstall, but they only allow narrowing by category (not keywords, authors, and most importantly, gamersafe enabled). im hoping the site admins for them respond to me at some point before i work on a more painful workaround, which would otherwise appear in an upcoming beta, but i figured you guys can play with the games anyway.
New revision 15 - important import fixes!

my untar had some bugs, plus now it runs checksums to omit broken tars, clears away invalid temp folders, and imports the subfolders some games have.
New revision 16 - pnflash games were broken!

Lots of scoring stuff improved in this one. pnflash games should now work, but before you upgrade, remove the htaccess stuff from vbarcade so the installer will generate you a new one.
vba now supports decimal rounding of scores / time based scores for games that DO give scores that are times. also fixed gamersafe (anyone tried those out yet? :D)
also show a count of the games in the arcade, as well as being able to turn that whole thing off and save two queries.
New revision 17 - tweaks, fixes, and more!

I finally implemented the related game feature.
Both v3a and ipa will allow you to import old scores and equivalent settings in addition to the games.
count/alert when selecting multiple things like during import

bunch of stuff fixed... stop recount during upgrade, several css and javascript fixes, other misc things.

LOTS of template edits. make sure you reverted! (and apparently double check even if you think you didnt edit anyting)
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Legacy vBArcade

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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